Data Installation Manager: Manage the open data in your project like a package manager.
We are looking for members to develop together as an open source community.
- 📀 Record the source url and post-processing, etc., of downloaded open-data
- 🔧 Prepare all open data needed for the project in one command by using the
recorded by someone else - 🚀 General post-processing, such as unzip, encoding, etc., is available from the start
- 🔍 Search open-data from CKAN
- 🧠 Generate code to process data using GPT-3
For more information about how to use it, please refer to this document.
Install the dim from binary files or Run the dim using Deno
Download the dim from binary files.
curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/dim
curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/dim
curl -o C:\Users\user-name\dim.exe
curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/dim
chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/dim
- init the project
Generate dim.json
, dim-lock.json
and data_files/
by init command.
$ dim init
- Install a data
This command stores information about installed data in dim.json
and dim-lock.json
$ dim install -n "example"
- Installed data is saved in
$ ls ./data_files
Install all data written to dim.json
shared by members.
- Make sure existing the dim.json in current directory
$ ls ./
dim.json ....
- Install all data written in the dim.json
$ dim install
- Installed data is saved in
$ ls ./data_files
Generate dim.json
, dim-lock.json
and data_files/
$ dim init
Install all data written to dim.json
$ dim install
Install from a specified local dim.json
$ dim install -f ./path/dim.json
Install from a specified remote dim.json
in internet.
$ dim install -f
$ dim install -n "example"
$ dim install -n "example" -H "Authorization: 1234567890abc" -H "Fiware-Service: example"
Postprocess unzip
$ dim install -n "example" -p unzip
Postprocess encoding
$ dim install -n "example" -p "encode utf-8"
Postprocess xlsx-to-csv
$ dim install -n "example" -p xlsx-to-csv
Postprocess csv-to-json
$ dim install -n "example" -p csv-to-json
Postprocess custom command
You can specify a custom command after "cmd".
$ dim install -n "example" -p "cmd ******"
The file path will be passed as an argument at the end of the specified command.
$ dim install -n "example" -p "cmd python ./tests/"
Command to be executed during postprocessing.
$ python ./tests/ ./data_files/***/***.xx
Install data by specifying regular expressions for links within a specified page.
$ dim install -P -e ".pdf" -n "example"
Forced install. Overwrite already exist data file.
$ dim install -n "example" -F
Delete data with the specified name from dim.json
, dim-lock.json
and data_files/
$ dim uninstall [name]
Display the information described in dim-lock.json
$ dim list
$ dim list -s
Verify the data
$ dim verify
Update the all data.
$ dim update
Update the specified data.
$ dim update [name]
Clean the project. Delete the data_files and init the project.
$ dim clean
Search data from package_search CKAN API.
Use データカタログ横断検索システム by default to do the search.
$ dim search 避難所
Specify the number of data to get by option -n (default 10).
$ dim search 避難所 -n 3
Write data information to dim.json
from ckan.
Store the data to data_files
$ dim search -i "東京 避難所"
- Catalog URL :
- Catalog Description: ####大地震時における地域避難所のデータです。
####東京都目黒区のオープンデータです。【リソース】大地震時における地域避難所 / ####大地震時における地域避難所のXLSXです。
【キーワード】東京都 / 目黒区 / 避難所
- Catalog License : クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示
1. 大地震時における地域避難所
* Resource URL :
* Resource Description: ####大地震時における地域避難所のXLSXです。
* Created : 2018-10-30T02:55:40.179726
* Format : XLSX
- Catalog URL :
- Catalog Description: ####緊急避難場所・避難所のデータです。
####東京都文京区のオープンデータです。【リソース】緊急避難場所・避難所 / ####文京区の避難所・緊急避難場所の一覧データのCSVです。####更新日:2018年10月23日 / ####文京区の避難所・緊急避難場所の一覧データのXLSXです。
####更新日:2018年10月23日【キーワード】文京区 / 東京都 / 避難場所 / 避難所
- Catalog License : CC-BY2.1
2. 緊急避難場所・避難所
* Resource URL :
* Resource Description: ####文京区の避難所・緊急避難場所の一覧データのCSVです。
* Created : 2018-10-30T05:44:44.623645
* Format : CSV
3. 緊急避難場所・避難所
* Resource URL :
* Resource Description: ####文京区の避難所・緊急避難場所の一覧データのXLSXです。
* Created : 2018-10-30T05:44:46.127915
* Format : XLSX
? Enter the number of data to install > 1
? Enter the name. Enter blank if want to use CKAN resource name. >
? Enter the post-processing you wish to add. Enter blank if not required. > xlsx-to-csv
? Is there a post-processing you would like to add next? (Y/n) > No
Convert xlsx to csv.
Installed to ./data_files/131105_東京都_目黒区_大地震時における地域避難所_大地震時における地域避難所/131105evacuationspace.xlsx
Auto-generate code about target data using GPT-3. For example, conversion processing, visualization processing,
Export APIKey of OpenAI to OPENAI_API_KEY
$ export OPENAI_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You can get APIKey URL:
Combine the specified target data and prompt, send it to GPT-3 API, output the code, and save it.
$ dim generate -t "./data.csv" "Python code that converts this csv data to geojson"
Specify the data name managed by dim using -t
$ dim generate -t "shelter" "Python code that converts this csv data to geojson"
Python code that converts this csv data to geojson
Python code that remove id column from this csv data
Python code that visualizes this csv data as a map
Python code that visualizes this csv data as a map
Python code that visualizes this csv data as HTML page
Python code that saves this csv data to PostgreSQL
Python code that converts full-width numbers in this csv file to half-width numbers
$ dim help
- Install Deno
- Deno == 1.28.2
$ curl -fsSL | sh
$ echo 'export DENO_INSTALL=~/.deno' >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo 'export PATH="$DENO_INSTALL/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
- Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd dim
- Run the dim commands
$ deno run -A dim.ts init
$ deno run -A dim.ts install https://xxxxxx/data.json -n 'data_name'
- Install dim
$ deno install --unstable --allow-read --allow-write --allow-run --allow-net --allow-env dim.ts
- Run test
$ deno test -A --coverage=tests/coverage
- Display coverage
$ deno coverage ./tests/coverage
You need to be able to run Deno in a local environment.
If you don't have an execution environment of Deno, please re-install.
Install the dim from binary files
$ dim upgrade
Made with contributors-img.