- #17706 [API][Admin] Fix contract tests for API Platform 4.1 + limit tabler version (@GSadee)
- #17708 [Maintenance] Fix invalid default address component prop config (@NoResponseMate)
- #17700 [Behat] Remove
keyword from element classes (@Rafikooo) - #17710 Fix autocomplete styles (@bartek-sek)
- #17626 Update release cycle after 1.12 EOL (@CoderMaggie)
- #17620 Fullscreen order table view (@kulczy)
- #17630 [Maintenance] Add JS linter to CI (@mpysiak)
- #17627 Change main font to variable (@kulczy)
- #17618 [Admin] Improve product grid layout and main taxon display (@kulczy)
- #17642 Fix show product RWD (@kulczy)
- #17647 Fix use of locale storage service in locale switcher (@JordiDekker)
- #17645 [Admin][TwigHook] Allow configuring primary Twig hook for CRUD templates (@Wojdylak)
- #17641 [Admin] Improve order history UI (@kulczy)
- #17655 update bunnyshell/workflows to v2 (@mihaichitic)
- #17656 [Shop] Move account menu to separate twig hook (@Wojdylak)
- #17653 [PaymentRequest] Change tagged locator index by to underscore (@Prometee)
- #17663 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17659 [Shop][Grid] Display subitem actions within item actions div and add default "show more" button (@Wojdylak)
- #17660 [Shop][Grid] Add delete action (@Wojdylak)
- #17644 [DOCUMENTATION] Synchronize 2.0-docs -> 2.0 (@SyliusBot)
- #17609 [Sylius 2] Division by zero on admin cart promotion index (@jbcr)
- #17665 [Admin][AdminUserType] Fix disappearing password (@Wojdylak)
- #17661 [Shop][Grid] Add update action (@Wojdylak)
- #17662 [Shop][Grid] Add list action (@Wojdylak)
- #17672 [PaymentRequest] Fix payment method fixture by adding
config field (@Prometee) - #17623 [API] APIP allow overwritten configs to be applied (@Prometee)
- #17674 [APIP] collection factory duplicate operation replacer renaming (@Prometee)
- #17685 [UI] Fix invalid key setting on adding a collection item (@NoResponseMate)
- #17689 [Shop][UI][DX] Minor fixes (@NoResponseMate)
- #17690 [CI] Allow to fail randomly failing behats (@mpysiak)
- #17687 Update payment docs (@JanPalen)
- #17680 [Doc] Adapt how to disable localized urls from Sylius 1 to Sylius 2 (@tidall87)
- #17677 [APIP] Merge resource metadata instead of replacing it (@Prometee)
- #17676 [Docs] Fix links to new Sylius 2 documentation in README (@stlgaits)
- #17666 [Admin] Fix taxon deletion (@Wojdylak)
- #17688 [Shop] Add ux autocomplete (@Wojdylak)
- #17693 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17572 [Admin] Remove pagination selector if there are no other limits (@loic425)
- #17573 Chore: Bump Twig hooks and extra to 0.6 version (@loic425)
- #17566 Allow grid action button's link URL to be defined without defining a … (@JeanDavidDaviet)
- #17575 Fix path to crud in resource config in documentation (@JanPalen)
- #17567 Move mobile taxon menu into drawer (@bartek-sek)
- #17579 Add an optional icon and description to the page title (@kulczy)
- #17581 Update system-requirements.md (@tomkalon)
- #17577 Center the labels in the variant table (@kulczy)
- #17582 [PaymentRequest] Rename properties (@Prometee)
- #17585 [AdminUser][Customer] Improve Twig hook structure by adding
sections (@Wojdylak) - #17586 General UI improvements #3 (@kulczy)
- #17576 General UI improvements #2 (@kulczy)
- #17599 docs Update customizing-api.md (@gigabites19)
- #17598 [Bug] Fix statistics tests in new year (@mpysiak)
- #17590 Fix Migrations With Custom Table Name (@Rafikooo)
- #17595 Add missing changed InventoryBundle service to UPGRADE-2.0 (@diimpp)
- #17603 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17602 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17594 fix Update select attribute in AdminBundle to use the proper base template (@t-richard)
- #17605 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17571 Fonts loading optimization (@kulczy)
- #17611 [Maintenance][OrderProcessing] Extract adjustment types to be cleared to a parameter (@NoResponseMate)
- #17607 [Bug] Fix missing variable (@mpysiak)
- #17610 Revert skipped phpunit test (@mpysiak)
- #17574 SYL-3939: Eslint (@bartek-sek)
- #17587 SYL-4220: Implement twig hooks for product variant (@bartek-sek)
- #17556 [Login] remove loader login page in safari when loading page from cache (@zairigimad)
- #17613 [Inventory] Fix availability checker aliases (@GSadee)
- #17589 SYL-4221: Fix taxon tree styles (@bartek-sek)
- #17612 Add help on channel pricing when product is simple (@ehibes)
- #17591 Fix form template without resource factory (@loic425)
- #17570 [DOCUMENTATION] Synchronize 2.0-docs -> 2.0 (@SyliusBot)
- #17592 [Admin] Define title icon and subheader on Twig hooks configuration (@loic425)
- #17614 [Admin] Order UI improvements (@kulczy)
- #17619 Fix phpspec namespace (@mpysiak)
- #17617 [Admin] Fix services imports not to import integrations every time (@GSadee)
- #17622 [DOCUMENTATION] Synchronize 2.0-docs -> 2.0 (@SyliusBot)
- #17597 SYL-4224: UI improvements (@bartek-sek)
- #17544 Update register.html.twig, fix duplicated button id (@damonsson)
- #17548 [Admin][UI] Improve inputs contrast ratio (@kulczy)
- #17550 [Maintenance][Behat] Enable not creating a driver session in api scenarios (@NoResponseMate)
- #17555 [DOCUMENTATION] Synchronize 2.0-docs -> 2.0 (@SyliusBot)
- #17558 Add missing locales for product attributes (@bartek-sek)
- #17557 Update contact.md typo (@zairigimad)
- #17554 [CI] GHA improvements (@NoResponseMate)
- #17559 General UI improvements (@kulczy)
- #17564 [Admin] Fix defining default value in twig templates (@GSadee)
- #17562 [DOCUMENTATION] Synchronize 2.0-docs -> 2.0 (@SyliusBot)
- #17462 Fix mobile product option translations form (@bartek-sek)
- #17463 Fix mobile tax categories name (@bartek-sek)
- #17469 SYL-4130: UI fixes (@bartek-sek)
- #17461 Fix mobile pagination (@bartek-sek)
- #17460 [DOCUMENTATION] Synchronize 2.0-docs -> 2.0 (@SyliusBot)
- #17472 [Docs] Disallow indexing old-docs in search engines (@CoderMaggie)
- #17471 Fix channel collector's name to match the tag's id (@GSadee)
- #17484 Add missing info about removed parameter in 2.0 (@TheMilek)
- #17480 Add missing constructor changes info to upgrade 2.0 file (@TheMilek)
- #17487 [BUG] Fix sass loader compilation on path containing dot character (@lruozzi9)
- #17489 Replace all images in demo by webp (@damonsson)
- #17493 [CI] Add PHP 8.4 and SF 7.2 to unstable build (@GSadee)
- #17486 [Twig][Component] Replace private with protected constructor parameters (@Wojdylak)
- #17494 [Docs v1] Organization docs (@CoderMaggie)
- #17499 Refine Upgrade Files content (@Rafikooo)
- #17497 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17501 Update README.md (@kulczy)
- #17500 Update README.md (@kulczy)
- #17482 [Shop][2.0] Added the ability to render the accordion component that’s expanded by default (@gitrequests)
- #17502 Update breadcrumbs.html (@kulczy)
- #17504 [DOCUMENTATION] Synchronize 2.0-docs -> 2.0 (@SyliusBot)
- #17496 performance, accessibility, best practices and seo improvements (@damonsson)
- #17509 revert meta description content nad translation (@damonsson)
- #17510 fix accessibility (@damonsson)
- #17514 [Admin][Action] use dynamic crud action route name instead of static prefixed paths (@jeromeengeln)
- #17516 removal of double ‘private’ from upgrade-2.0.md (@christopherhero)
- #17515 removing the double "private" in UPGRADE-1.14.md (@christopherhero)
- #17523 images optimiziations (@damonsson)
- #17525 [Maintenance] Remove unnecessary definition of interface (@Wojdylak)
- #17524 [Maintenance] Change used aliases to id (@Wojdylak)
- #17526 Update CODEOWNERS (@damonsson)
- #17522 [DOCUMENTATION] Synchronize 2.0-docs -> 2.0 (@SyliusBot)
- #17485 [shop][2.0] fix: prevent loading when go back on product page after redirection (@maxperei)
- #17527 Allow to add extra filters on promotion actions (@lruozzi9)
- #17518 [UI] Change product images layout (@kulczy)
- #17495 [Admin] - admin panel layout modifications - CRUD removed text-nowrap class (@ars-creo)
- #17507 fix: json_decode check always pass (@sonbui00)
- #17488 [PaymentRequest][Fix] Allow to set null action during an API call (@Prometee)
- #17532 Update avatars in README (@CoderMaggie)
- #17533 Tag attribute case mismatch on sylius php attributes (@ehibes)
- #17537 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17519 SYL-4137: Remove language flags (@bartek-sek)
- #17539 Move note in the UPGRADE file to proper patch section (@GSadee)
- #17542 Add missing logo used in e-mails (@kulczy)
- #17541 SYL-4139: Missing translations (@bartek-sek)
- #17540 Add a logo used in emails (@kulczy)
- #17543 [Behat] Add http accept header to custom item action (@Wojdylak)
- #17528 Fixing docker images for running local test suites (@dragoonis)
- #17439 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17355 New fixtures (@kulczy)
- #17441 [DOCUMENTATION] Synchronize 2.0-docs -> 2.0 (@SyliusBot)
- #17437 Remove Obsolete Catalog Promotions Validation ADR (@Rafikooo)
- #17442 SYL-4118: Mobile UI fixes in admin panel (@bartek-sek)
- #17444 [UI] Add top margin to flash messages (@kulczy)
- #17445 [Admin] Fix deleting customer account (@GSadee)
- #17450 Fix missing payment request breadcrumb (@bartek-sek)
- #17447 Fix mobile shipping methods form (@bartek-sek)
- #17449 Fix missing taxon header (@bartek-sek)
- #17451 Fix mobile product attributes form (@bartek-sek)
- #17452 [UI] Add missing asterix (@kulczy)
- #17453 Add Sylius logo for mails (@kulczy)
- #17457 [DOCUMENTATION] Synchronize 2.0-docs -> 2.0 (@SyliusBot)
- #17455 Fixtures cleanups (@kulczy)
- #17454 [UI] Reduce the margin on the product show page (@kulczy)
- #17446 [PaymentRequest] Fix Payum payment request (@Prometee)
- #17448 Refactor Upgrade file for 2.0 (@TheMilek)
- #17438 [Upgrade] Refine Sylius 1.14 Upgrade Guide (@Rafikooo)
