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Releases: cert-manager/cert-manager


10 Aug 10:41
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This is a bugfix release for the v0.4 release series.

It fixes a number of issues relating to the ACME Issuer. Notably, it fixes a bug that could cause ACME orders to be handled when they are in the 'valid' state (i.e. already issued).

It is advised all users of the v0.4 series upgrade to v0.4.1 as soon as possible.

  • Don't bundle the CA certificate when using the self signed issuer (#811, @munnerz)
  • Add renew-before-expiry-duration option to configure how long before expiration a certificate should be attempted to be renewed (#801, @munnerz)
  • Fix issue that could cause Certificates to fail re-issuance if triggered before certificate expiry (#800, @munnerz)
  • Fix a race that could cause ACME orders to fail despite them being in a 'valid' state (#764, @munnerz)
  • Fixed Route53 cleanup errors for already deleted records. (#746, @euank)
  • Fix cleanup of Google Cloud DNS hosted zone for dns-01 challenge records (#754, @kragniz)


12 Jul 17:30
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This is the next feature release of cert-manager, containing a number of additions
that have been in the works for a while now.

As you will notice from the release notes below, we are seeing a lot more community
contributions to the project which is brilliant! 😄

A massive thank you to everyone involved in making this release a reality.

We have moved to a more regular minor-release schedule, and aim to cut new feature
releases monthly. That means the next minor release (v0.5) is scheduled for
around the 11th August.


Resource validation for Issuers, ClusterIssuers and Certificates

A common pain point for users has been around submitting invalid resources to the
API, which cannot be handled or processed.

Other Kubernetes API types handle this well by applying 'validation' before the
resource is persisted or operated upon, and up until now we have not supported this.

When submitting your resources to the Kubernetes apiserver, they will now be validated
and if invalid, cert-manager will inform you of why and how they are invalid and
suspend processing of that resource.

In the next release, this validation will be turned into a 'ValidatingWebhookConfiguration'
which will allow us to prevent these resources being persisted into the API in
the first place, similar to all other Kubernetes resource types.

Due to some limitations with the current release of Helm, we have been unable to
support this webhook operation mode in the v0.4 release of cert-manager.
However, releasing validation this way allows us to pilot the new validation rules
we have in place and it allows you to get started with it immediately!

Added reference documentation for API types

Regularly, users ask us "what can I specify on my resources". In the past, we have
had to recommend users check out our source code (namely types.go) in order to
find out what can and cannot be specified.

Digging through source code is no longer required! As part of our documentation
publishing process, we now generate reference API documentation (similar to the
upstream Kubernetes project!). This is available under the
'Reference documentation -> API documentation' section of our docs site!

Better support for 'split horizon' DNS environments with ACME DNS01 challenges

A number of users have noticed that when running cert-manager with DNS01 challenges
in split-horizon DNS environments (using the ACME issuer), the self check stage
of the validation process failed as the 'internal' DNS resolvers were used to
check for challenge record propagation.

We have added a new flag, --dns01-self-check-nameservers, that allows users to specify
custom recursive DNS servers to use for performing DNS01 self checks.

In these environments, this flag can be set to some external nameserver list that
will be used for DNS01 resolution, e.g.,

Self-signed Issuers

We recently merged support for 'self signed' issuers. This allows users to create
the basis for a completely cert-manager managed PKI by 'self signing' certificates.

This can be useful when debugging, or once cert-manager also supports setting the
isCA bit on a Certificate, for creating a self signed root CA!

Read up on how to get started with this new issuer type in the documentation.


Action Required

  • Check the acme issuer has the 'HTTP01' challenge type configured if in use. (#629, @groner)

ACME http01 validation is no longer attempted using an
Issuer/ClusterIssuer with no ACME http01 config. Note that the minimal
http01: {} config IS sufficient.

If you rely on ACME http01 validation, you should check your issuers to make
sure http01 validation is explicitly enabled as in previous release, this was
not verified!

