This software will enable you to create web applications in Java. It provides the bare minimum of what is necessary for that task, plainly and simply.
Try this in your shell:
javac -version
The result should be javac 21
or higher. If it not, check out Step-by-step guide to installing Java on Windows
or Java on Mac
After changing environment variables, you must close and reopen your terminal to see the change
Make sure to have the JAVA_HOME environment variable set. Test like this:
The output should be the directory where Java is installed, but not the bin directory where java and javac live. Try this (this command changes directory to JAVA_HOME and then lists the files there):
You should see results like: bin conf include jmods legal lib release
This is why your PATH
environment variable should include something like this:
Next, we will download a project that includes the simplest-possible web application. Grab this project.
Run this command in its directory:
./mvnw compile exec:java
It will compile and you will be able to view it at http://localhost:8080
and take a moment to review. Try some of the following
recommended changes. To see your changes, cancel the running
program by pressing ctrl+c and run ./mvnw compile exec:java
to start it again.
For ease of reference, here is the code you will see:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Start the system
FullSystem fs = FullSystem.initialize();
// Register some endpoints
request -> Response.htmlOk("<p>Hi there world!</p>"));
- Add a new path - have it serve content from /hello
- (After making this change, stop the running server with ctrl+c and rerun
./mvnw compile exec:java
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Start the system
FullSystem fs = FullSystem.initialize();
// Register some endpoints
request -> Response.htmlOk("<p>Hi there world!</p>"));
request -> Response.htmlOk("<p>Hi there world!</p>"));
- Adjust to say hello to a query string parameter. (After making this change, stop
the running server with ctrl+c and rerun
./mvnw compile exec:java
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Start the system
FullSystem fs = FullSystem.initialize();
// Register some endpoints
request -> Response.htmlOk("<p>Hi there world!</p>"));
request -> {
String name = request.requestLine().queryString().get("name");
return Response.htmlOk(String.format("<p>Hi there %s!</p>", name));
Press ctrl+c to stop the running server.
Now you are ready to go further. If you want a step-by-step tutorial on building a project with Minum from the ground up, check out the getting started tutorial.
Or, you may want to pore through a larger example
Have fun!