- #17464 [Composer] Add conflict to phpstan/phpdoc-parser >= 2.0 (@GSadee)
- #17379 [ShopBundle] Add sylius.cart_clear event (@Wojdylak)
- #17388 [Admin] Remove unused NotificationWidgetExtension (@GSadee)
- #17389 Remove note about sylius_admin.twig.extension.notification_widget from UPGRADE file (@GSadee)
- #17385 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17370 [PaymentBundle] Use a single encryption method (@Wojdylak)
- #17376 [Maintenance] Change svg fixture image to jpg (@mpysiak)
- #17390 [Admin] Deprecate NotificationWidgetExtension (@GSadee)
- #17368 [Shop] Reorganize Twig hooks on order thank you page (@loic425)
- #17393 [Shop] Reorganize Twig hooks on product index page (@loic425)
- #17397 [Admin] Improve Twig hooks to customize logos (@loic425)
- #17396 [Shop] Reorganize Twig hooks on product review create page (@loic425)
- #17392 [Behat] Dehardcode the use of entities (@GSadee)
- #17401 [Documentation] Fix 2.0-dev installation instruction tip (@GSadee)
- #17382 [UI] Fix payments and shipments table (@kulczy)
- #17381 Implement twig hooks for taxon menu, fix styles (@bartek-sek)
- #17383 Fix archive button (@bartek-sek)
- #17289 Add breadcrumbs to product reviews (@bartek-sek)
- #17404 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17405 [PaymentRequest] Mark Sensitive Fields And Ignore Encryption Key From Version Control (@Rafikooo)
- #17394 [Shop] Reorganize Twig hooks on product show page (@loic425)
- #17395 [Shop] Reorganize Twig hooks on product review index page (@loic425)
- #17407 [Docs] Prepare directory for new 2.0 docs on Gitbook (@CoderMaggie)
- #17402 Mention the removed classes and routes in upgrade file (@TheMilek)
- #17391 [API] Mention resource configuration changes in upgrade file (@TheMilek)
- #17364 [Shop] Reorganize Twig hooks on cart index page (@loic425)
- #17408 [API] Use model class parameter instead of hardcoded class for ShippingMethodRule resource (@GSadee)
- #17409 [CI] Add 2.0-docs branch to upmerges (@GSadee)
- #17410 [CI] Add GH action to synchronize 2.0 branch with GitBook docs branch (@GSadee)
- #17412 [DOCUMENTATION] Synchronize 2.0-docs -> 2.0 (@SyliusBot)
- #17406 Mention the major templates changes in upgrade file (@TheMilek)
- #17400 Mention the dependencies changes in upgrade file (@TheMilek)
- #17403 [Payment request] add PaymentRequest pay route (@Prometee)
- #17415 [Admin][HotFix] Fix form without live component (@loic425)
- #17419 [API] Remove deprecated and unused serialization groups (@GSadee)
- #17413 SYL-4100: Checkout hooks reorganize (@bartek-sek)
- #17414 [Shop] Few improvement on cart index (@loic425)
- #17425 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17417 [Docs] Add links to 2.x docs on the 1.x documentation (@CoderMaggie)
- #17426 [DOCUMENTATION] Synchronize 2.0-docs -> 2.0 (@SyliusBot)
- #17416 SYL-4101: Account hooks reorganize (@bartek-sek)
- #17423 [Admin] Add checkout.payment.allowed_states parameter (@Wojdylak)
- #17418 [Admin] Chore: Remove useless route vars (@loic425)
- #17420 [PaymentRequest] Adjust ids of the services to link them to Payment Requests (@GSadee)
- #17428 [Admin] Add twig.payment_method.excluded_gateways parameter (@Wojdylak)
- #17427 SYL-4101: Hook rename (@bartek-sek)
- #17430 [API] Update info about resource configuration changes in upgrade file (@TheMilek)
- #17429 Implement common hooks structure as in AdminBundle (@bartek-sek)
- #17421 [Shop] Enable customization of body classes (@loic425)
- #17431 Admin security hooks (@bartek-sek)
- #17433 [DOCUMENTATION] Synchronize 2.0-docs -> 2.0 (@SyliusBot)
- #17422 Mention the serialization changes in API (@TheMilek)
- #17434 [Bug] Turn off stimulus debug mode in production (@mpysiak)
- #17380 [CoreBundle] Fix initial log creation for table sylius_channel_pricing_log_entry (@jblairy)
- #17254 feat: support sqlite (@ebuildy)
- #17435 Fix create button in admin panel (@bartek-sek)
- #17436 [Admin] Rename customTrigger param to snake_case notation (@GSadee)
- #17238 [AdminBundle] Unification os services name - fix (@Wojdylak)
- #17239 [AdminBundle] Unification os services name (@Wojdylak)
- #17233 [PaymentBundle] Unification of services names (@Wojdylak)
- #17232 [Admin] Add priorities to twig hooks (@TheMilek)
- #17236 [Product] Fix
Base Service ID (@Rafikooo) - #17234 [Order] Add Autowireable Service Aliases (@Rafikooo)
- #17221 Fix long product names (@bartek-sek)
- #17214 [UiBundle] Unification os services name (@Wojdylak)
- #17229 [UI] Improve product show page view (@kulczy)
- #16998 Implement twig hooks for account layout (@bartek-sek)
- #17243 Decouple CoreBundle from UiBundle (@GSadee)
- #17222 Make Winzou State Machine the optional dependency (@GSadee)
- #17248 [CI] Use default env in MySQL workflow (@GSadee)
- #17258 Fix 1.13 build by temporarily disabling problematic promotion scenarios (@GSadee)
- #17246 [UserBundle] Deprecate pin configuration parameter (@GSadee)
- #17257 [Upgrade] Remove Previously Non-Existent Class From The Removed Classes List (@Rafikooo)
- #17241 [API] Rename and deprecate route parameters (@GSadee)
- #17235 [UserBundle] Deprecate security related classes and services that will be removed in 2.0 (@GSadee)
- #17155 [Security] Remove security thingies (@mpysiak)
- #17242 [PayumBundle] Unification os services name (@Wojdylak)
- #17260 [UserBundle] Deprecate pin related services and classes (@GSadee)
- #17240 [Security] Rename API firewalls (@GSadee)
- #17262 Replace deprecated DOMNodeInserted event with MutationObserver (@kulczy)
- #17251 [PaymentBundle] Unification of services names (@Wojdylak)
- #17250 [ApiBundle] Unification of services names (@Wojdylak)
- #17265 [UserBundle] Fix wrongly deprecated pin related services (@GSadee)
- #17255 add info about trademark and logo (@damonsson)
- #17267 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17268 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17252 [Shop] Add priorities to hooks (@TheMilek)
- #17259 [UserBundle] Remove pin configuration parameter and related things (@GSadee)
- #17244 [Core] Deprecate sylius_core.autoconfigure_with_attributes configuration parameter (@GSadee)
- #17245 [Core][Order] Remove autoconfigure_with_attributes configuration parameters (@GSadee)
- #17263 [API] Rename route parameters (@GSadee)
- #17192 [Maintenance] Remove deprecated configuration nodes (@NoResponseMate)
- #17249 [UI] Improve order summary box view (@kulczy)
- #17261 [UI] Improve readability of Payment and Shipment states on Order Show (@kulczy)
- #17269 [CoreBundle] Unification of services names (@Wojdylak)
- #17275 [ApiBundle] Unification of services names - fix (@Wojdylak)
- #17270 [PayumBundle] Unification os services name (@Wojdylak)
- #17273 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17204 Packages cleanups (@kulczy)
- #17271 [ApiBundle] Unification of services names (@Wojdylak)
- #17177 Symfony ux icons (@bartek-sek)
- #17277 Clean and bump all dependencies (@GSadee)
- #17278 [CoreBundle] Unification of services names (@Wojdylak)
- #17274 [CoreBundle] Unification of services names - fix (@Wojdylak)
- #17282 [Composer] Bump lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle dependency (@GSadee)
- #17284 [Composer] Bump doctrine/collections dependency (@GSadee)
- #17292 [ShippingBundle] Unification of services names (@Wojdylak)
- #17291 [ShippingBundle] Unification of services names (@Wojdylak)
- #16096 Adding an index for the
(@mamazu) - #16933 [Maintenance] Regenerate migrations (@NoResponseMate)
- #17298 [CoreBundle] Add missing license file (@GSadee)
- #17299 [Docs] Refresh Release Cycle (@CoderMaggie)
- #17297 Add info about trademark and logo to bundles and components in 1.14 (@GSadee)
- #17280 [ApiBundle] Refactor Serializers (@Wojdylak)
- #17302 Revert "[Maintenance] Regenerate migrations" (@GSadee)
- #17288 [ApiBundle] Unify of section provider (@Wojdylak)
- #17290 Refactor Filters structure (@TheMilek)
- #17303 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17304 [Maintenance] Move php-http/message-factory back to require to fix Sylius-Standard (@mpysiak)
- #17294 [UI] No results found view improvements (@kulczy)
- #17237 Split product update attributes into twig hooks (@bartek-sek)
- #17295 [Product] Replace the use of VariantWithNoOptionsValuesException from Resource with a custom one (@GSadee)
- #17301 [Maintenance] Remove APIP deprecations (@mpysiak)
- #17308 Minor fixes (@Wojdylak)
- #17293 Update dependencies (@kulczy)
- #17276 [DX] Make services private (@mpysiak)
- #17306 [All] Unification of services names (@Wojdylak)
- #17279 [UI] Unify product thumbnail sizes (@kulczy)
- #17307 [All] Unification of services names (@Wojdylak)
- #17309 [Maintenance] Remove deprecated APIP service (@mpysiak)
- #17311 [Composer] Bump symfonycasts/dynamic-forms dependency and put it in appropriate bundles (@GSadee)
- #16601 [ApiBundle][Image] Prevent resolving non-serialized image paths (@Wojdylak)
- #17312 [Maintenance] Add info about private services to UPGRADE.md (@mpysiak)
- #17313 [ApiBundle] Deprecate PaymentMethodFilter and ShippingMethodFilter classes (@Wojdylak)
- #17314 [ApiBundle] Apply default public setting for filters (@Wojdylak)
- #17315 [ApiBundle] NonArchivedExtension - remove the parameter and use the ArchivableInterface as reference to check resources (@Wojdylak)
- #17321 [API][PHPSpec] Remove unused arguments from ImageNormalizerSpec (@GSadee)
- #17322 [Maintenance] Remove drivers binaries (@NoResponseMate)
- #17318 [API] Deprecate legacy_error_handling and serialization_groups configuration parameters (@GSadee)
- #17317 [API] Remove legacy serialization_groups configuration parameters (@GSadee)
- #17305 Regenerate migrations (@TheMilek)
- #17325 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17320 Deprecate exceptions from ApiBundle (@TheMilek)