Other notable changes

ACME Issuer

  • Add --dns01-nameservers flag for setting nameservers for DNS01 check (#710, @kragniz)
  • Fix bugs affecting eTLD and CNAMEs during DNS zone resolution (#582, @ThatWasBrilliant)
  • Run acmesolver container as non-root user (#585, @klausenbusk)
  • Support for ACME HTTP01 validations when using istio-ingress with a mTLS enabled mesh (#622, @munnerz)

Vault Issuer

  • Configurable Vault appRole authentication path using the attribute is spec.vault.auth.authPath in the issuer. (#612, @vdesjardins)

Self-signed Issuer


  • Add reference documentation for API types (#644, @munnerz)


  • Added configuration variables to set http_proxy, https_proxy and no_proxy environment variables in Helm chart. (#680, @fllaca)
  • added option to set additional environment variable values to the helm chart (#556, @nazarewk)


  • Add label to secrets. (#719, @kragniz)
  • Add resource validation at start of sync loops, and mark resources as not Ready when invalid (#682, @munnerz)
  • To disable ingress-shim, you can now set this flag: --controllers=issuers,clusterissuers,certificates (#717, @kragniz)


05 Jul 15:06
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Documentation | Upgrading guide

This is a bugfix release containing a critical patch for the ACME Issuer implementation.

Let's Encrypt recently made a change to their API to bring it in-line with the latest ACME draft spec, which has caused cert-manager to fail to obtain Certificates in some cases. More information can be found on the Let's Encrypt forum.

It is advised that all users of v0.3.x upgrade to this release immediately, as without the changes included in this release, certificate renewal will not be successful.

As this is a patch release, there have been no breaking changes. Please do not hesitate to upgrade your deployments!

Changelog since v0.3.1

  • ACME: Handle the new Let's Encrypt 'Ready' state for orders (#698, @edevil)
  • Fix panic when a Certificate specifies a DNS01 provider that is not present on the Issuer resource (#708, @munnerz)
  • Fix bug that could cause changes to Ingress resources when using ingress-shim to not be properly propagated to their respective Certificate resources (#686, @kragniz)


25 Jun 20:02
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Documentation | Upgrading guide

This is a bugfix release with two important changes to reduce ACME server API usage, and fix a bug with renewing ACME certificates.

It is advised that all users of v0.3.0 upgrade to this release immediately.

Changelog since v0.3.0

  • Fix a bug that could cause ACME Issuers to re-check Account validation status every few seconds (#662, @munnerz)
  • Fix bug that could cause ACME Certificates to not be renewed near renewal time (#674, @munnerz)
  • Add support for custom DNS settings for the cert-manager pod (Kubernetes 1.10+) (#522, @fgrehm)
  • vault: fix panic when vault is sealed or uninitialized (#587, @vdesjardins)


24 May 12:53
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Documentation | Upgrading guide


This is a big feature filled release of cert-manager, and the first since moving to a
more frequent release model.

There's been a huge uptick in community contributions to the project, and this release
comprises the combined effort of 38 code contributors and hundreds of users reporting
issues, feature requests and bug reports!

There's quite a few big headline points, so we'll get straight in:

ACMEv2 and Let's Encrypt wildcard certificates

This release of cert-manager brings the long-awaited ACMEv2 support, and with it, Let's Encrypt
wildcard certificates!

This allows you to request certificates for wildcard domains, e.g. *, which can be used
to secure many different subdomains of your domain!

The introduction of ACMEv2 is a breaking change. Please read the notes below in the Action Required
section for details on how to handle your existing ACME Issuers whilst upgrading from v0.2.x.

Alpha support for Hashicorp Vault

This release introduces initial support for Hashicorp Vault as an Issuer backend! Initially, this includes support for authenticating via AppRole and static token.

The support for this Issuer is classed as 'alpha' - feedback is invaluable at this stage of development, so we are getting it out there in a tagged release to gather usage info.

