Releases: bullhorn/sdk-rest
Releases · bullhorn/sdk-rest
POST query and search
Removed issue around URL limits for large queries/searches
Adding notes to Contact entity
Merge pull request #246 from bullhorn/release/1.2.42 dropping SNAPSHOT for release
Added new customText fields to Candidate
Added fileAttachments property to Placement
Adding support for ClientContact tracks
Merge pull request #229 from bullhorn/release/1.2.38
dropping snapshot
Adding JobSubmission to Sendout
1.2.33 dropping SNAPSHOT for release
Hotfix for more JSON mapping exceptions for candidate fields
Errors occur when fields are configured as allow multiple in field maps and thus are serialized as a JSON array and not a string by the BH REST APIs
Hotfix for Candidate.companyUrl
and allowing multiple values for that field
customEncryptedTextFields fix
for when allow multiple values = true
Adding {Entity}FileAttachment
Adding associated classes for supporting the various FileAttachment entity types