- #17324 Services IDs Unification (@Rafikooo)
- #17319 Extract common State processor for resource removal (@TheMilek)
- #17329 Fix missing icons (@bartek-sek)
- #17264 [Admin][Shop] Set http_method_override to true by default (@TheMilek)
- #17333 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17327 Add info about thumbnails to the upgrade file (@kulczy)
- #17281 chore(doc): add naming changes for plugin skeleton (@ebuildy)
- #17334 [Maintenance] Install stable chrome on CI (@mpysiak)
- #17332 Fix gateway factory not exist (@Prometee)
- #17335 [Maintenance] Fix invalid install command argument (@NoResponseMate)
- #17283 [PaymentRequest] Encryption of payment related data (@NoResponseMate)
- #17342 [Admin] Deprecate NotificationController (@GSadee)
- #17341 [Admin] Remove NotificationController (@GSadee)
- #17339 [OrderPay] Avoid instantiating all available Payum gateways (@Prometee)
- #17343 [AdminBundle] Customer index - add info that customer doesn't have a ShopUser (@Wojdylak)
- #17344 [Shop] Reorganize Twig hooks on register page (@loic425)
- #16989 [Maintenance][API] Install API Platform 4.0 (@lchrusciel)
- #17347 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17349 Fix CI matrix APIP versions (@mpysiak)
- #17350 [Maintenance] Install only needed APIP packages (@mpysiak)
- #17345 [Shop] Reorganize Twig hooks on login page (@loic425)
- #17337 [AdminBundle] Add base form type for ShopUserType and PromotionCouponGeneratorInstructionType (@Wojdylak)
- #17336 [AdminBundle] Add LiveComponents for all simple Resources (@Wojdylak)
- #17346 [PaymentRequest] Enhancements (@Prometee)
- #17353 Fix OrderAdjustmentsRecalculationTest + apply API statistics constraints sequentially (@GSadee)
- #17340 [Admin] Integrate hub (@GSadee)
- #17352 [CI] Remove defining API Platform version from matrix (@GSadee)
- #17359 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17328 SYL-4071: Symfony UX icons for admin panel (@bartek-sek)
- #17256 [API][DOC]Adding a tip about api's preventing methods beside GET to load non cart orders by default (@oliverde8)
- #17357 [UiBundle] Clean up (@GSadee)
- #17354 [API] Refactor statistics constraints (@GSadee)
- #17363 [Admin] Pass admin path name parameter to AdminUriBasedSectionResolver (@GSadee)
- #17356 [Core][Promotion] Add missing type to AsCatalogPromotionPriceCalculator attribute + add missing AsCatalogPromotionVariantChecker attribute (@GSadee)
- #17362 [PayumBundle] Add PayumGatewayConfigEncryptionChecker (@Wojdylak)
- #17360 [Maintenance] Remove enshrined/svg-sanitize package (@mpysiak)
- #17361 [Shop] Reorganize Twig hooks on contact request page (@loic425)
- #17365 [Shop] Reorganize Twig hooks on forgotten password page (@loic425)
- #17366 [Shop] Reorganize Twig hooks on register thank you page (@loic425)
- #17367 [Shop] Reorganize Twig hooks on reset password page (@loic425)
- #17369 [Shop] Reorganize Twig hooks on order show page (@loic425)
- #17351 [Maintenance] Remove svg support (@mpysiak)
- #17374 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17373 [Addressing][Product] Deprecate controllers (@GSadee)
- #17372 [Addressing][Product] Remove unused controllers (@GSadee)
- #17358 Add support for future Twig Hooks 0.5 (@loic425)
- #17371 Remove duplicated AllowedImageMimeTypes constraint from images configs (@GSadee)
- #17375 [Maintenance] Update symfony.lock (@mpysiak)
- #16680 [PaymentRequest] Fix incompatible dependency versions + static analysis (@GSadee)
- #16695 Move GatewayConfig to Payment component (@GSadee)
- #16910 API Platform 3 support for payment requests (@Wojdylak)
- #16928 Upgrade PaymentRequests to APIP3 (@TheMilek)
- #16953 Make the hash in UpdatePaymentRequest required (@TheMilek)
- #16790 Payment request UI (@Prometee)
- #16996 [API] Promotion Coupons as Subresource (@Rafikooo)
- #17010 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17012 [CI] Remove unused social media notifications action + improvements (@GSadee)
- #17011 [API] Make promotion coupon operations' names consistnent with other after them (@GSadee)
- #17008 Reorganise the twig hooks and templates for translations and divide (@TheMilek)
- #17013 [API] Change FQCNs to parameters (@mpysiak)
- #16995 Add position to ProductImage resource (@TheMilek)
- #17015 Move position field from admin to core ProductImageType (@GSadee)
- #17017 [API] Add missing endpoint for ShopUser in shop context (@GSadee)
- #17018 [Composer] Bump minimum Symfony 7 version to 7.1 (@GSadee)
- #17014 Add command bus for payment request (@mpysiak)
- #16972 SYL-3723: View store button (@bartek-sek)
- #17021 [Maintenance] Remove unneeded extended-types from form type extension tags (@GSadee)
- #17023 [Maintenance] Update config phpstan, regenerate baseline and fixes (@NoResponseMate)
- #17022 [Behat] Reorder tags (@GSadee)
- #17027 [Behat] Enable impersonating scenarios (@GSadee)
- #17026 [Behat][Shop] Enable receiving fixed order discount scenario (@GSadee)
- #17028 [Behat][API] Uncomment managing users suite (@GSadee)
- #17029 [Behat] Enable some already covered scenarios (@GSadee)
- #17030 [API] Remove unused PathHiderDocumentationModifier (@GSadee)
- #17033 [API] Remove legacy ApiResources (@GSadee)
- #17031 [CI] Add sylius-stack branch to upmerges (@GSadee)
- #17038 Enable behat tests for browsing orders with different currencies (@Wojdylak)
- #17044 [Docs] Add 2.0-dev installation instructions (@CoderMaggie)
- #17043 [Maintenance] Remove leftover mentions of master request related methods (@NoResponseMate)
- #17020 [Admin] Add payment request index and show pages (@Wojdylak)
- #17051 Update typehint for $publicDir (@egils)
- #17025 [Maintenance] Remove FOS Restbundle (@mpysiak)
- #17035 Enable tests for placing orders as impersonated shop users and for picking up cart created in UI in the api (@Wojdylak)
- #17054 Remove unnecessary code (@Wojdylak)
- #17055 [Admin] Render a default form (@loic425)
- #17047 Add validation for cart item quantity range (@Wojdylak)
- #17053 [API][Behat] Add Customer Persist processor (@mpysiak)
- #17056 Bump Pagerfanta version to 4.x (@loic425)
- #17057 [Admin] Extract Webpack encore entries into Twig hooks (@loic425)
- #17067 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17060 Enable tests for placing an orders in chosen locale (@Wojdylak)
- #17062 [Behat] Fix displaying themed channel scenario (@mpysiak)
- #17059 [API] Make Province endpoints to be subresources of Country (@GSadee)
- #17037 [PaymentRequest] Split the implementation and move it to appropriate bundles (@GSadee)
- #17048 Add possibility to remove option values from Product Option (@TheMilek)
- #17072 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17036 SYL-3947: UI bundle cleanup (@bartek-sek)
- #17061 Deprecate templating helpers (@GSadee)
- #17069 Remove unused twig (@mpysiak)
- #16937 Checkout improvements (@kulczy)
- #17071 [Composer] Bump sylius/mailer-bundle to 2.1 version (@GSadee)
- #17073 [Maintenance] Fix packages in definitions of deprecated services + add missing notes (@GSadee)
- #17074 Correct ResourceDeleteListenerSpec and do some ProductVariantRepository formatting fix (@TheMilek)
- #17068 [PaymentBundle] Add state machine for paymentRequest (@Wojdylak)
- #17078 Update LICENSE (@damonsson)
- #17076 Deprecate ResourceDeleteSubcriber (@TheMilek)
- #17077 Add note about ResourceDeleteSubcriber class being removed in 2.0 (@TheMilek)
- #17081 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17075 Remove deprecated templating helpers and symfony/templating dependency (@GSadee)
- #17088 Fix name of argument in deprecation trigger for PriceExtension (@GSadee)
- #17084 Add live components routes for the admin and shop section (@Wojdylak)
- #17100 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17092 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17096 [AttributeBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17095 [AddressingBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17098 [ChannelBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17083 Decouple CoreBundle from PayumBundle + related improvements (@GSadee)
- #17070 Fix comparison of order items (@jaroslavtyc)
- #17085 [API] Refactor commands in ApiBundle (@GSadee)
- #17097 Update rector/rector requirement from ^0.18.0 to ^1.2.6 (@app/dependabot)
- #17099 [CurrencyBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17103 [InventoryBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17105 [MoneyBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17104 [LocaleBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17107 [AddressingBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17109 [AttributeBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17110 [ChannelBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17120 Add gedmo/doctrine-extensions conflict (@mpysiak)
- #17106 [Theming] Move ThemeBundle dependency to ShopBundle (@GSadee)
- #17121 Add conflict to gedmo/doctrine-extensions in ApiBundle (@mpysiak)
- #17102 [API] Add possibility to remove existing endpoints (@GSadee)
- #15950 [PaymentRequest] Automatically cancel all pending payment requests when the payment method gets changed (@TheMilek)
- #17063 SYL-3946: Packages release and update (@bartek-sek)
- #17086 [Behat] assigning ip address scenarios (@mpysiak)
- #17118 [DX] Remove JMS Serializer dependency (@mpysiak)
- #17128 [Maintenance] Remove swiftmailer leftovers (@mpysiak)
- #17122 [Composer] Bump minimal version of APIP 3.4 + related improvements (@GSadee)
- #17131 Update LICENSE, move trademark and logo info to another file (@damonsson)
- #17111 [OrderBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17130 Correct the parameter name for states that should be cancelled, when payment method is changed (@TheMilek)
