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This is the official repository for the paper Style Transfer for Co-Speech Gesture Animation: A Multi-Speaker Conditional Mixture Approach

Chaitanya Ahuja, Dong Won Lee, Yukiko Nakano, Louis-Philippe Morency - ECCV2020

License: MIT

Links: Paper, Demo+Project Website, Dataset Website


  title={Style Transfer for Co-Speech Gesture Animation: A Multi-Speaker Conditional-Mixture Approach},
  author={Ahuja, Chaitanya and Lee, Dong Won and Nakano, Yukiko I and Morency, Louis-Philippe},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},



This repo has information on the training code and pre-trained models.

For the dataset, we refer you to:

For the purposes of this repository, we assume that the dataset is downloaded to ../data/

This repo is divided into the following sections:

This is followed by additional informational sections:


As the project website is also hosted on this repository, clone only the master branch,

git clone -b master --single-branch

Set up Environment

  • pycasper
cd mix-stage
mkdir ../pycasper
git clone ../pycasper

cd src
ln -s ../../pycasper/pycasper .  ## create a symlink
  • Create an anaconda or a virtual enviroment and activate it
pip install -r requirements.txt


To train a model from scratch, run the following script after chaging directory to src,

python \
 -cpk JointLateClusterSoftStyle4_G \ ## checkpoint name which is a part of experiment file PREFIX
 -exp 1 \ ## creates a unique experiment number
 -path2data ../data ## path to data files
 -speaker '["corden", "lec_cosmic", "ytch_prof", "oliver"]' \ ## List of speakers
 -model JointLateClusterSoftStyle4_G \ ## Name of the model
 -modelKwargs '{"lambda_id": 0.1, "argmax": 1, "some_grad_flag": 1, "train_only": 1}' \ ## List of extra arguments to instantiate an object of the model
 -note mix-stage \ ## unique identifier for the model to group results
 -save_dir save/mix-stage \ ## save directory
 -modalities '["pose/normalize", "audio/log_mel_400"]' \ ## all modalities as a list. output modality first, then input modalities
 -fs_new '[15, 15]' \ ## frame rate of each modality
 -input_modalities '["audio/log_mel_400"]' \ ## List of input modalities
 -output_modalities '["pose/normalize"]' \ ## List of output modalities
 -gan 1 \ ## Flag to train with a discriminator on the output
 -loss L1Loss \ ## Choice of loss function. Any loss function torch.nn.* will work here
 -window_hop 5 \ ## Hop size of the window for the dataloader
 -render 0 \ ## flag to render. Default 0
 -batch_size 16 \ ## batch size
 -num_epochs 20 \ ## total number of epochs
 -overfit 0 \ ## flag to overfit (for debugging)
 -early_stopping 0 \ ## flag to perform early stopping 
 -dev_key dev_spatialNorm \ ## metric used to choose the best model
 -num_clusters 8 \ ## number of clusters in the Conditional Mix-GAN
 -feats '["pose", "velocity", "speed"]' \ ## Festures used to make the clusters
 -style_iters 3000 \ ## Number of training iterations per epoch
 -num_iters 3000 ## Maximum number of validation iterations per epoch

Scripts for training models in the paper can be found as follows,


Inference for quantitative evaluation

python \
-load <path2weights> \ ## path to PREFIX_weights.p file
-path2data ../data ## path to data

Sampling gestures with many-to-many style transfers

python \
-load <path2weights> \ ## path to PREFIX_weights.p file
-sample_all_styles 20 \ ## if value > 0, samples `value` number of intervals in all styles (= number of speakers)
-path2data ../data ## path to data

Pre-trained models (UPDATE : March 17, 2021)

Download pretrained models and unzip them in the src folder.

cd mix-stage/src
wget -O

Once you unzip them, all the pretrained models can be found in the save/pretrained_models. For the multi-speaker scenario in Table 1 and part of Table 2 of the paper, look look for the weights in save/pretrained_models/multi-speaker. For the attribute level training, look for the weights in save/pretrained_models/attribute.

An example of sampling gesture animations from a pretrained model:

python \
-load save/pretrained_models/multi-speaker/exp_3659_cpk_JointLateClusterSoftStyle4_G_speaker_\[\'corden\',\ \'lec_cosmic\'\]_model_JointLateClusterSoftStyle4_G_note_s2g_gst_mixgan15_weights.p \
-path2data ../data

We also release a script to extract the reported results from the pretrained models in eccv2020-results.ipynb which requires the latest version of pycasper.


python \
-render 20 \ ## number of intervals to render
-load <path2weights> \ ## path to PREFIX_weights.p file
-render_text 0 ## if 1, render text on the video as well.
-path2data ../data ## path to data

Experiment Files

Every experiment multiple files with the same PREFIX:

Training files

  • PREFIX_args.args - arguments stored as a dictionary
  • PREFIX_res.json - results for every epoch
  • PREFIX_weights.p - weights of the best model
  • PREFIX_log.log - log file
  • - name file to restore value of PREFIX

Inference files

  • PREFIX/ - directory containing sampled h5 files and eventually renders
  • PREFIX_cummMetrics.json - metrics extimated at inference
  • PREFIX_metrics.json - metrics estimated at inference for every style transfer separately
  • PREFIX_style.pkl - style space conditioned gesture regions to compute t-SNE plots
  • PREFIX_histogram.json - Histogram of each generator in conditional Mix-GAN giving an idea about which set of generators were important for which style.

Inception Score for pose sequences

To measure inception scores for pose sequences (or gestures), we refer you to the class InceptionScoreStyle

Other cool stuff

If you enjoyed this work, I would recommend the following projects which study different axes of nonverbal grounding,

Other Repositories

To run speech2gesture baseline on Windows checkout jgai284's repository. They have worked out some of the kinks and pitfalls so that you may not have to.


All research has a tag of work in progress. If you find any issues with this code, feel free to raise issues or pull requests (even better) and I will get to it as soon as humanly possible.