The actual snapshot is saved in index.test.js.snap
Generated by AVA.
Snapshot 1
Snapshot 2
Snapshot 3
'MobiledocVdomRenderer: Unable to parse the passed Mobiledoc version `\'0.2.1\'`.'
Snapshot 1
'<root><p>Example with no markup<b>Example wrapped in `b` tag (opened markup #0), 1 closed markup</b><a href="">Example opening `a` tag (opened markup with #1, 0 closed markups)Example closing `a` tag (no opened markups, 1 closed markup)</a><a href=""><b>Example opening `a` tag and `b` tag, closing `b` tag (opened markups #1 and #0, 1 closed markup [closes markup #0])</b>Example closing `a` tag, (no opened markups, 1 closed markup [closes markup #1])</a></p><p><mention payload="[object Object]">@bob</mention><b><mention payload="[object Object]">@tom</mention></b></p></root>'
Snapshot 1
'<p data-reactroot="">Example with no markup<b>Example wrapped in `b` tag (opened markup #0), 1 closed markup</b><a href="">Example opening `a` tag (opened markup with #1, 0 closed markups)<!-- -->Example closing `a` tag (no opened markups, 1 closed markup)</a><a href=""><b>Example opening `a` tag and `b` tag, closing `b` tag (opened markups #1 and #0, 1 closed markup [closes markup #0])</b>Example closing `a` tag, (no opened markups, 1 closed markup [closes markup #1])</a></p><p data-reactroot=""><mention payload="[object Object]">@bob</mention><b><mention payload="[object Object]">@tom</mention></b></p>'
Snapshot 1