- #17125 [LocaleBundle] Unification of service names - fix (@Wojdylak)
- #17123 [CurrencyBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17124 [InventoryBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17127 [MoneyBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17135 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17132 Create LICENSE_OF_TRADEMARK_AND_LOGO (@damonsson)
- #17138 Remove winzouStateMachineBundle from packages' test applications to support ResourceBundle 1.12 (@GSadee)
- #17141 Update upgrade file (@Wojdylak)
- #17112 [ProductBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17082 Remove experimental entities filter (@loic425)
- #17144 [Docs] Fix readthedocs configuration file (@CoderMaggie)
- #17140 [Maintenance] Resolve gedmo/doctrine-extension conflict (@mpysiak)
- #17126 [LocaleBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17142 [OrderBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17146 [ProductBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17143 Move menu to the left side (@bartek-sek)
- #17133 [PromotionBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17145 Fix customers grid icon (@bartek-sek)
- #17058 Use Twig hooks new release (@loic425)
- #17150 [Admin] Fix hardcoded hello (@loic425)
- #17147 [Composer] Bump Resource and Grid bundles to the last stable releases (@GSadee)
- #17116 [Admin][Grid][Customer] Fix show orders icon (@Jibbarth)
- #17148 [CI] Remove currently unneeded custom build (@GSadee)
- #17129 [UI] Remove Obsolete JS Files (@Rafikooo)
- #17139 [Composer] Remove conflict to doctrine/orm (@GSadee)
- #17152 [PromotionBundle] Unification of service names - fix (@Wojdylak)
- #17087 Add applied coupon box (@bartek-sek)
- #17149 [Admin] Add image lightbox (@kulczy)
- #17153 [PromotionBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17093 Create the "Services naming convention" ADR (@Wojdylak)
- #17064 Preventing Payment and Shipment Step Completion Without a Selected Method - Test Coverage (@Rafikooo)
- #17159 [Shop] Add image lightbox (@kulczy)
- #17163 Add the packages that have become optional in version 1.12 of the ResourceBundle. (@Wojdylak)
- #17101 [Shop][Admin] Allow templates as component props (@mpysiak)
- #17169 Update README.md (@kulczy)
- #17160 [API] Add documentation modifier for removing non-API routes (@GSadee)
- #17174 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17162 Fix session unavailable in locale context (@NoResponseMate)
- #17172 [CI] Use default env in MySQL workflow (@GSadee)
- #17176 Revert "[CI] Use default env in MySQL workflow" (@GSadee)
- #17175 [UI] Add default component template config tests (@mpysiak)
- #17170 [TaxationBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17178 [Maintenance] Allow exporting package.json files from bundles (@mpysiak)
- #17179 Improvements for Shipping and Payment steps in the Checkout (@Rafikooo)
- #17182 [InventoryBundle] Use alias for Sylius\Component\Inventory\Checker\AvailabilityCheckerInterface (@Wojdylak)
- #17195 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17168 Depreciate PercentageDiscountActionConfigurationType and move to CoreBundle (@Wojdylak)
- #17157 [ReviewBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17167 [ShippingBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17186 [TaxonomyBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17187 [UserBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17181 [UiBundle] Unification of service names and add deprecations (@Wojdylak)
- #17198 [API] Fix configuration of Payment Request resource + POST endpoint (@GSadee)
- #17202 [PromotionBundle] Unification of sylius.registry_promotion_action (@Wojdylak)
- #17151 [Payment-Request] Notify routes (@Prometee)
- #17211 Use Twig Extra package (@GSadee)
- #17212 [UiBundle] Deprecate classes and services moved to TwigExtra package (@GSadee)
- #17209 [TaxonomyBundle] Unification os service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17205 [ShippingBundle] Unification of service name (@Wojdylak)
- #17203 [ReviewBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17185 [TaxationBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17210 [UserBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17201 [PaymentRequest] Add experimental tag to the classes (@GSadee)
- #17194 [Shop] Rename
(@Rafikooo) - #17216 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17217 [PaymentRequest] Fixes and improvements before merging to 2.0 (@GSadee)
- #17218 [Admin] Dynamic always open menu items (@loic425)
- #17197 Add Node 22 (@bartek-sek)
- #17189 [ShopBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17165 Merge Payment Requests into 2.0 (@GSadee)
- #17213 Fix quantity field vertical align (@bartek-sek)
- #17200 Add close button to flash messages (@bartek-sek)
- #17208 Add close button to flash messages (@bartek-sek)
- #17219 [Behat] Normalize whitespace characters in string (@Wojdylak)
- #17223 [Core] Deprecate sylius_core.state_machine configuration parameter (@GSadee)
- #17225 [CI] Remove payment-request branch from upmerges (@GSadee)
- #17199 [AdminBundle] Unification of service names (@Wojdylak)
- #17224 [PromotionBundle] Unification of service names - fix (@Wojdylak)
- #17228 [ShopBundle] Unification of service name - fix (@Wojdylak)
- #17227 [ShopBundle] Unification of services names (@Wojdylak)
- #17215 [UiBundle] Deprecate FilterStorage and FilterStorageInterface classes (@Wojdylak)
- #17230 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17226 [Upgrade] Fix Typo (@Rafikooo)
- #17180 [Maintenance] Update exception catching when storage is unavailable while getting current locale (@NoResponseMate)
- #16371 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for some components (@loic425)
- #16372 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Taxonomy bundle (@loic425)
- #16389 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Attribute bundle (@loic425)
- #16382 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Currency bundle (@loic425)
- #16385 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Inventory bundle (@loic425)
- #16384 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Customer bundle (@loic425)
- #16386 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Locale bundle (@loic425)
- #16388 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Payment bundle (@loic425)
- #16400 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Channel bundle (@loic425)
- #16399 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Product bundle (@loic425)
- #16403 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Taxation bundle (@loic425)
- #16404 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for User bundle (@loic425)
- #16757 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for MoneyBundle (@GSadee)
- #16493 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Review bundle (@loic425)
- #16497 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Ui bundle (@loic425)
- #16775 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Shipping bundle (@loic425)
- #16778 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Order bundle by (@loic425)
- #16781 [Composer] Upgrade Webpack to ^2.1 (@GSadee)
- #16777 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Promotion Bundle (@GSadee)
- #16783 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Payum bundle by (@loic425)
- #16499 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Addressing bundle (@loic425)
- #16796 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for State machine abstraction (@loic425)
- #16785 [SF7] Refactor console commands in Core Bundle by (@loic425)
- #16798 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Core bundle (@loic425)
- #16800 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Admin bundle (@loic425)
- #16801 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for Shop bundle (@loic425)
- #16864 [SF7] Add Symfony 7 support for API bundle (@loic425)
- #16875 [ApiBundle] Extract AsMessageHandler check in PHPSpec (@GSadee)
- #16880 [SF7] Uniform package versions (@loic425)
- #16918 Fix builds on symfony-7 branch (@GSadee)
- #16927 [Composer] Fix syntax error in LocaleBundle (@GSadee)
- #16923 [SF7] Upgrade required dependencies + minor fixes (@GSadee)
- #16926 [SF7] Remove using container in old migrations (@GSadee)
- #16890 [SF7] Upgrade matrix to tests Symfony 7 (@loic425)
- #16977 [Maintenance] Install API Platform 3.4 (@lchrusciel)
- #16886 make it possible to resend order confirmation after fulfilled state (@zairigimad)
- #16891 [CI] Upgrade ResourceBundle in unstable custom build (@GSadee)
- #16979 [CI] Add SyliusMailerBundle alpha version to custom build (@GSadee)
- #16978 [CI] Bump up DB versions to current LTS (@GSadee)
- #16980 Remove Hateoas bundle from ApiBundle test app (@GSadee)
- #16981 [CI] Extract unstable build from full builds (@GSadee)
- #16982 [CI] Adjust titles in custom build (@GSadee)
- #16983 [CI] Minor refactor in full builds (@GSadee)
- #16984 [CI] Add PHP 8.3 to builds (@GSadee)
- #16985 [CI] Fix minimal builds (@GSadee)
- #16986 [CI] Add PHP 8.3 to packages build + remove packages build with Swiftmailer (@GSadee)
- #16991 [API] Fix serialization group for currency get collection shop endpoint (@GSadee)
- #16971 [Shop] Allow using interfaces in components (@NoResponseMate)
- #16967 [API] Introduce operations' names for all endpoints (@GSadee)
- #16992 [API] Use parameters instead of hardcoded classes in ApiResources' configs (@GSadee)
- #16993 [Admin][Shop] Remove SyliusUiBundle config import (@mpysiak)
- #16994 Live components - improvements (@Wojdylak)
- #16997 [CI] Improve notification Slack message (@GSadee)
