2.17.0 (2019-04-14)
2.16.1 (2019-02-19)
2.16.0 (2019-02-17)
2.15.0 (2019-02-10)
- add ceil (d9dee2b), closes #748
- add floor (0ce6fbe), closes #748
- add round (eab931c), closes #106
- add sign (6d2a080), closes #748
- add trunc (ddfb12e), closes #748
2.14.0 (2019-01-24)
- dispatch: add support for currying (6187992)
- isArrayLike: add support for currying (a3e843c)
- isAsyncFunction: add support for ramda placeholder (4747e6a), closes #624
- isBoolean: add ramda placeholder support (3c7ee1c), closes #624
- isDate: add ramda placeholder support (96d0772), closes #624
- isEven: add support for ramda placeholder (47aae9c), closes #624
- isFinite: add support for ramda placeholder (3c8b161), closes #624
- isFloat: add support for ramda placeholder (8374ba9), closes #624
- isGeneratorFunction: add support ramda placeholder (84e8816), closes #624
- isInteger: add support for ramda placeholder (69d9f2c), closes #624
- isNaN: add support for ramda placeholder (ec09c4c), closes #624
2.13.0 (2018-12-08)
- isBoolean: make this predicate work in different realms (b89ade0), closes #724
- isDate: make this predicate work in different realms (1963c2d), closes #724
- isRegExp: make this predicate work in different realms (f0150a9), closes #724
- add support for [email protected] (2de8c22)
2.12.0 (2018-11-25)
- renameKeysWith: use lenses instead of adjust to support [email protected] (43839f3)
- add support for [email protected] (7849c62)
- deprecate
; add new alias tocontained
(c8ef8a4) - deprecate
; [email protected] contains it asR.hasPath
(2f475d2) - deprecate
; add new alias tomergeRight
; [email protected] contains it asR.mergeLeft
(7849c62) - deprecate
; [email protected] contains it asR.then
(a4c3475) - add alias
2.11.0 (2018-10-28)
- add allEqualTo (d14dac9), closes #525
- add allIdentical (c5267f5), closes #578
- add allIdenticalTo (fb61085), closes #525
- add repeatStr (f1c5dfa), closes #667
2.10.0 (2018-09-09)
2.9.0 (2018-05-29)
2.8.0 (2018-05-13)
- add contained (#510) (381f2df), closes #392
- add lengthEq and lengthNotEq (#552) (f71ad1e), closes #444
- add lengthLt, lengthGt, lengthLte, lengthGte (47d4560)
- add move (#507) (22ecfc0), closes #485
- add thenP (#551) (92ba7b5), closes #35
2.7.0 (2018-04-25)
- add argsPass (#437) (f7d7f7c), closes #370
- add inRange (#436) (9937600), closes #393
- add traversable lenses (#494) (d34be73)
2.6.0 (2018-03-19)
- add concatAll (#404) (341f3f1), closes #109
- add dispatch (#407) (fb5aa08), closes #66
- add ensureArray (#375) (7b60189), closes #371
- add isNonPositive, isNonNegative (#434) (8d62dc1), closes #324
- add isTrue, isFalse (#435) (9687b51), closes #255
- add omitBy (#376) (c7c9c7e), closes #171
2.5.0 (2018-02-14)
- nonePass: Add complement of Ramda’s anyPass (#327) (6b875ea), closes #234
- add appendFlipped (#347) (9a30238), closes #333
- add compact (#331) (865a2ce), closes #127
- add mapIndexed (#345) (3fcd0c2), closes #282
- add reduceIndexed (#357) (ea6fd59), closes #281
- add isRegExp (#346) (3ad18cd), closes #325
- add isNotRegExp (#346) (3ad18cd), closes #325
2.4.1 (2018-01-25)
- fix failed build for 2.4.0 release
2.4.0 (2018-01-24)
- add isEmptyArray (#288) (961692e), closes #279
- add isEmptyString (08d80e9), closes #40
- add isNonEmptyArray (#289) (464060e), closes #279
- add isNonEmptyString (#299) (cd94a5f), closes #40
- add notAllPass (#308) (2aa3d2f), closes #234
- add pathNotEq (#297) (fc0716f), closes #217
2.3.0 (2018-01-14)
- add notBoth (#260) (a214f75), closes #234
- add allP (#269) (c430af6), closes #35
- add neither (#273) (5294011), closes #234
- add propNotEq (#275) (82da044), closes #238
- add sequencing combinator (#257) (04ffd3d), closes #173
- add Y combinator (dbdf6af), closes #130
2.2.0 (2017-12-24)
- add defaultWhen (#245) (3606048), closes #216
- add isFalsy (1612941), closes #66
- add isTruthy (f09f72e), closes #66
- add isValidNumber, isNotValidNumber (#247) (d94c1b5), closes #235
2.1.0 (2017-12-04)
- add stubArray (44e9760)
- add stubObj (2fce473)
