- PVE (Train Tunnels, Underwater Labs)
- PVP (Bradley, Heli, Locked Crate, Supply Drop, Oil Rigs)
- Monuments (Get a Green Card from Gas Station, Powerplant)
- Exploration (Find hidden treasures, discover new areas, Do a full loop around the map on a motorcycle)
- Gambling (Slots, Blackjack, Randomly Spawned Lucky Caboose)
- Roleplay (Make a cozy log cabin, have a drink in a rocking chair while listening to music, )
- Automation (Hook up a med autocrafter, auto furnace smelter)
- Troll (Use a megaphone next to someones base, Put a auto turret in a bush near a base)
- Survival (Kill a deer, visit a water pump station)
- Raid (Raid a small base, Eco raid)
- Enable Voice Props DLC Quests
- Enable Sunburn DLC Quests
- Filters for each category (Disable Raid, Disable PVP, etc.)
- Disable Animations
- Create a 10 Train car long Train
- Open a vending machine shop
- Farm a planter box of crops
- Make a pure (tea)
- Use a submarine
- Kill a shark
- Have a BBQ with atleast 1 other player
- Have someone play a guitar while you sing
- Complete a NPC quest
- Get a car functional
- Have a camper
- Have a taxi
- make a phone call (required someone needs to pick up)
- Mount your enemys head on your base
- Put up 3 wanted posters of your enemies around your base
- take a picture with a random person
- Build a dance floor and have a party
- Use a megaphone next to the largest base in the area
- Throw a voice recorder with a with a message on it on a random base