- #16999 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #17000 [Composer] Add doctrine/doctrine-bundle to UserBundle (@GSadee)
- #17001 Remove unused urls from security (@mpysiak)
- #16988 [API] Enable PHPUnit tests in ApiBundle (@GSadee)
- #17004 [Admin] Remove paypal and stripe TwigHooks (@Wojdylak)
- #17003 [Maintenance] Remove Obsolete Classes (@Rafikooo)
- #16351 Merge Symfony 7 into 2.0 (@loic425)
- #17002 [Refactor] Rename Constructor Argument
Across Services (@Rafikooo) - #17007 [Maintenance] Remove symfony-7 branch from upmerges (@GSadee)
- #15312 Prepare the 2.0 branch (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15314 Remove gulp (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15327 Bump Symfony dependencies' versions (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15325 Replace EntityManager type-hints in the constructors with EntityManagerInterface (@Wojdylak)
- #15328 Add missing method on interface for shop based cart context (@Wojdylak)
- #12543 Change default Liip loader and resolver names (@Zales0123)
- #15313 Perform the repository's main directory cleanup (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15326 Replace the sylius/calendar package with the symfony/clock package (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15343 [CI] Fix logs uploading (@NoResponseMate)
- #15348 [AttributeBundle] Remove deprecation (@Wojdylak)
- #15337 [ProductBundle] Remove deprecations (@Rafikooo)
- #15349 [ApiBundle] Remove deprecations (@Rafikooo)
- #15359 [UserBundle] Remove deprecated code (@Rafikooo)
- #15336 [CoreBundle] Remove deprecations (@Rafikooo)
- #15339 [AdminBundle] Remove deprecations (@Rafikooo)
- #15353 [ShopBundle] Remove deprecations (@NoResponseMate)
- #15369 [CoreBundle] Removal of the rest of deprecated code (@Rafikooo)
- #15345 [Maintenance] Remove components' deprecations (@NoResponseMate)
- #15368 [Component/Core] Remove deprecated code (@Wojdylak)
- #15372 [Bunnyshell] Bump the PHP version to 8.2 in the php Dockerfile (@aris-bunnyshell)
- #15379 [API] Prepare branch for upgrade to API Platform 3 (@GSadee)
- #15392 [API] AdminUser & Customer authentication with API Platform 3 (@Rafikooo)
- #15405 Move temporarily tests (@Wojdylak)
- #15341 Set up Admin Bundle frontend (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15420 [API] Upgrade Country and Province API resources to APIP 3 (@GSadee)
- #15409 API Platform upgrade: Removal of Deprecations (@Rafikooo)
- #15412 Upgrade Currency and ExchangeRate API resources to APIP 3 (@Wojdylak)
- #15393 [API] Upgrade ContactRequest resource with API Platform 3 (@TheMilek)
- #15432 [API] Upgrade CatalogPromotion resources to APIP 3 (@Wojdylak)
- #15441 [API] Upgrade AvatarImage resources to APIP 3 (@Wojdylak)
- #15434 [API] Resolve correct matching of prefixes /admin and /shop (@GSadee)
- #15440 [API][Shop] Update
to the new metadata (@Rafikooo) - #15464 [Behat][API] Implement iri converter providing iri based on a given section (@GSadee)
- #15444 [API] Update VerifyCustomerAccount to the new metadata (@NoResponseMate)
- #15439 Upgrade AdminResetPassword resource to API Platform 3 (@TheMilek)
- #15469 [API][Maintenance] Enable ShopUserNotVerified validator (@NoResponseMate)
- #15465 [API] Enable behat tests for CatalogPromotions (@Wojdylak)
- #15500 Replace sylius calendar (@Wojdylak)
- #15499 Replace sylius calendar (@Wojdylak)
- #15484 [API] Remove ItemNormalizer class (@Wojdylak)
- #15495 Swiftmailer removal (@Rafikooo)
- #15478 Refactor injecting data to commands from input data processors to context builders (@GSadee)
- #15347 Add navbar to the new Admin Panel (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15350 Add sidebar to the new Admin Panel (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15352 Add Login page to the new Admin Panel (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15361 Add a basic index page (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15363 Add a basic create page (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15365 Add a basic update page (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15377 Add a basic show page (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15382 Add twig_event function and rename all events (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15398 Implement the Dashboard view (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15403 Add pagination (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15404 Perform Admin Panel's templates cleanup (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15453 Implement product's CRUD (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15454 Implement taxon's CRUD (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15461 Implement the order's show page (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15463 Improve the Dashboard view (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15467 Implement the inventory index page (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15471 Fix Product Attribute's show page (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15473 Fix Payment's index page (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15474 Fix Shipments' index page (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15476 Fix Customers' index page (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15482 Fix index pages in the marketing section (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15483 Fix index pages in the configuration section (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15498 [ApiBundle] Change normalization group of AvatarImage (@Wojdylak)
- #15503 Introduce Repository classes for
(@Rafikooo) - #15528 Add repository classes for Product (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15608 Fix Currency's pages (@NoResponseMate)
- #15386 [Maintenance] Remove leftover deprecations (@NoResponseMate)
- #15612 Bump all Symfony dependencies' versions to ^6.4 (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15701 Prepare admin-related scenarios to be implemented in the new Admin Panel (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15719 Reorganize Behat scenarios (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15734 Move domain's scenarios to the features/domain directory (@Wojdylak)
- #15762 Bootstrap admin update (@kulczy)
- #15779 [Admin][Country] Fix create and update page (@Wojdylak)
- #15781 Add a slug generating for taxons/products (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15789 Improve live component country type (@Wojdylak)
- #15823 Convert twig/template events to Twig Hooks (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15826 Fix not passing a request method while updating a country (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15841 [DX] ECS Fixes (@Rafikooo)
- #15831 [Admin][Order] Fix Show's Shipment List (@NoResponseMate)
- #15840 [BootstrapAdminPanel] Basic Order Address Edit Form (@Rafikooo)
- #15845 Transform Product Create/Update form into Live Component (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15896 [Bootstrap Admin Panel] Order's Address Edit Page View (@Rafikooo)
- #15867 Add Price history index page (@TheMilek)
- #15962 [Admin][TaxRate] Fix create and update page (@NoResponseMate)
- #15948 Reorganize form fields on the Admin User create/update pages (@jakubtobiasz)
- #16070 Display test attributes when debug mode is enabled (@jakubtobiasz)
- #16074 [UI] Improve filters (@kulczy)
- #16083 Icons for Official Support menu items (@kulczy)
- #16087 [Behat] Remove unneeded config for sylius/calendar (@GSadee)
- #16088 Fix confirmation dialog (@kulczy)
- #16090 Fix table dropdowns (@kulczy)
- #16093 [Admin][Customer] Add show view (@NoResponseMate)
- #16089 Fix builds on api-platform-3 branch (@GSadee)
- #16075 Cover scenarios related to creating a simple/configurable product (@jakubtobiasz)
- #16109 Bump the minimal version of Symfony UX packages to 2.16 (@jakubtobiasz)
- #16077 Implement the Media section on the product create/update page (@jakubtobiasz)
- #16084 Fix bulk delete button states (@kulczy)
- #16104 Add product variant Create Page (@TheMilek)
- #16110 Add Product variant Index/Update page (@TheMilek)
- #16118 [Admin][CatalogPromotion] Index page (@mpysiak)
- #16116 [Admin][ProductVariant] Enable reordering (@Wojdylak)
- #16121 Add missing breadcrumbs to product index page (@TheMilek)
- #16095 [Admin][Channel] Add create and update pages (@NoResponseMate)
- #16127 Fix after rebase (@TheMilek)
- #16126 Upgrade Channel resource to API Platform 3 (@TheMilek)
- #16111 [Admin][Promotion] Add create and update pages (@GSadee)
- #16130 Enable behat tests for Channel after upgrade to APIP 3 (@TheMilek)
- #16139 [API][Channel][Behat] Revert expected message (@Wojdylak)
- #16137 [Maintenance] Disable non-ui tests in CI (@NoResponseMate)
- #16138 [Maintenance] Disable non-api tests in CI (@NoResponseMate)
- #16136 [Admin][ProductAssociationType] Implement create and update pages (@NoResponseMate)
- #16144 [Maintenance] Ecs (@Wojdylak)
- #16132 [Admin][Channel] Fix weird behaviour with excluded taxons (@NoResponseMate)
- #16150 Change the twig-hooks version constraint to ^0.1 (@jakubtobiasz)
- #16152 [Admin][Customer] Implement and cover index management (@NoResponseMate)
- #16165 [Maintenance] Ecs (@Wojdylak)
- #16145 Browse customer orders (@mpysiak)
- #16161 Improve table header (@kulczy)
- #16133 [Admin][CatalogPromotion] Add create and update pages (@Wojdylak)
- #16167 [Admin][Payments] Payments management (@mpysiak)
- #16159 [Admin][Promotion] Refactor cart promotions rules and actions (@GSadee)
- #16164 [Admin][Payments] Payments index with filters and sorting (@mpysiak)
- #16170 [Bunnyshell] Bump default node version to 20 (@GSadee)