More information on configuring a Vault Issuer can be found in the Vault Issuer docs. documentation site

Whilst this note applies to the v0.2.x release series also, it is worth noting.

We have now moved to and reStructuredText for our documentation.
This should hopefully make it easier for external collaborators to make quick edits
to our documentation, and should provide more structure.

We'd like to take the time to thank all those that have opened issues or opened pull requests against
our documentation - it's a difficult thing to get right, but it's imperative our documentation is
clear for new users adopting the project.

New ACME DNS01 providers

When cert-manager was first released, only CloudDNS and Cloudflare DNS01 providers were
supported when solving ACME challenges.

As new users, each using their own DNS providers, have adopted the project; there has been
a flurry of contributions adding support for the variety of providers out there.

With this release, we support the following DNS providers when solving ACME DNS01 challenges:

There are pull requests in flight to add support for:


Action Required

Please check the 'upgrading from 0.2 to 0.3' guide in the Administrative Tasks section of the docs here before upgrading.

  • Supporting resources for ClusterIssuer's (e.g. signing CA certificates, or ACME account private keys) will now be stored in the same namespace as cert-manager, instead of kube-system in previous versions (#329, @munnerz):
    Action required: you will need to ensure to properly manually migrate these referenced resources across into the deployment namespace of cert-manager, else cert-manager may not be able to find account private keys or signing CA certificates.

  • Use ConfigMaps for leader election (#327, @mikebryant):
    Action required: Before upgrading, scale the cert-manager Deployment to 0, to avoid two controllers attempting to operate on the same resources

  • Remove support for ACMEv1 in favour of ACMEv2 (#309, @munnerz):
    Action required: As this release drops support for ACMEv1, all Issuer resources that use ACMEv1 endpoints (e.g. existing Let's Encrypt Issuers) will need updating to use equivalent ACMEv2 endpoints. (TODO: link to docs guide)

  • Remove ingress-shim and link it into cert-manager itself (#502, @munnerz)
    Action required: You must change your 'helm install' command to use the new --ingressShim.defaultIssuerName, --ingressShim.defaultIssuerKind options when upgrading as --ingressShim.extraArgs has been removed.

  • Add annotation and change ingress-shim to set 'ingressClass' on ACME Certificate resources by default. (#493, @munnerz)
    Action required: This is a potentially breaking change for users of ingress controllers that map a single IP address to a single Ingress resource, such as the GCE ingress controller. These users will need to add the following annotation to their ingress: "true".

Other notable changes

ACME Issuer

  • Add ACME DNS-01 provider for Akamai FastDNS (#322, @twz123)
  • Add a meaningful user agent to the ACME client to help diagnosing abusive traffic patterns (#422, @jsha)
  • Issuers using the AWS Route53 solver may attempt to find credentials using the environment, EC2 IAM Role, and other sources available to the cert-manager controller. This behavior is on by default for cluster issuers and off by default for issuers. This behavior may be enabled or disabled for all issuers or cluster issuers using the --issuer-ambient-credentials and --cluster-issuer-ambient-credentials flags on the cert-manager controller. (#363, @euank)
  • Add limits to http validation pod (#408, @kragniz)
  • The ACME dns01 solver now trims excess whitespace from AWS credentials (#391, @euank)
  • ACME DNS-01 challenge mechanism for Azure DNS (#246, @mwieczorek)
  • Fix panic when ACME server returns an error other than HTTP Status Conflict during registration (#237, @munnerz)

CA Issuer

  • Add the Key Encipherment purpose to CA Issuer generated certificates (#488, @bradleybluebean)
  • Bundle CA certificate with issued certificates (#317, @radhus)

Vault Issuer


  • ingress-shim now reconfigures certificates (#386, @kragniz)
  • ingress-shim will only sync Ingress resources with annotation if the value of that annotation is true. (#325, @wmedlar)


