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Developer's Guide to Service-Catalog


At a minimum you will need:

These will allow you to build and test using Docker.

If you want to build without Docker, then you will also need:

  • Go set up locally (with proper $GOPATH and (optionally) $GOPATH/bin in your local PATH)
  • Glide v0.12.3 or higher installed and on your PATH
  • Working Kubernetes cluster and kubectl installed in your local PATH. The version of Kubernetes and kubectl must be >= 1.4
  • Helm installed in your Kubernetes cluster, and the helm binary in your PATH
  • Cluster credentials in ./kubeconfig file

Additionally, if you intend to push Docker images to a registry:

  • Must be pre-authenticated to the Docker registry you intend to use

Cloning the Repo

The Service Catalog github repository can be found here.

To clone the repository: # If you have Go installed and want to build w/o Docker, first: mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/ cd $GOPATH/src/

# Now let's clone it:
git clone


First cd to the root of the cloned repository tree. To build the service-catalog you have two options:

  • make build
  • DOCKER=1 make build

Both will build all of the executables, into the bin directory. However, the second option will do the build within a Docker container - meaning you do not need to have all of the necessary tooling installed on your host (such as a golang compiler or glide). Whichever option you choose, the results should be the same.

Note, this will do the basic build of the service catalog. There are more more advanced build steps below as well.

To deploy to Kubernetes, see the Deploying to Kubernetes section.

Notes Concerning the Build Process/Makefile

  • The Makefile assumes you're running make from the root of the repo.
  • There are some source files that are generated during the build process. These will be prefixed with zz.
  • When building with Docker, a Docker Image called "scbuildimage" will be used.
  • While many people have utilities, such as editor hooks, that auto-format their go source files with gofmt, there is a Makefile target called format which can be used to do this task for you.
  • The build-darwin and build-linux Makefile targets can be used to build those respective platform specific executables. The output binaries are placed in the bin/darwin_amd64 or bin/linux_amd64 directories. By default, make build will build the current system's os/arch's binaries.


Currently, we only have unit testcases within this repo:

  • make test
  • DOCKER=1 make test

These will execute any *_test.go files within the source tree.

To see how well these tests cover the source code, you can use:

  • make coverage
  • DOCKER=1 make coverage

These will execute the tests and perform an analysis of how well they cover all code paths. The results are put into a file called: coverage.html at the root of the repo.

Advanced Build Steps

You can build the service catalog executables into Docker images and push them to a Docker Registry so they can be accessed by your Kubernetes clusters:

export VERSION=$(git rev-parse --short --verify HEAD)
# Registry URL is the portion up to, but excluding the image name and its
# preceding slash, e.g., "", "my-docker-id"
export REGISTRY=<registry URL>

make images push

This will build Docker images for the service controller, Kubernetes service broker, and service classes registry. The images are also pushed to the registry specified by the REGISTRY environment variable, so they can be accessed by your Kubernetes cluster.

The images are tagged with the current Git commit SHA: docker images.

Deploying to Kubernetes

NOTE: The following instructions assume everything is run on the host. The instructions for doing the following via Docker is still a work-in-progress.

NOTE: Do not forget to specify a Kubernetes namespace where the system will be deployed. Here, we will use catalog.

Use Helm to create the Kubernetes deployments:

helm install \
    --set "registry=${REGISTRY},version=${VERSION}" \
    --namespace catalog \

After the deployment, observe the deployments and services:

kubectl get deployments,services --namespace catalog


Now that the system has been deployed to our Kubernetes cluster, multiple new Kubernetes resources were registered. Service brokers, classes, instances, and bindings. These resources are building blocks for composing services.

Because we didn't create any services yet, kubectl get will return an empty list:

kubectl get servicebrokers,serviceclasses,serviceinstances,servicebindings

NOTE: If there are any resouces, for example left over from an earlier walkthrough, you can delete them using script/

Now we are ready to use service catalog. First, register service broker with the catalog:

cd contrib/examples/walkthrough/

kubectl create -f broker.yaml

Confirm that service types are now available for instantiation:

kubectl get serviceclasses

This will output available service types, for example:

NAME               LABELS    DATA
booksbe            <none>    {"apiVersion":"...

We can now create instances of these service classes and connect them using bindings:

# Create backend (MySQL) instance.
kubectl create -f backend.yaml

# Create binding called 'database'.
kubectl create -f binding.yaml

Creating the binding will create a ConfigMap for binding consumption. This can now be used by a native kubernetes app. You can inspect the config map using kubectl get configmap database:

NAME       DATA      AGE
database   4         55s

Now you can deploy the application that consumes the binding.

kubectl create -f ../user-bookstore-client/bookstore.yaml

This will create a Kubernetes service user-bookstore-fe. Wait for deployments to start and an IP address of the frontend to be assigned. You can monitor the external IP address creation using kubectl get services:

NAME                    CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP       PORT(S)    AGE
cf-i-3a121d22-booksbe   <none>            3306/TCP   2m
user-bookstore-fe   **<pending>**         3306/TCP   2m
kubernetes         <none>            443/TCP    1d

Once the IP address becomes available we can use it to contact the frontend endpoint. In this example, the IP address is

Save the IP address in an environment variable:


And interact with the Bookstore API:

# List shelves
curl "http://${IP}:8080/shelves"

# List a specific shelf
curl "http://${IP}:8080/shelves/1"

# Create a new shelf
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -H 'x-api-key: 123' \
      -d '{ "theme": "Travel" }' \

# Create a book on the shelf:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -H 'x-api-key: 123' \
     -d '{ "author": "Rick Steves", "title": "Travel as a Political Act" }' \

# List the books on the travel shelf:
curl -H 'x-api-key: 123' "http://${IP}:8080/shelves/3/books"

# Get the book:
curl -H 'x-api-key: 123' "http://${IP}:8080/shelves/3/books/3"

Consume a user-provided service

NOTE: This demo requires that you have cleaned up the resources created in the previous demo, specifically the binding and frontend.

User-provided services are external services which need to be consumed by Kubernetes applications through bindings.

Create a Kubernetes deployment. Even though this deployment is hosted in the Kubernetes cluster, for the walkthrough it assumes the role of an external, user-provided service:

kubectl create -f contrib/examples/user-bookstore-mysql/bookstore.yaml

Create a User-provided Service instance to make your service bindable. You will need to specify the hostname (either the service name from above or the IP address of the service), port, username, and password.

kubectl create -f contrib/examples/walkthrough/ups-backend.yaml

Now you can use the same steps as above to create a binding and a consuming service.

kubectl create -f contrib/examples/walkthrough/frontend.yaml
kubectl create -f contrib/examples/walkthrough/binding.yaml