- #16149 Add bulk delete script (@kulczy)
- #16169 [Admin][CatalogPromotion] Remove duplicate AddButtonType (@Wojdylak)
- #16162 [Admin][Product] Add generate variants page (@Wojdylak)
- #16184 Update phpstan/phpstan-doctrine requirement from 1.3.43 to 1.3.69 (@dependabot)
- #16192 Bootstrap shop theme (@kulczy)
- #16189 Add 1.14 branch to upmerge workflow (@GSadee)
- #16197 Add popper.js (@kulczy)
- #16173 Adjust the implementation to the new Twig Hooks version (@jakubtobiasz)
- #16202 Bump Sylius Twig Hooks to 0.2.* (@jakubtobiasz)
- #16201 Extra Quotes in Div Class Attributes Removal (@Rafikooo)
- #16142 [BootstrapAdminPanel] Payment Methods Create and Update Views (@Rafikooo)
- #16207 [Admin] Unused Twig Hooks Definition Removal (@Rafikooo)
- #16203 [Admin][Order] Implement and cover history view (@NoResponseMate)
- #16204 [Admin][Order] Implement and cover payments handling (@NoResponseMate)
- #16205 [Admin][Order] Implement and cover cancelling and fulfilling (@NoResponseMate)
- #16213 Unify templates paths (@jakubtobiasz)
- #16129 Implement Shipping Method Index/Create/Update pages (@jakubtobiasz)
- #16195 Fix Zone's Create/Update pages (@TheMilek)
- #16218 [Behat] Shipping a Shipment from Shipment Index Page (@Rafikooo)
- #16216 [Admin] Resending Order Confirmation Email (@Rafikooo)
- #16185 [Admin][CatalogPromotion] Add show page (@Wojdylak)
- #16224 [Composer] Bump minimal Twig Hooks version to the latest one (@GSadee)
- #16223 Add missing Payment's method instructions info message (@TheMilek)
- #16079 Bring back associating other products with a given product (@jakubtobiasz)
- #16228 [API] Add Payment resources (@Wojdylak)
- #16242 [Maintenance] Adjust Sylius version on 1.14 branch (@GSadee)
- #16240 [API] Add Address resources (@Wojdylak)
- #16239 [Admin][DX] Update autocompletes (@NoResponseMate)
- #16221 Unify Twig & Live components (@jakubtobiasz)
- #16234 Unify index actions (@kulczy)
- #16256 [Admin][Zone] Move FormComponent (@Wojdylak)
- #16255 [Admin][Product][ProductVariant] Managing inventory (@Wojdylak)
- #16245 [Admin][Taxon] Implements media management (@Wojdylak)
- #16261 [Admin] Deprecate FormTypeExtensions (@TheMilek)
- #16270 Remove final from the Zone's form component (@TheMilek)
- #16263 [Admin][UI] Add error indicators for form tabs and accordions (@NoResponseMate)
- #16268 [Admin][Product] Add view in store button (@mpysiak)
- #16271 [Maintenance] Enable non-UI tests in CI (@GSadee)
- #16269 Bump API Platform to 3.3 and refactor uploading avatar images (@GSadee)
- #16266 [Admin][UX] Filter translatable autocomplete results based on current locale (@NoResponseMate)
- #16272 Merge Bootstrap Admin Panel to 2.0 branch (@GSadee)
- #16253 [Core] Add deprecation to StateMachineExtension (@Wojdylak)
- #16274 [Admin][Order] Show page (@Wojdylak)
- #16262 [ADR] Use Separate Base Form Types Instead of Type Extensions (@TheMilek)
- #16282 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16276 [Admin] Add base form type for every resource used in AdminBundle (@TheMilek)
- #16288 [Behat] Fix scenarios for adding a taxon (@GSadee)
- #16286 [Core] Add ShowAvailablePluginsCommand deprecation (@mpysiak)
- #16289 Add missing ShipmentShipType to AdminBundle (@TheMilek)
- #16273 [API] Upgrade Adjustment (@NoResponseMate)
- #16291 [Admin][UI] Sidebar improvements (@kulczy)
- #16257 Extract base form types for every entity used in AdminBundle (@TheMilek)
- #16292 [Admin][Order][Show] Minor improvements (@Wojdylak)
- #16298 [Admin] Change missing block prefix for admin (@GSadee)
- #16283 Remove UPGRADE-1.14 file on 2.0 branch (@GSadee)
- #16300 [API] Enable documentation paths hider (@NoResponseMate)
- #16299 Make admin product show simple and configurable page more granular (@TheMilek)
- #16301 [Core] Remove StateMachineExtension class (@Wojdylak)
- #16306 [Grid][Admin] Remove dichotomy with action templates (@NoResponseMate)
- #16304 [Admin][Product] Cover index page (@NoResponseMate)
- #16314 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16317 Checkout rework (@kulczy)
- #16311 [Admin][Inventory] Cover index page with filtration and sorting (@GSadee)
- #16316 [Admin] Add CSRF token and form errors to base form templates (@GSadee)
- #16318 [Admin][ProductAssociationType] Use base form template + reorganize Twig Hooks (@GSadee)
- #16320 [Admin] Login and password reset (@mpysiak)
- #16285 Convert variables in Twig templates to snake_case (@jakubtobiasz)
- #16315 [Admin][Review] Cover product reviews management (@GSadee)
- #16333 [Inventory] Deprecate extending \InvalidArgumentException by inventory exceptions (@GSadee)
- #16332 [Admin][Review] Split product and author info into hooks (@GSadee)
- #16334 [Inventory] Extend \RuntimeException by inventory exceptions (@GSadee)
- #16287 [Admin] Cover product editing and removing scenarios (@Rafikooo)
- #16325 [Admin][Review] Add stars for rating field (@GSadee)
- #16350 User login and register rework (@kulczy)
- #16349 [Admin] Cover Product Editing And Removing Scenarios - Amend (@Rafikooo)
- #16336 [Admin][Product][Create/Update] Add products taxons management (@Wojdylak)
- #16355 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16354 [Admin][UI] Fix filters overflow (@kulczy)
- #16356 [Admin][UI] Style autocomplete clear button (@kulczy)
- #16327 Fix disappearing newly added product attributes when a validation err… (@jakubtobiasz)
- #16359 [API] Upgrade newly added extensions to APIP3 (@GSadee)
- #16366 User account rework (@kulczy)
- #16361 [Admin][PromotionCoupon] Cover promotion coupon management (@Wojdylak)
- #16369 [Admin][Shipment] Cover shipment's show page (@GSadee)
- #16368 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16370 [Admin] Enable scenarios for placing an order as impersonated shop user (@GSadee)
- #16365 [Admin][CatalogPromotion] Add browsing variants and delete catalog promotion (@Wojdylak)
- #16376 Add styles for reviews (@bartek-sek)
- #16378 [Admin][Product] Add required mark to required product attributes (@Wojdylak)
- #16396 [Behat] Enable Deleting Multiple Tax Rates At Once Scenario (@Rafikooo)
- #16375 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16401 [Maintenance][API] Remove WriteListener (@mpysiak)
- #16381 Add possibility to search products from dashboard (@TheMilek)
- #16377 Add product option create/update pages (@TheMilek)
- #16397 Refactor form_theme for ShopBundle (@bartek-sek)
- #16398 [API] Upgrade Locale resource (@GSadee)
- #16394 [Admin] Implementing the delete modal as a twig component (@Wojdylak)
- #16348 [API] Add product endpoints (@mpysiak)
- #16395 [Admin][UI] Unify autocomplete styles (@kulczy)
- #16413 [API] Product endpoint fixes (@mpysiak)
- #16405 Add additional address toggle in checkout (@bartek-sek)
- #16411 [Admin] Fix UI Building Process (@Rafikooo)
- #16416 [Behat] Enable Payment Method Removing Scenarios (@Rafikooo)
- #16409 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16210 [Admin] Footer (@Rafikooo)
- #16415 Remove product search from side menu (@TheMilek)
- #16414 Add missing required field mark and error messages to product option value field (@TheMilek)
- #16406 [Admin][Order] Enable index tests and add filtering by customer tests (@NoResponseMate)
- #16391 Change channel form layout in admin panel (@bartek-sek)
- #16421 [API] Disable uncovered managing options scenarios (@GSadee)
- #16402 Upgrade AdminUser to APIP 3 (@TheMilek)
- #16430 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16426 Fix typos in the product options twig hooks (@TheMilek)
- #16417 Bootstrap shop contact form (@bartek-sek)
- #16438 [Behat] Temporarily disable scenario for creating catalog promotion with dates (@GSadee)
- #16423 [Admin] Promotions and PromotionCoupons tracking usage (@Wojdylak)
- #16412 [Admin] Product Attributes View (@Rafikooo)
- #16437 [Admin] Product Attributes View - Configurations (@Rafikooo)
- #16339 [Admin] Convert Twig variables, macro and block names to snake_case (@GSadee)
- #16422 [Admin][UI] Fix autocomplete on the attributes tab (@kulczy)
- #16428 Add missing styles for category sidebar, fix layout for mobile (@bartek-sek)
- #16424 Styles for thank-you page (@bartek-sek)
- #16445 Add macro for checkout navigation buttons (@bartek-sek)
- #16440 Styles for user navigation (@bartek-sek)
- #16454 Add styles for reset password page (@bartek-sek)
- #16455 [Admin][UI] Reorganize navbar on mobile (@kulczy)
- #16451 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16453 [Admin][Product] Add behat tests for filtering and check/uncheck all taxons (@Wojdylak)
- #16459 Styles for changing payment method after checkout (@bartek-sek)
- #16461 Fix accordion path (@kulczy)
- #16466 Fix accordion path (@kulczy)
- #16472 Add styles for 404 page (@bartek-sek)
- #16456 Add taxon image to category page header (@bartek-sek)
- #16465 Deprecate CustomerTypeExtension and AddUserFormSubscriber (@TheMilek)
- #16473 Fix template paths (@kulczy)
- #16457 [Admin] Cover creating and updating Taxon resource (@GSadee)
- #16481 [Behat] Enable Some Of Already Implemented Scenarios (@Rafikooo)
- #16480 Changed sylius logo to svg (@bartek-sek)
- #16470 Styles for thank-you page after registration (@bartek-sek)
- #16467 Add styles for alerts (@bartek-sek)
- #16482 [Admin] Cover product options index (@NoResponseMate)
- #16486 [Admin][Behat] Cart Promotion Index (@mpysiak)
- #16483 [Admin][Behat] Cover shipments' index (@NoResponseMate)
- #16478 [Admin] Extract and cover ProductTaxon index (@NoResponseMate)
- #16489 [Admin][ProductAttribute] Upgrade index (@NoResponseMate)
- #16494 [Admin][Behat] Product Association Types Index (@mpysiak)
- #16496 Add upmerge from 2.0 to symfony-7 branch (@loic425)
- #16490 [Admin] Taxons index (@Wojdylak)
- #16498 [Api][ShippingCategory] Upgrade to APIP3 (@Wojdylak)
