Execute the demo from the Prana project base directory.
First open a terminal and start Kafka and Zookeeper - the script will download it the first time.
Once Kafka is running (you can see this from the output), run this script to create a topic called payments
Now we're going to start three Prana servers. Three is the minimum size for a cluster.
Open three terminals.
In terminal 1:
go run cmd/pranadb/main.go --config cfg/example.conf --node-id 0
In terminal 2:
go run cmd/pranadb/main.go --config cfg/example.conf --node-id 1
In terminal 3:
go run cmd/pranadb/main.go --config cfg/example.conf --node-id 2
Wait for all the servers to report they are started.
Now we're going to start a Prana CLI. Open another terminal and type:
go run cmd/prana/main.go shell
The CLI should start and give you a prompt like this:
First we tell Prana that we want to use the test
schema - this is the schema in which we're going to work.
pranadb> use test;
0 rows returned
Now let's create a source. A source is like a table in a relational database, but it gets it's data from a Kafka topic. When creating the source we not only need to tell it what the columns are, as we do with a relational database table. We also have to tell it from which topic to get the data, and how to map the data in the Kafka record to the columns of the table.
We'll create a source called payments which represents customer payments. It's primary key is payment_id
and it has
fields representing the customer id, payment type, amount etc. Prana will get the data for the payments
source from
the payments
topic, that we created earlier. This topic has the payment information encoded as JSON in the Kafka
Try creating the source, by copy and pasting the following into the Prana CLI:
pranadb> create source payments(
payment_id varchar,
customer_id bigint,
payment_time timestamp,
amount decimal(10, 2),
payment_type varchar,
currency varchar,
fraud_score double,
primary key (payment_id)
) with (
brokername = "testbroker",
topicname = "payments",
headerencoding = "stringbytes",
keyencoding = "stringbytes",
valueencoding = "json",
columnselectors = (
0 rows returned
Let's see if there are any rows in the source:
pranadb> select * from payments;
0 rows returned
No surprise - there's no data in the topic yet!
Let's add some messages to the Kafka topic. We will use a simple utility which just uses a Kafka client to generate some
payment messages and send them to the payments
We will send 1000 messages starting at id 0 through 999:
go run cmd/msggen/main.go --generator-name payments --topic-name payments --partitions 25 --delay 0 --num-messages 1000 --index-start 0 --kafka-properties "bootstrap.servers"="localhost:9092"
2021-08-30 16:27:56.463719 I | Messages sent ok
Now let's look in the source again:
pranadb> select * from payments order by payment_id;
|payment000000|0|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|21126.00|btc|gbp|0.81|
|payment000001|1|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|66927.00|p2p|usd|0.96|
|payment000002|2|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|67979.70|other|eur|0.61|
|payment000003|3|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|86160.30|btc|aud|0.13|
|payment000004|4|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|67122.50|p2p|gbp|0.36|
|payment000005|5|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|34629.70|other|usd|0.99|
... snip ...
|payment000995|9|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|51833.30|other|aud|0.11|
|payment000996|10|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|21807.00|btc|gbp|0.19|
|payment000997|11|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|34375.70|p2p|usd|0.01|
|payment000998|12|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|43120.80|other|eur|0.71|
|payment000999|13|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|69681.00|btc|aud|0.01|
1000 rows returned
The rows have arrived.
Now let's create a materialized view which maintains only big payments where amount > 90000
pranadb> create materialized view big_payments as select * from payments where amount > 90000;
0 rows returned
And see what rows are there:
pranadb> select * from big_payments order by amount;
|payment000986|0|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|90309.60|other|eur|0.25|
|payment000931|13|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|90426.80|p2p|aud|0.74|
|payment000563|2|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|90614.80|other|aud|0.5|
|payment000037|3|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|90660.10|p2p|usd|0.42|
|payment000924|6|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|90680.10|btc|gbp|0.14|
... snip ...
|payment000547|3|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|99569.20|p2p|aud|0.7|
|payment000104|2|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|99636.10|other|gbp|0.78|
|payment000882|15|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|99734.50|btc|eur|0.09|
|payment000235|14|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|99793.20|p2p|aud|0.07|
|payment000727|13|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|99920.70|p2p|aud|0.48|
107 rows returned
Cool, it only selects the rows we want.
Let's create a second materialized view based on the first materialized view which only selects BitCoin payments:
pranadb> create materialized view big_btc_payments as select * from big_payments where payment_type='btc';
0 rows returned
What's it got in it?
pranadb> select * from big_btc_payments;
|payment000741|10|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|98400.80|btc|usd|0.06|
|payment000207|3|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|91815.40|btc|aud|0.7|
|payment000582|4|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|92356.30|btc|eur|0.43|
|payment000882|15|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|99734.50|btc|eur|0.09|
|payment000405|14|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|93870.10|btc|usd|0.33|
|payment000288|16|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|93677.50|btc|gbp|0.77|
|payment000564|3|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|94640.20|btc|gbp|0.03|
|payment000735|4|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|92652.30|btc|aud|0.55|
|payment000771|6|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|98937.70|btc|aud|0.83|
... snip ...
|payment000438|13|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|97277.70|btc|eur|0.1|
|payment000522|12|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|97125.20|btc|eur|0.57|
|payment000348|8|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|91733.40|btc|gbp|0.38|
|payment000903|2|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|92714.90|btc|aud|0.63|
|payment000660|14|2100-04-12 09:00:00.000000|92786.00|btc|gbp|0.6|
36 rows returned
Just the big BTC payments as we wanted.
What happens when more data arrives on the topic? Let's add another 1000 messages starting at id 1000. This time we're going to introduce a delay of 10ms between each message send, so you can execute the queries and see how the records in the source and the two materialized views change over time.
go run cmd/msggen/main.go --generator-name payments --topic-name payments --partitions 25 --delay 10ms --num-messages 1000 --index-start 1000 --kafka-properties "bootstrap.servers"="localhost:9092"
Now try executing the queries again to see what happens. You can use the up and down cursor keys to select a previous query from history:
select * from payments;
select * from big_payments;
select * from big_btc_payments;
You can see that the state of the source and materialized views automatically updates as more data arrives from Kafka
Ok, let's create a materialized view that maintains an aggregated view of a customer's account. It will show a customer's number of payments and total of payments, for each payment type.
pranadb> create materialized view customer_balances as
select customer_id, payment_type, count(*), sum(amount) from payments group by customer_id, payment_type;
0 rows returned
Let's see what's in it:
pranadb> select * from customer_balances;
pranadb> select * from customer_balances;
... snip ...
51 rows returned
Let's view it for a particular customer:
pranadb> select * from customer_balances where customer_id=12;
3 rows returned
As you can see the count and sum are broken down by payment type.
Let's add some more payments to the topic
go run cmd/msggen/main.go --generator-name payments --topic-name payments --partitions 25 --delay 0 --num-messages 2000 --index-start 2000 --kafka-properties "bootstrap.servers"="localhost:9092"
The aggregate materialized view has now been updated
pranadb> select * from customer_balances where customer_id=12;
3 rows returned