The courtyards of Slavyansk. Three yards, a gypsy baron lives, all in gold and with shepherds. White pouring, grind the house to my grandmother, pull out cold juice from the basement, grandmother with a wet rag and a cry "Oh, you have a lousy nasty thing!" - Because you stomp the bed, and after 15 minutes you are drawn to strawberries together. With my grandfather to swim, to catch the fish on the red estuary, but you gobbled up the bread for the bait without reaching the estuary, because it is tasty. The mulberry on the soles of the sandals, and again a grandmother with a wet towel, because you smear the floorboards... Through the road - the library in the recreation center of the railway workers, and the aunt Lida works there. And in the evening, in the wasteland, between the house of Aunt Lida and the House of Culture, we burn a fire and bake potatoes.
Slavyansk, Artem Street.
OSINT Repos List
, Repository with gathered from GitHub utilities for OSINT, Development and DevOps. The number of artifacts in the repository exceeded 2200: https://github.com/bormaxi8080/osint-repos-list
How to install and run Telegram
on Kali Linux: https://spy-soft.net/telegram-kali-linux/
Shadow Analysis
. 5 Examples of Using SunCalc: https://teletype.in/@secur_researcher/shadow_investigations
OSINT Bookmark
- A curated list of OSINT tools for company research, internet scanning, DNS, and Whois lookups, organized for easy access. Ideal for analysts, researchers, and cybersecurity professionals: https://github.com/neospl0it/osint-bookmark
Shodan Dorks
. This GitHub repository provides a range of search queries, known as "dorks," for Shodan, a powerful tool used to search for Internet-connected devices. The dorks are designed to help security researchers discover potential vulnerabilities and configuration issues in various types of devices such as webcams, routers, and servers. This resource is helpful for those interested in exploring network security and conducting vulnerability scanning, including both beginners and experienced information security professionals. By leveraging this repository, users can improve the security of their own networks and protect against potential attacks: https://github.com/nullfuzz-pentest/shodan-dorks
US Driver's License
Numbers: http://www.highprogrammer.com/alan/numbers/dl_us_shared.html
Lookup US Social Security Number
by State and Year: https://www.ssn-verify.com/lookup
Decoding US Social Security Numbers
in One Step (for numbers issued prior to June 25, 2011): https://stevemorse.org/ssn/ssn.html
A good script from @dutch_osintguy to build investigation timelines: https://github.com/Dutchosintguy/OSINT-timeline
Deleted Tweet Finder V2.3
. Google Cache searches for the most recent snapshot of the webpage stored in Google's cache. Although phased out by Google, you still can find something so now and then: https://cache.digitaldigging.org/
OSINT Tools, Services and Investigations:
Search By Image
- Browser extension for reverse image search, available for Chrome, Edge and Safari: https://github.com/dessant/search-by-image
is an award-winning open-source platform for visualizing and manipulating large graphs: https://github.com/gephi/gephi
- Detect bots/crawlers/spiders using the user agent string: https://github.com/omrilotan/isbot
- Change your MAC address for debugging: https://github.com/feross/SpoofMAC
- Find info about user by phone number using GetContact API: https://github.com/kovinevmv/getcontact
- Find exploits in local and online databases instantly: https://github.com/1N3/Findsploit
- Automated security assessment tool for LAMP/WordPress servers using Nmap, featuring detailed scans, IPv6 support detection and logging of results: https://github.com/IntuitionAmiga/lampscan
- Passive sniffing tool for capturing and visualising WiFi location data disclosed by iOS devices: https://github.com/hubert3/iSniff-GPS
- A list of open source web security scanners on GitHub and GitLab, ordered by Stars. It does not provide in-depth analysis - for more analysis or a wider range of tools: https://github.com/psiinon/open-source-web-scanners
GPT4o Captcha Bypass
- a CLI tool for testing various types of captchas including puzzle, text, complicated text, and reCAPTCHA using Python and Selenium. The tool also uses OpenAI GPT-4 to help solve the captchas: https://github.com/aydinnyunus/gpt4-captcha-bypass
Software Development:
- A modern, fast and productivity driven SQL client with a focus in UX: https://github.com/antares-sql/antares
- A graph node engine and editor written in Javascript similar to PD or UDK Blueprints, comes with its own editor in HTML5 Canvas2D. The engine can run client side or server side using Node. It allows to export graphs as JSONs to be included in applications independently: https://github.com/jagenjo/litegraph.js
DuckDB-powered Postgres
for high performance apps & analytics: https://github.com/duckdb/pg_duckdb
project, the browser engine used by Safari, Mail, App Store and many other applications on macOS, iOS and Linux: https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit
Linux & DevOps:
- Realtime log viewer for docker containers: https://github.com/amir20/dozzle#
- WIFI / LAN intruder detector. Scans for devices connected to your network and alerts you if new and unknown devices are found: https://github.com/jokob-sk/NetAlertX
WireGuard obfuscator
- simple obfuscator for WireGuard. Usefull if your ISP/government blocks WireGuard traffic: https://github.com/ClusterM/wg-obfuscator
- An open-source & self-hostable Heroku / Netlify / Vercel alternative: https://github.com/coollabsio/coolify
Flipper Zero:
for Flipper Zero: https://github.com/panki27/Metronome
Spoof temperature sensor with HackRF/FlipperZero: https://github.com/rgerganov/spoof_temp
New from CyberDetective:
OSINT Methods for Image Investigations
. A detailed overview of 22 image tools for investigative imaging: search engines, location finders, photo forensics, and more: https://redteamrecipe.com/osint-methods-for-image-investigations
All text in NYC
. Interesting example of a text search service for inscriptions on the walls of Brooklyn. It is a pity that there is no such service for all cities of the world (Overpass Turbo only allows to find a small portion): http://alltext.nyc
Secret Files Exposed: How to Find Hidden Documents on the Web
. A short Guide by Nina Maelainine on how to search for sensitive files using Google and analyse their metadata: https://medium.com/@ninamaelainine/curiosity-got-you-heres-how-to-find-hidden-docs-online-0a7d0f1e8397
Dork King
. Enter your target domain and get quick links to find pages with SQL Errors, backup files, backdoors, open redirects, log files and more: https://dorkking.blindf.com
New from GitHub Community:
- Compresses video by 90% while maintaining quality. Works in browser, free and without watermarks: https://tools.rotato.app/compress
GitHub: https://github.com/bormaxi8080/osint-timeline
LinkedIn: bormaxi8080 OSINT Featured Timeline
You can see Systematized list of my GitHub Starred OSINT Repositories
and contact me on SubStack: https://osintech.substack.com
If you like the projects that I do, I will be grateful for donations in private dialogue.
WARNING! All tools, programs and techniques published in this article and repository are used for informational, educational purposes or for information security purposes. The authors are not responsible for the activities that users of these tools and techniques may carry out, and urge them not to use them to carry out harmful or destructive activities directed against other users or groups on the Internet.