- #16501 [API][CategoryGroup] Upgrade to APIP3 (@Wojdylak)
- #16492 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16505 [API] Upgrade OrderItem and OrderItemUnit resources to API Platform 3 (@GSadee)
- #16508 Add styles for error pages templates (@bartek-sek)
- #16495 Bootstrap shop components refactor (@bartek-sek)
- #16502 Email file names refactor (@bartek-sek)
- #16507 Change ship button styling (@bartek-sek)
- #16491 [Admin] Dashboard Statistics (@Rafikooo)
- #16458 Cover Customers Update/Create pages (@TheMilek)
- #16484 [Admin] Fix slug generation button's icon (@NoResponseMate)
- #16509 [Admin][Taxon] Delete (@Wojdylak)
- #16511 Remove deprecated statistics (@mpysiak)
- #16514 Customer create edit page fixes (@TheMilek)
- #16488 Create and add a 404 page for the Admin Page (@TheMilek)
- #16519 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16510 Deprecate statistics services (@mpysiak)
- #16520 [Admin][Taxon] Minor improvements (@Wojdylak)
- #16522 [Shop] Move all template files from /Resources/views to /templates directory (@GSadee)
- #16530 [Admin][CatalogPromotion] Enable scenario - creating catalog promotion with dates (@Wojdylak)
- #16531 [Admin][PaymentMethod] Upgrade index and related tests (@NoResponseMate)
- #16536 [Admin] Customer Group (@Rafikooo)
- #16533 [Admin] Managing tax category (@Wojdylak)
- #16539 Deprecate LocaleTypeExtension (@Wojdylak)
- #16460 [Admin][UI] Add menu search input to the sidebar (@kulczy)
- #16541 [Admin] Remove unneeded deprecation + fix form template (@GSadee)
- #16542 [Maintenance] Disable non-UI tests in CI (@GSadee)
- #16538 [Admin][Currency] index / Create Page (@mpysiak)
- #16523 [Admin] Fix section aware 404 on unknown routes (@NoResponseMate)
- #16540 Fix error pages paths (@bartek-sek)
- #16529 [Admin][Locale] Index/Create page (@Wojdylak)
- #16543 [Shop][Behat] Mark all shop-related scenarios as @todo (@GSadee)
- #16537 [Admin] Customer Group Index (@Rafikooo)
- #16549 Disable sortable name field (@Wojdylak)
- #16548 [Admin][Dashboard] Show dashboard channel dropdown only when there are more channels (@mpysiak)
- #16551 Bump Twig Hooks to 0.3.x (@GSadee)
- #16546 Fix account order paths (@bartek-sek)
- #16532 [Shop] Introduce Twig Hooks for base layout page and homepage (@GSadee)
- #16528 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16556 [Shop] Move base template to shared/layout directory + change the name of shared directory (@GSadee)
- #16558 Fix disabled select style (@kulczy)
- #16552 Dashboard improvements (@kulczy)
- #16560 Remove unnecessary classes (@Wojdylak)
- #16559 [Admin][ProductOption] Add "apply to all" button (@Wojdylak)
- #16547 [Admin] Exchange Rates Index / Create / Update (@mpysiak)
- #16534 [Admin][Product] Various scenarios fixes (@NoResponseMate)
- #16566 [Behat][Product] Fix and enable adding product with multiple attributes scenario (@NoResponseMate)
- #16565 [API] Refactor state processors (@mpysiak)
- #16569 [Behat] Remove unnecessary step (@Wojdylak)
- #16575 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16571 Taxon tree dropdown fix (@bartek-sek)
- #16567 [API] Refactor StateProviders (@Wojdylak)
- #16577 [Admin] Improved Navigation Continuation (@Rafikooo)
- #16573 [API] Refactor QueryExtensions (@NoResponseMate)
- #16576 [ADR] Api - State providers structure (@Wojdylak)
- #16513 Bootstrap Shop UI fixes (@bartek-sek)
- #16582 [API] Upgrade Shipping Method resource to API Platform 3 (@GSadee)
- #16561 Cover additional scenarios for product show page and add missing data (@TheMilek)
- #16583 [ADR] StateProcessors directory structure (@mpysiak)
- #16591 [API] Fix GET endpoint for Shipping Method Translation resource (@GSadee)
- #16587 [ADR] QueryExtenions directory structure (@TheMilek)
- #16585 [Admin][Product] Add validation message for the channel-specific price field (@Wojdylak)
- #16593 [API][Behat] Enable Shipping Methods admin scenarios (@mpysiak)
- #16557 [Admin] Improved Navigation (@Rafikooo)
- #16595 [Behat] Enable leftover product variant adding tests (@NoResponseMate)
- #16596 [Admin] Variants Generation Navigation (@Rafikooo)
- #16597 [Admin] Change the extended pagination template (@GSadee)
- #16570 Add attributes form error indicator (@bartek-sek)
- #16600 [Admin] Price History Navigation from Product Variant Index and Edit Pages (@Rafikooo)
- #16598 [Admin] Shipping category Create/Update page (@TheMilek)
- #16607 [API] Fix pattern matching in contract tests (@NoResponseMate)
- #16609 [API] Cover tax resources (@NoResponseMate)
- #16612 [CI] Run 1.14 full build instead of unsupported 1.12 (@GSadee)
- #16620 [Shop] Fix template path (@mpysiak)
- #16618 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16610 [Admin] Overall cleanup of macros (@NoResponseMate)
- #16626 [Behat] Correct Filtering Tax Rates Scenarios Description (@Rafikooo)
- #16613 [API] Promotion Retrieval and Removal (@Rafikooo)
- #16623 Upgrade PromotionCoupon resource to APIP3 (@TheMilek)
- #16622 [API] Promotion Archiving and Restoring (@Rafikooo)
- #16568 Edit sections unify (@kulczy)
- #16629 Adjust AdminUserPassword SendContactRequest and VerifyShopUser consistent with the changes from 1.13 (@TheMilek)
- #16584 Add Shop webpack config and rename private directory to assets (@kulczy)
- #16631 Adjust ShopUserResetPassword consistent with the changes from 1.13 (@TheMilek)
- #16614 [API] Cover shipments (@NoResponseMate)
- #16624 [API] Promotion Create and Update (@Rafikooo)
- #16632 Reorder the behat tags in Promotion Coupon scenarios (@TheMilek)
- #16628 [API] Cover zones (@Wojdylak)
- #16594 Implement hooks for product page (@bartek-sek)
- #16637 Product page hooks fix (@bartek-sek)
- #16625 [API] Promotion GET Collection (@Rafikooo)
- #16634 [Admin] Add global alert for form errors (@Wojdylak)
- #16644 [Behat] Reorder promotion API tags (@TheMilek)
- #16619 [API] Upgrade Customer resource (@mpysiak)
- #16653 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16647 Deprecate PromotionCouponPromotionFilter (@TheMilek)
- #16630 Implement hooks for product index (@bartek-sek)
- #16635 [BootstrapShop] Homepage (@mpysiak)
- #16646 Allow promotion coupon to be filtered by promotion code (@TheMilek)
- #16649 [Zone] Add validation of country/province/zone code (@Wojdylak)
- #16655 [API] Fix ShopUser docs example (@mpysiak)
- #16659 Bring back archiving promotion test (@TheMilek)
- #16656 [Addressing] Add validation for zone type (@Wojdylak)
- #16664 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16640 Add hooks for login page (@bartek-sek)
- #16660 [API] Enable Taxon resources (@mpysiak)
- #16661 [Admin][Product] Remove EU flags from non-translatable attributes (@NoResponseMate)
- #16627 [Admin] Enable and Implement Remaining Scenarios (@Rafikooo)
- #16666 [Api][Admin] Enable Order resource (@Wojdylak)
- #16667 [API] ShopBillingData as Embedded Channel's Resource (@Rafikooo)
- #16662 [API][Admin] Upgrade ProductReview (@NoResponseMate)
- #16671 [Api] Add AbstractInputContextBuilder (@Wojdylak)
- #16642 Organization of Commands/Messages (@Wojdylak)
- #16670 [API] Product Attributes Translations Resource Upgrade (@Rafikooo)
- #16675 [API] Fix commands namespaces (@GSadee)
- #16676 Disable uncovered UI scenarios in new Bootstrap Shop (@GSadee)
- #16673 [API] Upgrade TaxonImages resource (@mpysiak)
- #16672 Upgrade PaymentMethod to APIP3 (@TheMilek)
- #16682 [APIP3] Correct ProductTaxon serialization and resource config (@TheMilek)
- #16679 Fix typo in called assert method (@jaroslavtyc)
- #16665 Implement twig hooks for product reviews page (@bartek-sek)
- #16669 Register page hooks (@bartek-sek)
- #16606 Implement twig hooks into cart page and widget (@kulczy)
- #16677 Implement hooks for account profile update (@bartek-sek)
- #16636 Implement hooks for checkout (@kulczy)
- #16678 Implement hooks for account password change (@bartek-sek)
- #16681 [Api][Order] Enable Cart operations (@Wojdylak)
- #16700 [API] Fix imports in TranslationOrderNameAndLocaleFilter (@GSadee)
- #16698 [API] Attribute Position (@Rafikooo)
- #16702 Fix PaymentMethod translations order filter (@TheMilek)
- #16704 Add missing tests for product taxons filtering (@TheMilek)
- #16703 [Maintenance] Less referrer usage in static redirects (@GSadee)
- #16684 [API] Product Options (@Rafikooo)
- #16705 [API] Fix parameter name in ProductOptionValue endpoints (@GSadee)
- #16706 Fix missing template (@mpysiak)
- #16709 Enable live components on bootstrap shop (@mpysiak)
- #16707 [Unit] Product Options Improvements (@Rafikooo)
- #16715 [Admin] Fix resending order confirmation emails (@Wojdylak)
- #16716 Fixing ci after upmerge (@Wojdylak)
- #16701 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16731 Fix bunnyshell on bootstrap shop branch (@TheMilek)
- #16720 Split contact page into hooks (@kulczy)
- #16736 [UPMERGE] 1.13 -> 1.14 (@SyliusBot)
- #16733 Enable product index behat tests (@TheMilek)
- #16718 [API][ChannelPriceHistoryConfig] Upgrade and embed into channel (@NoResponseMate)
- #16719 [API] Upgrade ChannelPricingLogEntry (@NoResponseMate)
- #16734 Split create product review page into hooks (@kulczy)
- #16691 Split checkout shipping step into hooks (@kulczy)
- #16739 [Behat] Reorganise the product index directories (@TheMilek)
- #16690 Implement twig hooks for account address book index (@bartek-sek)
- #16740 Minor checkout shipping hooks improvements (@kulczy)
- #16692 [Api][Shop] Enable order resource (@Wojdylak)
- #16743 Fix checkout error (@mpysiak)
- #16750 Fix contact page structure (@kulczy)
- #16738 Implement twig hooks for forgotten password page (@bartek-sek)
- #16747 [API] Upgrade Product Association Type resource to API Platform 3 (@GSadee)
- #16742 [API] Upgrade Product Image resource to API Platform 3 (@GSadee)
