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Channel Establishment

Channel establishment is initiated by the customer in zkChannels.


The merchant has completed the setup phase, and the customer and merchant have established a communication session.

The customer has obtained the merchant’s setup information out of band. The customer must verify the merchant's public parameters are well-formed and valid:

  • The merchant blind signing public key merchant_zkabacus_public_key must consist of a valid Pointcheval Sanders public key of the expected length with components in the BLS12-381 pairing subgroups G1 and G2.
  • The range constraint parameters range_constraint_parameters must consist of a valid Pointcheval Sanders key of the expected length with components in the BLS12-381 pairing subgroup G1, and valid signatures on the appropriate integer range.
  • The revocation lock commitment parameters revocation_commitment_parameters must be well-formed Pedersen parameters of the expected length, and consist of elements in the BLS12-381 pairing subgroup G1.
  • The merchant EdDSA public key merchant_public_key must be a valid EdDSA key for the curve specified by tezos-client and the merchant address merchant_address must be a Tezos tz1 address correctly derived from merchant_public_key.

The customer should ensure they have a Tezos implicit account with balance sufficient to both contribute the desired amount to the zkChannel and pay the operations fees needed to originate, fund, and call the appropriate entry points of the corresponding smart contract. We recommend 2 tez based on our contract benchmarks on testnet.

Protocol Overview

Channel establishment is a three-round protocol between the customer and the merchant.

The establishment protocol uses zkAbacus as a subprotocol. Details for zkAbacus may be found in Chapter 3.3.3 of the zkChannels Protocol document. Each party also interacts with the Tezos blockchain to open and verify the channel's escrow account. Details of on-chain operations are provided here.

The protocol flows between the customer and the merchant are given in the following diagram:

    +-------+                           +-------+
    |       |---------  open_c  ------->|       |
    |       |<--------  open_m  --------|       |
    |       |                           |       |
    |       |---------  init_c  ------->|       |
    | Cust  |<--------  init_m  --------| Merch |
    |       |------- contract_ID ------>|       |
    |       |---- funding_confirmed --->|       |
    |       |<------- activate ---------|       |
    |       |                           |       |
    +-------+                           +-------+

The protocol proceeds as follows:

  1. The customer sends the open_c message, which contains information about the initial state of the proposed channel.

  2. The merchant verifies the received message and either accepts or rejects the proposed channel. They reply with the open_m message, which contains the merchant's contribution to the channel identifier.

  3. The customer and merchant each compute the channel identifer channel_id, which acts as the unique channel identifier for the on-chain Tezos escrow account and off-chain zkAbacus channel. The identifier channel_id is computed as SHA3-256(customer_randomness, merchant_randomness, customer_public_key, merchant_public_key, merchant_zkabacus_public_key) converted to a BLS12-381 scalar.

  4. They then initialize the zkAbacus channel by running zkAbacus.Initialize() on the previously established public parameters. In this subroutine:

    a. The customer sends the init_c message to the merchant. This message consists of a (hiding) commitment to the intial state and a zero-knowledge proof of correctness.

    b. The merchant verifies the received message and sends the init_m message, which contains an initial closing authorization signature, to the customer.

  5. The customer originates the zkChannels contract on chain:

    a. They forge and sign the origination operation with the following channel-specific arguments:

    • channel_id: The channel identifier, a BLS12-381 scalar.
    • customer_address: The customer's Tezos tz1 address.
    • init_customer_balance: The customer's initial balance.
    • customer_public_key: The customer's Tezos public key.
    • merchant_address: The merchant's Tezos tz1 address.
    • init_merchant_balance: The merchant's initial balance.
    • merchant_public_key: The merchant's Tezos public key.
    • merchant_zkabacus_public_key: The merchant's zkAbacus public key.

    b. They inject the origination operation. They compute the contract identifier contract_ID and initialize the chain watcher to track the zkchannels contract with identifier contract_ID. When the chain watcher indicates that the origination operation is confirmed to depth required_confirmations, they update the channel status to Originated.

    c. They send the contract identifer contract_ID to the merchant.

  6. The merchant checks the corresponding contract and initial storage for the expected values and initializes the chain watcher to track the zkChannels contract specified by contract_ID. If the values are not as expected, the merchant aborts.

  7. The customer funds the zkChannels contract by calling the addCustFunding entrypoint of the contract. The source of this transfer operation must be the customer_address specified in the contract's initial storage and the transfer amount must be equal to init_customer_balance. When the chain watcher indicates that the addCustFunding operation group is confirmed to the depth required_confirmations, they update the channel status to CustomerFunded. The customer then sends a success message, namely the funding_confirmed message to the merchant.

  8. The merchant then funds their side of the smart contract, if the channel is dual-funded, by calling the AddMerchFunding entrypoint of the contract with identifier contract_id. When the chain watcher indicates this contract has status OPEN for a depth of required_confirmations blocks, the merchant runs zkAbacus.Activate() to generate the initial payment tag and sends the customer the message activate, which contains this payment tag.