  • Rewrite documentation and publish on readthedocs (#428, @munnerz)
  • Document the minimum necessary permissions for using cert-manager with Route53 (#359, @wmedlar)
  • Improve deployment documentation (#264, @munnerz)


  • Add clusterResourceNamespace option to Helm chart (#547, @munnerz)
  • Enhance Helm chart in-line with best practices (#229, @unguiculus):
  • Add support for node affinity and tolerations in Helm chart (#350, @kiall)
  • Add podAnnotations to Helm chart (#387, @etiennetremel)
  • Add Certificate CRD shortnames cert and certs. This is configurable in the Helm Chart with certificateResourceShortNames. (#312, @Mikulas)
  • Remove default resource requests in Helm chart. Improve post-deployment informational messages. (#290, @munnerz)
  • End-to-end testing now covers the helm chart for cert-manager on Kubernetes 1.7-1.9 (#216, @munnerz)


  • Produce a single static manifest instead of a directory when generating deployment manifests (#574, @munnerz)
  • Use cert-manager deployment namespace by default for leader election (#548, @munnerz)
  • Removed --namespace flag (#433, @kragniz)
  • Run cert-manager container as a non root user (#415, @tettaji)
  • TLS secrets are now annotated with information about the certificate (#388, @kragniz)
  • The static deployment manifests now automatically deploy into the 'cert-manager' namespace by default (#330, @munnerz)
  • Rename Event types to be prefixed 'Err' instead of 'Error' for brevity (#332, @munnerz)
  • Clearer event logging when issuing a certificate for the first time (#331, @munnerz)
  • Provide static deployment manifests as an alternative to a Helm chart based deployment (#276, @munnerz)
  • Update existing secrets instead of replacing in order to preserve annotations/labels (#221, @munnerz)
  • Update to Go 1.9 (#200, @euank)


  • Fix a race condition in the package responsible for scheduling renewals (#218, @munnerz)
  • Fix a bug that caused ACME certificates to not be automatically renewed (#215, @munnerz)
  • Fix a bug in checking certificate validity and improve validation of dnsNames and commonName (#183, @munnerz)
  • Fix bugs when checking validity of certificate resources (#184, @munnerz)


26 Apr 12:51
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v0.3.0-alpha.2 Pre-release

This is an alpha release of cert-manager. It is subject to change in breaking ways
and should only be used for testing the latest features of cert-manager in order to
provide feedback ahead of a non-alpha release.


This release follows on from the alpha.1 release earlier this month.

Notably, ingress-shim is now no longer a standalone binary, and is instead linked into the main cert-manager-controller container. This should see a reduction in memory consumption, as well as simplified deployment and operations when inspecting cert-manager itself.

We have also changed the default behaviour of ingress-shim (or now, cert-manager), to set the ingressClass field instead of ingress on Certificate resources it creates. This should enable better compatibility with ingress controllers like nginx. For more information on the reasons for this change, see #235.

In order to continue to support users using ingress controllers that bind a single IP address to a single Ingress resource (such as the gce ingress controller), we have added the new annotation that can be added to your Ingress resource. When set, cert-manager will set the ingress field on the Certificate resource it generates (similar to the behaviour in previous releases).

Changelog since v0.3.0-alpha.1

Action Required

  • ACTION REQUIRED: Remove ingress-shim and link it into cert-manager itself. You must change your 'helm install' command to use the new --ingressShim.defaultIssuerName, --ingressShim.defaultIssuerKind options when upgrading as --ingressShim.extraArgs has been removed. (#502, @munnerz)

  • ACTION REQUIRED: Add annotation and change ingress-shim to set 'ingressClass' on ACME Certificate resources by default. This is a potentially breaking change for users of ingress controllers that map a single IP address to a single Ingress resource, such as the GCE ingress controller. These users will need to add the following annotation to their ingress: "true". (#493, @munnerz)


  • Fix a bug causing certificates for as well as * to fail validation (#514, @munnerz)
  • Fixed bug requiring users to specify the apex domain (e.g. when attempting to obtain a wildcard certificate from an ACME server (#512, @munnerz)


26 Apr 13:00
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This is a bugfix release which fixes bugs in the way rate limits were handled within the Certificate control loop. This could cause failing authorizations to be retried in quick succession.