- #16744 Upgrade ProductVariant to APIP3 (@TheMilek)
- #16749 [API] Upgrade Product Association resource to API Platform 3 (@GSadee)
- #16754 [API][Shop] Enable covered Product scenarios (@GSadee)
- #16751 Implement twig hooks for reset_password page (@bartek-sek)
- #16748 [Shop] Product show (@mpysiak)
- #16753 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16762 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16756 [Shop] Reset password (@Wojdylak)
- #16766 [Shop] Catalog promotion scenarios (@mpysiak)
- #16763 [Shop] Product show associations (@mpysiak)
- #16696 Split checkout payment step into hooks (@kulczy)
- #16764 [Shop] Product show attributes (@mpysiak)
- #16769 [Money] Deprecate unneeded templating helpers (@GSadee)
- #16772 Replace includes with hooks in checkout shipping step (@kulczy)
- #16732 [Shop] Cart Summary (@Rafikooo)
- #16674 Implement hooks for account dashboard (@bartek-sek)
- #16755 [Shop][Cart] Add validation for item order quantity (@Wojdylak)
- #16765 [API] Remove Deprecated
Sylius 1.13
Tests (@Rafikooo) - #16759 Make Registration form a live component and enable tests for login, logout and account verification (@TheMilek)
- #16768 [Shop] Move homepage components to common (@mpysiak)
- #16770 [Shop] Locale switcher (@mpysiak)
- #16779 Fix failing JS tests (@mpysiak)
- #16782 [Shop] Search on product index (@mpysiak)
- #16780 [Shop] Viewing product reviews on Product show page (@TheMilek)
- #16760 [Api][Shop] Enable Order Resource - Continuation (@Rafikooo)
- #16789 Make edit Customer profile form a live component (@TheMilek)
- #16792 [API] Refund Order's Payment (@Rafikooo)
- #16788 [Shop] Change user password in my acount (@mpysiak)
- #16795 Filter product variants ASC by position by default, fix order of tags in variant scenarios (@TheMilek)
- #16794 [Core] Move validation of translation classes to Core (@GSadee)
- #16774 [Shop][Product] Adding products to cart (@Wojdylak)
- #16758 Implement twig hooks for account address_book add and edit pages (@bartek-sek)
- #15706 Try SyliusResourceBundle 1.11 & SyliusGridBundle 1.13 (@loic425)
- #16797 [API] Minor improvements (@Wojdylak)
- #16803 [API][Behat] Enable already covered scenarios (@GSadee)
- #16804 [Shop] Contact (@Wojdylak)
- #16787 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16807 [API] Enable OoTB Ready Scenarios (@Rafikooo)
- #16806 [Maintenance] Remove message buses duplications (@NoResponseMate)
- #16808 [Shop][Cart] Move SummaryComponent to cart directory (@Wojdylak)
- #16805 [Shop] 404 page tests (@mpysiak)
- #16799 [Behat] Enable Applying Shipping Fee Scenarios (@Rafikooo)
- #16819 Fix static analysis to support both sylius/resource-bundle 1.11 and older versions (@GSadee)
- #16822 [PHPStan] Temporarily ignore errors with ResourceBundle 1.11 to fix static analysis (@GSadee)
- #16813 [Shop] Enable cart promotion scenarios (@mpysiak)
- #16824 [API][Behat] Add missing contexts to suites to fix undefined steps (@GSadee)
- #16827 [Behat] Switch random JS failed scenarios to Chromedriver (@GSadee)
- #16812 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16815 [API] Enable contract tests for Product Attribute Value and Province resources (@GSadee)
- #16828 [API] Rename resources configurations + enable remaining contract tests for Customer resource (@GSadee)
- #16830 [API] Enable contract tests for statistics (without validation) (@GSadee)
- #16825 [CI] Update Sylius branches in refactor workflow (@GSadee)
- #16826 [API][Behat] Enable currency and exchange rate scenarios (@mpysiak)
- #16837 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16836 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16835 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16784 Implement dropdown for locale and currency switchers (@kulczy)
- #16838 [Shop] Change password form submit revert (@mpysiak)
- #16814 [Maintenance] Enable non-api tests again (@GSadee)
- #16710 Implement twig hooks for account order preview (@bartek-sek)
- #16823 [Shop] Refactor Twig components structure (@GSadee)
- #16829 Make account address create/update and default address set a live components (@TheMilek)
- #16821 Implement twig hooks for account order history page (@bartek-sek)
- #16841 [API] Clean up api-platform-3 branch (@GSadee)
- #16820 [Shop] Applying and Removing Promotion Coupon (@mpysiak)
- #16843 [Composer][CI] Minor clean up (@GSadee)
- #16844 [API] Minor clean up of UPGRADE files (@GSadee)
- #16767 [Admin][CatalogPromotion] Fix icon for show variants link (@loic425)
- #16839 [2.0] Fix data grid sorting when there are no defaults (@loic425)
- #16847 Merge API Platform 3 to 2.0 branch (@GSadee)
- #16852 Remove api-platform-3 and add payment-request to upmerge workflow (@GSadee)
- #16846 [Shop][Checkout] Upgrade addressing form to a component (@Wojdylak)
- #16860 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16857 [API] Remove obsolete
class (@Rafikooo) - #16855 [API] Enable dashboard and homepage suites (@TheMilek)
- #16845 [Shop][Behat] Enable missing scenarios (@mpysiak)
- #16848 [API] Enable remaining Product tests (@TheMilek)
- #16840 [Behat] Refine Promotion Scenarios (@Rafikooo)
- #16856 [Api] Cover sorting and filtering of resources (@Wojdylak)
- #16861 [Shop] Currency switcher (@mpysiak)
- #16818 [Shop][Checkout] Upgrade select shipping form to a component (@NoResponseMate)
- #16853 [API] Enable the remaining cart suites (@TheMilek)
- #16867 [Behat][Checkout] Enable shipping step tests (@NoResponseMate)
- #16868 Cover the scenario for allowing access for only correctly logged in users (@TheMilek)
- #16866 [Shop][Account] Upgrade order history (@Wojdylak)
- #16817 [Maintenance] Bump Sylius resource packages to ^1.11 (@NoResponseMate)
- #16884 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16885 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16881 [API] Shop Users and Customers (@Rafikooo)
- #16882 [Shop][Checkout] Preselect country in addressing form (@Wojdylak)
- #16870 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16871 [Shop][Behat] Payment step (@mpysiak)
- #16896 Fix ci (@Wojdylak)
- #16901 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16897 [Docs] Fix link in grids customization guide (@CoderMaggie)
- #16893 [API] Secure the customer GET endpoint for guest access and implement a change password endpoint (@Wojdylak)
- #16902 Fix upmerge (@mpysiak)
- #16895 [API] Cover missing suite for getting errors in admin's language (@TheMilek)
- #16894 [Shop][Behat] Adding product review (@mpysiak)
- #16905 [Shop][Behat] Taxation scenarios (@mpysiak)
- #16904 [Shop][Cart] Enable session related scenarios (@Wojdylak)
- #16909 [Shop] Changing payment method (@Wojdylak)
- #16908 [APIP3] Refactor a bit the validation of Statistics, enable contract tests (@TheMilek)
- #16907 [Shop] Registration after checkout (@Wojdylak)
- #16854 SYL-3754: Checkout complete hooks (@bartek-sek)
- #16876 SYL-3824: Error pages hooks (@bartek-sek)
- #16911 [Behat] Enable Customer Address Book Scenarios (@Rafikooo)
- #16903 ShopUserBasedExtension - rename function name (@Wojdylak)
- #16913 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16912 Add missing tags and cover scenarios in shopping_cart suite (@TheMilek)
- #16729 [CI] Upmerge Action False Positive (@Rafikooo)
- #16915 [Security] Bump twig (@mpysiak)
- #16916 Remove note about twig/twig from CONFLICTS.md file (@GSadee)
- #16914 [Shop][Behat] Inventory scenarios (@mpysiak)
- #16917 [Shop] Fix crossed shipping cost (with promo) (@mpysiak)
- #16920 Revert "[CI] Upmerge Action False Positive" (@Rafikooo)
- #16921 [Checkout] Remove unneeded bracket (@GSadee)
- #16922 [CI] Split JS builds for Panther and Chromedriver + add additional rerun (@GSadee)
- #16929 [Behat] Remove duplicated step after upmerge (@GSadee)
- #16935 [Shop][UI] Fix Product Variant Change On The Offer Site (@Rafikooo)
- #16925 [Admin][UI] Allow using interfaces for resources in FormComponents (@NoResponseMate)
- #16939 [API] Unify Translatable Resources and Refine Configuration of Catalog Promotion Subresources (@Rafikooo)
- #16938 [SHOP] Refactor the security template and split it into twig hooks (@TheMilek)
- #16936 [Shop] Cover remaining scenarios (@GSadee)
- #16943 [Admin][UX] Remove more obsolete form components (@NoResponseMate)
- #16945 [Stripe] Remove deprecated gateway (@GSadee)
- #16932 [GA] Enable non-ui e2e steps + fixes (@NoResponseMate)
- #16946 [PayPal] Remove deprecated Express Checkout gateway (@GSadee)
- #16947 [Admin] Deprecate admin routes (@mpysiak)
- #16954 [Shop] Deprecate unused routes (@mpysiak)
- #16959 Remove hateoas (@mpysiak)
- #16956 [Maintenance] Deprecate leftover legacy custom promotion validation (@NoResponseMate)
- #16957 [Maintenance][Shop] Cleanup (@NoResponseMate)
- #16951 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16942 [Admin] Remove obsolete ajax (@mpysiak)
- #15797 [Maintenance] Remove deprecations mk 2 (@NoResponseMate)
- #16930 Merge Bootstrap Shop into 2.0 (@NoResponseMate)
- #16958 [Maintenance] Remove
from upmerges (@NoResponseMate) - #16964 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16963 Remove leftovers of paypal express checkout in tests (@TheMilek)
- #16966 Update state_machine.rst (@JakubCzech-pl)
- #16970 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #16960 [API] Split ApiResources configurations into admin and shop + minor clean up (@GSadee)
- #16944 Add asterisk next to the required fields label (@kulczy)
- #16952 [Shop] remove obsolete ajax (@mpysiak)
- #16975 [Shop][Bug] Fix twig path error (@mpysiak)
- #16974 Restore missing menu template (@bartek-sek)
- #16976 [Maintenance] Bump minimum APIP version to 3.4.0 (@mpysiak)
- #16955 SYL-3871: Flags fix (@bartek-sek)
- #16948 Unify "Apply to all" input (@kulczy)
- #16973 Assets cleanups (@kulczy)