  9. Upon completion of zkAbacus.Activate(), the zkChannel is open and ready for payments.

Representation of Balances

Balances in zkAbacus are represented as BLS12-381 scalars. We support integer values in the range (-2^63, 2^63).

Message Specifications

The open_c Message

The open_c message is sent from the customer to the merchant and is formed as follows:

  1. type: open_c
  2. data:
    • [string:customer_randomness]: Customer randomness contribution to the channel identifer.
    • [int:init_customer_balance]: The proposed initial customer balance.
    • [int:init_merchant_balance]: The proposed initial merchant balance.
    • [address:customer_address]: The customer's Tezos tz1 account address.
    • [key:customer_public_key]: The customer's Tezos EdDSA public key.
    • [string: merch_pp_hash]: A hash of merchant public parameters as specified in Merchant Setup.

Customer Requirements

The customer, before sending:

  • Retrieves the merchant public parameters and checks these parameters are well-formed and valid as specified above.
  • Generates customer_randomness uniformly at random using a secure RNG.

Merchant Requirements

Upon receipt, the merchant checks that the following are true. If any are false, the merchant aborts:

  • Checks customer_randomness is the correct length.
  • Checks init_customer_balance ≥ 0 and init_merchant_balance ≥ 0 are positive integers.
  • Checks customer_public_key is a valid Tezos EdDSA public key for the curve specified by tezos-client and that customer_address is a valid Tezos tz1 address that is correctly derived from customer_public_key.
  • Checks merch_pp_hash is the SHA3-256 hash of (merchant_zkabacus_public_key, merchant_address, merchant_public_key).
  • Checks customer_address is an implicit Tezos account (tz1 address), and not a smart contract address (KT1 address).

The merchant may choose to either accept or reject the channel establishment request. The implementation should provide a customizable approver mechanism in order to realize channel establishment approvals and rejections. If the merchant accepts, they should ensure their implicit Tezos account with address merchant_address has a balance sufficient to both contribute the desired amount to the zkChannel and pay the operations fees needed to fund and call the appropriate entry points of the corresponding smart contract. We recommend 0.009 tez based on our contract benchmarks on testnet.

The open_m Message

The merchant sends the open_m message to the customer; this message is formed as follows:

  1. type: open_m
  2. data: [string:merchant_randomness]. This is the merchant randomness contribution to the channel identifier.

Customer Requirements

Upon receipt, the customer checks the that merchant_randomness is the correct length. If so, the customer sets the channel identifier channel_id to: SHA3-256(customer_randomness, merchant_randomness, customer_public_key, merchant_public_key, merchant_zkabacus_public_key) converted to a BLS12-381 scalar, where:

  • customer_randomness is the customer's contribution to the channel identifier sent to the merchant in the open_c message.
  • merchant_randomness is the merchant's contribution to the channel identifier received in the open_m message.
  • customer_public_key is the customer Tezos account public key.
  • merchant_public_key is the merchant Tezos account public key.
  • merchant_zkabacus_public_key is the merchant's zkAbacus Pointcheval Sanders public key.

If not, the customer aborts.

Merchant Requirements

Before sending, the merchant:

  • Generates merchant_randomness uniformly at random using a secure RNG.
  • Sets the channel identifier channel_id to: SHA3-256(customer_randomness, merchant_randomness, customer_public_key, merchant_public_key, merchant_zkabacus_public_key) converted to a BLS12-381 scalar, where:
    • customer_randomness is the customer's contribution to the channel identifier sent to the merchant in the open_c message.
    • merchant_randomness is the merchant's contribution to the channel identifier received in the open_m message.
    • customer_public_key is the customer Tezos account public key.
    • merchant_public_key is the merchant Tezos account public key.
    • merchant_zkabacus_public_key is the merchant's zkAbacus Pointcheval Sanders public key.

The init_c Message

The customer sends an init_c message to the merchant.

  1. type: init_c
  2. data:
    • [string:channel_id]
    • [bls12_381_g1:close_state_commitment]: A commitment to the initial closing state.
    • [bls12_381_g1:state_commitment]: A commitment to the initial state.
    • [(bls12_381_g1, bls12_381_g1, Vec<bls12_381_fr>): establish_proof]: A zero-knowledge proof of correctness of the commitments to the initial state and initial closing state.

Customer Requirements

The customer runs the zkAbacus.Initialize() on inputs channel_id, init_customer_balance, and init_merchant_balance to generate the init_c message.

Merchant Requirements

Upon receipt, the merchant:

  • Checks that channel_id matches the channel identifier previously computed.
  • Continues as specified in zkAbacus.Initialize().

If channel_id is incorrect, the merchant aborts.

The init_m Message

The merchant sends an init_m message to the customer.

  1. type: init_m
  2. data: [(bls12_381_g1, bls12_381_g1):closing_signature]. A closing authorization signature on the initial closing state.