- add stubString (7dc4f39)
- add isThenable (b9f6e0d)
- add isPromise (f00e93f)
2.0.0 (2017-11-19)
- add support for tree shaking (baa62ea), closes #75
- add search to documentation & improve the UI (2ae5850), closes #24
- Tree shaking support and imports
import RA from 'ramda-adjunct'
import * as RA from 'ramda-adjunct'
1.19.0 (2017-10-31)
- pickIndexes: omits values for non existing indexes (cb82b9e), closes #181
- typings: add missed types to concatRight, sliceFrom, sliceTo, liftFN (96a31cb), closes #176
- add isPair, isNotPair (#168) (6e6e6e5), closes #90
- add lensIso (#165) (0421890), closes #178
- add flattenProp & flattenPath (#182) (046cd02)
- add spreadProp & spreadPath (#183) (3e8db40)
- add omitIndexes (#180) (d65a42d)
1.18.0 (2017-10-15)
- add isEven (aff8308), closes #98
- add isOdd (7d7cfcd)
- add mergePath, mergeProp (2725289), closes #147
1.17.0 (2017-09-24)
1.16.0 (2017-09-19)
1.15.0 (2017-09-10)
1.14.0 (2017-08-25)
- reduceP, reduceRightP: fix logic for empty list (6538444)
- Identity: add contravariant fantasy-land specification (1bd5beb)
- add hasPath (06c7364), closes #125
- add isFloat (40d74e6)
- add isNotFloat (652d317)
1.13.0 (2017-08-15)
- defaults: fix wrong logic (fbc373f)
- docs: fix version in JSDOC (4696ae2)
- reduceRightP: compensate for older versions of ramda (3e5b327)
- reduceP (d721126)
- reduceRightP (81d3d09), closes #114
- lenses: lensSatisfies & lensNotSatisfy (1c351c2)
- viewOr (f494dc1)
- lenses: lensEq & lensNotEq (7dd4b20)
1.12.0 (2017-07-30)
1.11.0 (2017-07-23)
- add concatRight (7628612), closes #93
- Identity: add Ord fantasy-land spec (76d94d7)
- Identity: add partial Monoid* specification (da1f379)
1.10.2 (2017-06-20)
- fixes crashed build for 1.10.1
1.10.1 (2017-06-20)
- fixes crashed build for 1.10.0
1.10.0 (2017-06-20)
- add weaveLazy (8b665d3)
1.9.0 (2017-06-14)
1.8.1 (2017-05-23)
- Fixes corrupted build on npm
1.8.0 (2017-05-22)
- Identity: add Identity monadic type to public API (5130a73)
- weave: add support for auto-currying returned function (7fcf7a9), closes #78
- add isValidDate (3a2f4ad)
- isNotValidDate (10d3780), closes #46
1.7.0 (2017-05-18)
1.6.0 (2017-05-16)
- Identity: add Setoid spec to Identity (3c62ad6)
- add mergeRight (25051aa)
- add stubNull (7c71292), closes #71
1.5.0 (2017-05-10)
- add renameKeys (1a2538e)
- add renameKeysWith (fb5059c)
- expose ap as internal util (16e2535), closes #64
1.4.0 (2017-04-28)
- isGeneratorFunction: check for GeneratorFunction instead of AsyncFunction (853f934)
1.3.2 (2017-04-23)
1.3.1 (2017-04-20)
- fix linting issues
1.3.0 (2017-04-20)
- fix missing function imports
1.2.0 (2017-04-16)
- add defaults alias to merge (9a3aa17)
- add liftF (b475d5d)
- add liftFN (f65a52e)
- add paths (c409d6b), closes #54
- add resetToDefault (d5202fb)
1.1.0 (2017-04-09)
1.0.0 (2017-04-02)
0.7.0 (2017-03-26)
0.6.0 (2017-03-16)
- add isDate (5fbd348)
- add isNaN (3111de3)
- add isNotDate (4ffa958)
- add isNotNaN (fdc83c1)
- add isNotNumber (a3a0758)
- as isNumber (d76d5fd)
0.5.1 (2017-03-06)
0.5.0 (2017-03-06)
- isGeneratorFunction: add legacy check (24969a6)
- add isFunction (c0e45e7)
- typescript: add support for typescript by typings (1ff7c61)
- add isAsyncFunction (b72a040)
- add isGeneratorFunction (08ee74b)
- add isNotArrayLike (dbf09b9), closes #33
- add isNotAsyncFunction (8194de9)
- add isNotFunction (82b8295), closes #31
- add isNotObjectLike (9233e00)
- add isNotPlainObject (1d39f44)
- add isObject (9f6e64a)
- add isObjectLike (52b1917)
- add isPlainObject (6e14291)
- isNotGeneratorFunction (ffba8cd)
- isNotObject (aa4a0df)
0.4.0 (2017-02-27)
- fix import of isNilOrEmpty (7de3f33)
- add isNilOrEmpty (a42d429), closes #21
- add isNotEmpty (791f81b), closes #19
- add isString, isNotString (15a4deb)
0.3.0 (2017-02-16)
- add isArray (5bf4ab9)
- add isBoolean, isNotBoolean (5400527)
- add isNotArray (17d11c2)
- add isNotNil (f49962a)
0.2.0 (2017-02-13)
0.1.0 (2017-02-09)
- isNull: add isNull along side with complement isNotNull (c803052)