Module providing GitHub related routes.
- routes/github
- ~router :
- .get/authenticate()
- .get/callback()
- .get/repos/:owner/:repo/contents(req)
- .post/user/repos(req)
- .put/repos/:owner/:repo/doc(req)
- .put/repos/:owner/:repo/pr(req)
- .get/users/:username(req)
- .get/users()
- .get/user/repos(req)
- .get/users/:username/repos(req)
- .get/repos/:owner/:repo/collaborators/:username/permission(req)
- .get/repos/:owner/:repo(req)
- .get/repos/:owner/:repo/full(req)
- .get/orgs/:org(req)
- .post/orgs/:org/repos(req)
- .get/templates()
- .get/search/code(req)
- .get/search/repositories(req)
- ~config :
- ~handleResponsePromise(req, res, next)
- ~handleAuthentication(req, res, next)
- ~router :
Express router to mount GitHub related functions on.
Kind: inner namespace of routes/github
- ~router :
- .get/authenticate()
- .get/callback()
- .get/repos/:owner/:repo/contents(req)
- .post/user/repos(req)
- .put/repos/:owner/:repo/doc(req)
- .put/repos/:owner/:repo/pr(req)
- .get/users/:username(req)
- .get/users()
- .get/user/repos(req)
- .get/users/:username/repos(req)
- .get/repos/:owner/:repo/collaborators/:username/permission(req)
- .get/repos/:owner/:repo(req)
- .get/repos/:owner/:repo/full(req)
- .get/orgs/:org(req)
- .post/orgs/:org/repos(req)
- .get/templates()
- .get/search/code(req)
- .get/search/repositories(req)
Route that redirects to GitHub in order to use OAuth.
Kind: static method of router
Route that GitHub redirects back to after the user has authenticated at GitHub. Sets the cwrc-token cookie, used to make authenticated calls. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Get a document from GitHub. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Param | Type | Description |
req | Object |
The request |
req.params.owner | String |
The repo owner |
req.params.repo | String |
The repo name |
req.query.branch | String |
The repo branch |
req.query.path | String |
The document path |
Create a repo in the authenticated user's account. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Param | Type | Default | Description |
req | Object |
The request | |
req.body.repo | String |
The repo name | |
req.body.description | String |
The repo description | |
[req.body.isPrivate] | Boolean |
false |
Is the repo private? |
Save a document. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Param | Type | Description |
req | Object |
The request |
req.params.owner | String |
The repo owner |
req.params.repo | String |
The repo name |
req.body.path | String |
The document path |
req.body.content | String |
The document content |
req.body.branch | String |
The repo branch |
req.body.message | String |
The commit message |
[req.body.sha] | String |
The commit SHA |
Save a document as a pull request. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Param | Type | Description |
req | Object |
The request |
req.params.owner | String |
The repo owner |
req.params.repo | String |
The repo name |
req.body.path | String |
The document path |
req.body.content | String |
The document content |
req.body.branch | String |
The repo branch |
req.body.message | String |
The commit message |
req.body.title | String |
The pull request title |
[req.body.sha] | String |
The commit SHA |
Get details for a user. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Param | Type | Description |
req | Object |
The request |
req.params.username | String |
The username |
Get details for the authenticated user. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Get the repos for the authenticated user. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Param | Type | Default | Description |
req | Object |
The request | |
[req.query.affiliation] | String |
owner |
The user's affiliation to the repo |
[] | Integer |
1 |
The results page to get |
[req.query.per_page] | Integer |
10 |
The number of results per page |
Get the repos for a user. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Param | Type | Default | Description |
req | Object |
The request | |
req.params.username | String |
The username | |
[] | Integer |
1 |
The results page to get |
[req.query.per_page] | Integer |
10 |
The number of results per page |
Get permissions for a given user and repo. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Param | Type | Description |
req | Object |
The request |
req.params.owner | String |
The repo owner |
req.params.repo | String |
The repo name |
req.params.username | String |
The username |
Get the structure for a repo, using GitHub recursive option. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Param | Type | Description |
req | Object |
The request |
req.params.owner | String |
The repo owner |
req.params.repo | String |
The repo name |
Get the structure for a repo, by manually recursing through subdirectories. Intended to be used if the GitHub recursive option didn't work because the repository is too big. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Param | Type | Description |
req | Object |
The request |
req.params.owner | String |
The repo owner |
req.params.repo | String |
The repo name |
Get the details for an organization. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Param | Type | Description |
req | Object |
The request | | String |
The organization |
Create a repo for a given organization. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Param | Type | Default | Description |
req | Object |
The request | | | String |
The organization | |
req.body.repo | String |
The repo name | |
req.body.description | String |
The repo description | |
[req.body.isPrivate] | Boolean |
false |
Is the repo private? |
Get the CWRC-Writer templates. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Perform a code search. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Param | Type | Default | Description |
req | Object |
The request | |
req.query.q | String |
The search query | |
[] | Integer |
1 |
The results page to get |
[req.query.per_page] | Integer |
10 |
The number of results per page |
Perform a repos search. Calls
Kind: static method of router
Param | Type | Default | Description |
req | Object |
The request | |
req.query.q | String |
The search query | |
[] | Integer |
1 |
The results page to get |
[req.query.per_page] | Integer |
10 |
The number of results per page |
The CWRC-GitServer config object, located at
Kind: inner namespace of routes/github
Name | Type | Description |
github_client_cors | Boolean |
Is the GitHub client located at a different origin than this server? |
github_client_origin | String |
The GitHub client origin, if different than this server |
github_client_id | String |
The OAuth ID |
github_client_secret | String |
The OAuth secret |
github_oath_callback | String |
The location of this server's callback route |
github_oath_callback_redirect | String |
The location of the CWRC-GitWriter instance |
templates_owner | String |
The templates repo owner |
templates_repo | String |
The templates repo name |
templates_ref | String |
The templates repo ref |
templates_path | String |
The templates repo path |
personal_oath_for_testing | String |
OAuth ID to use for running tests |
jwt_secret_for_testing | String |
JWT secret to use for running tests |
Custom middleware to add standard error handling, based on promises, to routes that use promises, i.e. the routes that make calls to the GitHub API. Also sets Access-Control-Allow headers in the response, if isGithubClientCORS returns true.
Kind: inner method of routes/github
Param | Type | Description |
req | Object |
The request |
res | Object |
The response |
next | function |
Next middleware function |
Custom middleware to authenticate with GitHub if a cwrc-token is in the header. The cwrc-token contains the GitHub OAuth token. Calls
Kind: inner method of routes/github
Param | Type | Description |
req | Object |
The request |
res | Object |
The response |
next | function |
Next middleware function |