- docs: documentation for the project
- .git: necessary files for Git source-code management.
- .mvn: necessary files for the Maven wrapper
- src: All the source code
- utils: scripts and utilities for the system
- out: artifacts from the publishing process
- target: the default Maven build directory, built after it runs
- .gitignore: files we want Git to ignore.
- .gitattributes: configuration for Git
- LICENSE: the license that applies to this code
- Makefile: the configuration for Gnu Make, which is part of our build tools
- minum.config: a configuration file for the running app (a local / test-oriented version)
- mvnw and mvnw.cmd: the maven wrapper - provides an ability to run Maven commands without needing to install Maven
- pom.xml: Maven configuration
- README.md: A surface-level explainer of the project