Customer Requirements

Upon receipt, the customer verifies closing_signature is a valid signature with respect to the merchant zkAbacus Pointcheval Sanders public key. If the signature is valid, the customer continues as specified in zkAbacus.Initialize(). If the signature is invalid, the customer aborts.

Merchant Requirements

The merchant runs zkAbacus.Initialize on inputs channel_id, init_customer_balance, and init_merchant_balance. If successful, the merchant sends the resulting message init_m. Otherwise, the merchant aborts.

The contract_identifier Message

The customer sends the contract_ID message to the merchant.

  1. type: contract_identifier
  2. data:
    • [address:contract-id]: The contract identifier for the zkChannels smart contract.
    • [int:originated-block-height]: The block height of the zkChannels smart contract.

Customer Requirements

The customer:

  • Originates the contract as specified in the Tezos zkEscrowAgent Realization document and computes the contract identifier contract_ID.
  • Initializes the chain watcher to track the contract with identifier contract_ID.
  • Receives a notification from the chain watcher that the origination operation for the contract specified by contract_ID is confirmed on chain for at least required_confirmations blocks.
  • Updates the channel status to Originated.
  • Sends the contract_identifier message to the merchant.

Merchant Requirements

Upon receipt of the contract_identifier message, the merchant:

  • Initializes the chain watcher to track the contract with identifier contract_ID.

  • Checks that the originated contract contract-id contains the expected zkchannels contract with respect to the channel identifier channel_id, the customer Tezos public key customer_public_key, the customer's tezos tz1 address customer_address, the merchant public parameters, and the initial balances init_customer_balance and init_merchant_balance.

  • Checks that the on-chain storage of contract-id at originated-block-height is exactly as expected for channel channel_id:

    • The contract storage contains merchant_zkabacus_public_key in the expected field(s).
    • The customer's tezos tz1 address and public key match the fields customer_address and customer_public_key, respectively.
    • The merchant's tezos tz1 address and public key match the fields merchant_address and merchant_public_key, respectively.
    • The self_delay field in the contract matches the value specified in the global defaults.
    • The close field in the contract matches the merchant's close flag defined as defined in the global defaults. The close flag represents a fixed scalar used by the merchant to differentiate closing state and state.
    • The fields customer_balance and merchant_balance are initialized to init_customer_balance and init_merchant_balance, respectively.
    • The status field of the contract is initialized to AWAITING_CUST_FUNDING.
    • The context-string is set to "zkChannels mutual close", as defined in the global defaults.
  • Checks that the originated contract is confirmed on chain for at least required_confirmations blocks.

  • Updates the channel status to Originated.

The funding_confirmed Message

The customer sends the funding_confirmed message to the merchant.

  1. type: funding_confirmed
  2. data: none.

Customer Requirements

The customer:

  • Funds the contract by calling the addCustomerFunding entrypoint.
  • Receives a notification from the chain watcher that the funding operation is confirmed on chain for at least required_confirmations blocks.
  • Updates the channel status to CustomerFunded.
  • Sends the funding_confirmed message to the merchant.

Merchant Requirements

Upon receipt of the funding_confirmed message, the merchant:

  • Checks that the customer has funded the contract for at least required_confirmations blocks. This requires checking that the customer's operation to add their funds is the last operation to have interacted with the smart contract, and that in the most recent blocks of the blockchain (up to required_confirmations blocks in the past) there have been no further operations interacting with the contract.
  • In the dual-funded case, funds their side of the contract by calling the addMerchantFunding entrypoint. The source of this transfer operation must be the merchant_address specified in the contract's initial storage and the transfer amount must be equal to init_merchant_balance.
  • When the chain watcher indicates that the addMerchantFunding operation is confirmed on chain and the contract storage status is OPEN for at least required_confirmations blocks, updates the channel status to MerchantFunded.

The activate Message

The merchant sends the activate message to the customer.

  1. type: activate
  2. data: [(bls12_381_g1, bls12_381_g1):payment_tag]

Customer Requirements

Upon receipt, the customer:

  • In the dual-funded case, when the chain watcher indicates the contract storage status is OPEN at a confirmation depth of required_confirmations, updates the channel status to MerchantFunded.
  • If the customer does not see a confirmed addMerchantFunding operation from the merchant within a specified timeout period, they call the reclaimFunding entrypoint.
  • Checks that payment_tag is a valid signature with respect to the merchant's zkAbacus Pointcheval Sanders public key. If not, aborts by initiating a unilateral close.
  • Updates the channel status to Ready.

Merchant Requirements

Before sending, the merchant:

  • The chain watcher must indicate that the contract storage status has been set to OPEN for required_confirmations blocks.
  • Generates the activate message by running zkAbacus.Activate() on the initial state commitment state_commitment provided in the customer's init_c message, the channel identifier channel_id, and their zkAbacus Pointcheval Sanders public key.
  • Updates the channel status to Active.