It is recommended that all users of v0.2.x upgrade to this release as soon as possible.

Changelog since v0.2.4

  • Fix bug that could cause excessive validation/issuance attempts for failing Certificate resources (#496, @munnerz)
  • More aggressively backoff when retry failing certificate requests (#519, @munnerz)


18 Apr 14:07
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v0.3.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

This is an alpha release of cert-manager. It is subject to change in breaking ways
and should only be used for testing the latest features of cert-manager in order to
provide feedback ahead of a non-alpha release.



This is a big feature filled release of cert-manager, and the first since moving to a
more frequent release model.

There's been a huge uptick in community contributions to the project, and this release
comprises the combined effort of 36 code contributors and hundreds of users reporting
issues, feature requests and bug reports!

There's quite a few big headline points, so we'll get straight in:

ACMEv2 and Let's Encrypt wildcard certificates

This release of cert-manager brings the long-awaited ACMEv2 support, and with it, Let's Encrypt
wildcard certificates!

This allows you to request certificates for wildcard domains, e.g. *, which can be used
to secure many different subdomains of your domain!

The introduction of ACMEv2 is a breaking change. Please read the notes below in the Action Required
section for details on how to handle your existing ACME Issuers whilst upgrading from v0.2.x. documentation site

Whilst this note applies to the v0.2.x release series also, it is worth noting.

We have now moved to and reStructuredText for our documentation.
This should hopefully make it easier for external collaborators to make quick edits
to our documentation, and should provide more structure.

We'd like to take the time to thank all those that have opened issues or opened pull requests against
our documentation - it's a difficult thing to get right, but it's imperative our documentation is
clear for new users adopting the project.

New ACME DNS01 providers

When cert-manager was first released, only CloudDNS and Cloudflare DNS01 providers were
supported when solving ACME challenges.

As new users, each using their own DNS providers, have adopted the project; there has been
a flurry of contributions adding support for the variety of providers out there.

With this release, we support the following DNS providers when solving ACME DNS01 challenges:

There are pull requests in flight to add support for:


Action Required

  • Supporting resources for ClusterIssuer's (e.g. signing CA certificates, or ACME account private keys) will now be stored in the same namespace as cert-manager, instead of kube-system in previous versions (#329, @munnerz):
    Action required: you will need to ensure to properly manually migrate these referenced resources across into the deployment namespace of cert-manager, else cert-manager may not be able to find account private keys or signing CA certificates. (TODO: link to docs guide)

  • Use ConfigMaps for leader election (#327, @mikebryant):
    Action required: Before upgrading, scale the cert-manager Deployment to 0, to avoid two controllers attempting to operate on the same resources

  • Remove support for ACMEv1 in favour of ACMEv2 (#309, @munnerz):
    Action required: As this release drops support for ACMEv1, all Issuer resources that use ACMEv1 endpoints (e.g. existing Let's Encrypt Issuers) will need updating to use equivalent ACMEv2 endpoints. (TODO: link to docs guide)

Other notable changes

ACME Issuer

  • Add ACME DNS-01 provider for Akamai FastDNS (#322, @twz123)
  • Add a meaningful user agent to the ACME client to help diagnosing abusive traffic patterns (#422, @jsha)
  • Issuers using the AWS Route53 solver may attempt to find credentials using the environment, EC2 IAM Role, and other sources available to the cert-manager controller. This behavior is on by default for cluster issuers and off by default for issuers. This behavior may be enabled or disabled for all issuers or cluster issuers using the --issuer-ambient-credentials and --cluster-issuer-ambient-credentials flags on the cert-manager controller. (#363, @euank)
  • Add limits to http validation pod (#408, @kragniz)
  • The ACME dns01 solver now trims excess whitespace from AWS credentials (#391, @euank)
  • ACME DNS-01 challenge mechanism for Azure DNS (#246, @mwieczorek)
  • Fix panic when ACME server returns an error other than HTTP Status Conflict during registration (#237, @munnerz)

