This addon for storybook allows you to change the theme used with Carbon Components!
- React
- Vue
No reason to suspect others are not supported, but have not been tested. If you use with another framework then please post an update to the
npm install --save-dev @carbon/storybook-addon-theme
yarn install --dev @carbon/storybook-addon-theme
- Use of Carbon Components
- Use of Custom CSS Properties feature flag
We are always looking for contributors to help us fix bugs, build new features, or help us improve the project documentation. If you're interested, definitely check out our Contributing Guide and Carbon's Developer Handbook! 👀
module.exports = {
// other addons...
addons: ['@carbon/storybook-addon-theme/preset.js'],
import { withCarbonTheme } from '@carbon/storybook-addon-theme/withCarbonTheme';
import {
} from '@carbon/storybook-addon-theme/constants';
const decorators = [
/// other decorators...
const globals = {
// other globals...
// default value of the theme selector
export { decorators, globals };
@use '@carbon/styles' as styles;
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/theme' as *;
[data-carbon-theme] {
@include styles.theme(styles.$white);
/* make sure background and color are set if theme in use */
background-color: $background;
color: $text-primary;
.sb--use-carbon-theme-g10 {
@include styles.theme(styles.$g10);
.sb--use-carbon-theme-g90 {
@include styles.theme(styles.$g90);
.sb--use-carbon-theme-g100 {
@include styles.theme(styles.$g100);
// Must happen before styles are loaded
$feature-flags: (
ui-shell: true,
grid-columns-16: true,
enable-css-custom-properties: true
@import "carbon-components/scss/globals/scss/styles";
@import "@carbon/themes/scss/themes";
[data-carbon-theme] {
background: $ui-background;
color: $ui-01;
@include carbon--theme(
$theme: $carbon--theme--white,
$emit-custom-properties: true
[data-carbon-theme="g10"] {
@include carbon--theme(
$theme: $carbon--theme--g10,
$emit-custom-properties: true
[data-carbon-theme="g90"] {
z-index: 90;
@include carbon--theme(
$theme: $carbon--theme--g90,
$emit-custom-properties: true
[data-carbon-theme="g100"] {
@include carbon--theme(
$theme: $carbon--theme--g100,
$emit-custom-properties: true
This package uses IBM Telemetry to collect de-identified and anonymized metrics data. By installing this package as a dependency you are agreeing to telemetry collection. To opt out, see Opting out of IBM Telemetry data collection. For more information on the data being collected, please see the IBM Telemetry documentation.