CA Issuer

  • Add the Key Encipherment purpose to CA Issuer generated certificates (#488, @bradleybluebean)
  • Bundle CA certificate with issued certificates (#317, @radhus)


  • ingress-shim now reconfigures certificates (#386, @kragniz)
  • ingress-shim will only sync Ingress resources with annotation if the value of that annotation is true. (#325, @wmedlar)


  • Rewrite documentation and publish on readthedocs (#428, @munnerz)
  • Document the minimum necessary permissions for using cert-manager with Route53 (#359, @wmedlar)
  • Improve deployment documentation (#264, @munnerz)


  • Enhance Helm chart in-line with best practices (#229, @unguiculus):
  • Add support for node affinity and tolerations in Helm chart (#350, @kiall)
  • Add podAnnotations to Helm chart (#387, @etiennetremel)
  • Add Certificate CRD shortnames cert and certs. This is configurable in the Helm Chart with certificateResourceShortNames. (#312, @Mikulas)
  • Remove default resource requests in Helm chart. Improve post-deployment informational messages. (#290, @munnerz)
  • End-to-end testing now covers the helm chart for cert-manager on Kubernetes 1.7-1.9 (#216, @munnerz)


  • Removed --namespace flag (#433, @kragniz)
  • Run cert-manager container as a non root user (#415, @tettaji)
  • TLS secrets are now annotated with information about the certificate (#388, @kragniz)
  • The static deployment manifests now automatically deploy into the 'cert-manager' namespace by default (#330, @munnerz)
  • Rename Event types to be prefixed 'Err' instead of 'Error' for brevity (#332, @munnerz)
  • Clearer event logging when issuing a certificate for the first time (#331, @munnerz)
  • Provide static deployment manifests as an alternative to a Helm chart based deployment (#276, @munnerz)
  • Update existing secrets instead of replacing in order to preserve annotations/labels (#221, @munnerz)
  • Update to Go 1.9 (#200, @euank)


  • Fix a race condition in the package responsible for scheduling renewals (#218, @munnerz)
  • Fix a bug that caused ACME certificates to not be automatically renewed (#215, @munnerz)
  • Fix a bug in checking certificate validity and improve validation of dnsNames and commonName (#183, @munnerz)
  • Fix bugs when checking validity of certificate resources (#184, @munnerz)


10 Apr 09:43
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This release helps diagnosing abusive traffic patterns against Letsencrypt when using cert-manager.
The only addition is to add a meaningful user agent to the ACME client, which will allow the Letsencrypt admins to monitor how various versions of cert-manager are being used with their service.

It's advised that all users upgrade to v0.2.4, as it is a small upgrade that will help to improve cert-manager (and great services like Letsencrypt!) in future 🎉

Changelog since v0.2.3

  • Add a meaningful user agent to the ACME client to help diagnosing abusive traffic patterns (#422, @jsha)


15 Jan 20:34
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Documentation & User Guides

This release fixes a number of bugs in the ACME validation flow, as well as a critical bug that could cause a panic due to a race condition. It is advised that all cert-manager users update as soon as possible.

Changelog since v0.2.2

  • Update existing secrets instead of replacing in order to preserve annotations/labels (#221, @munnerz)
  • Fix panic when ACME server returns an error other than HTTP Status Conflict during registration (#237, @munnerz)
  • End-to-end testing now covers the helm chart for cert-manager on Kubernetes 1.7-1.9 (#216, @munnerz)
  • Fix a race condition in the package responsible for scheduling renewals (#218, @munnerz)
  • Fix a bug in the ACME authorizer that would cause cert-manager to panic when certificate.spec.acme was not specified (#219, @munnerz)