Transcription Factor and Histone ChIP-seq processing pipeline using BDS (BigDataScript).
- Java (have been installed)
- Conda
- bds (BigDataScript)
- samtools
$ cd $HOME
$ wget
$ bash
Answer yes
for the final question. If you choose no
, you need to manually add Anaconda3 to you $HOME/.bashrc
Do you wish the installer to prepend the Anaconda3 install location
to PATH in your /your/home/.bashrc ? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
Run souce ~/.bashrc
after installation.
$ cd $HOME
$ wget -O bds_Linux.tgz
$ tar zxvf bds_Linux.tgz
Add export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.bds
to your $HOME/.bashrc
. If Java memory occurs, add export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms256M -Xmx728M -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1"
Get ChIP-Seq pipeline.
$ cd $PATH/ChIP-seq/package
$ tar zxvf TF_chipseq_pipeline.tar.gz
$ mv TF_chipseq_pipeline ../ && cd ../
Install software dependencies automatically. It will create two conda environments (aquas_chipseq and aquas_chipseq_py3) under your conda.
$ cd $PATH/ChIP-seq/TF_chipseq_pipeline
$ bash
fails, run ./
, fix problems and then try bash
Install genome data for a specific genome [GENOME]
. Currently hg19
, mm9
, hg38
and mm10
are available. Specify a directory [DATA_DIR]
to download genome data. A species file generated on [DATA_DIR]
will be automatically added to your ./default.env
so that the pipeline knows that you have installed genome data using
. If you want to install multiple genomes make sure that you use the same directory [DATA_DIR]
for them. Each genome data will be installed on [DATA_DIR]/[GENOME]
. If you use other BDS pipelines, it is recommended to use the same directory [DATA_DIR]
to save disk space.
can take longer than an hour for downloading data and building index. DO NOT run the script on a login node, use qlogin
for SGE and srun --pty bash
for SLURM.
$ cd $PATH/ChIP-seq/TF_chipseq_pipeline
$ bash [GENOME] [DATA_DIR]
There are two ways to define parameters for ChIP-Seq pipelines. 1. Parameters from command line arguments; 2.Parameters from a configuration file. We recommend using configure file to run pipeline.
Whenever you want to process fastq file, the first one to do is check the quality of fastq file.
fastqc c1.clean_1.fastq.gz -o ./
If quality is good then you can run the ChIP-seq pipeline, otherwise you need processed fastq data to clean data. (For example : adapter error, bar code error) (Note : cutadapter or trim_galore can be used to covert raw data to clean data).
$ python $PATH/ChIP-seq/TF_chipseq_pipeline/ [CONF_JSON_FILE]
Parameters from a configuration file:
between TF
and histone
## for pair-end fastq (no replicate)
"type" : "[CHIPSEQ_TYPE]",
"species" : [GENOME],
"nth" : [NUM_THREADS],
"pe" : true,
"fastq1_1" : "...",
"fastq1_2" : "...",
"ctl_fastq1_1" : "...",
"ctl_fastq1_2" : "...",
"out_dir" : "[path of output result directory]"
## for signal-end fastq (no replicate)
"type" : "[CHIPSEQ_TYPE]",
"species" : [GENOME],
"nth" : [NUM_THREADS],
"se" : true,
"fastq1" : "...",
"ctl_fastq1" : "...",
"out_dir" : "[path of output result directory]"
Above are base parameters, see the detailed information below.
There are five data types; fastq
, bam
, filt_bam
, tag
and peak
- For treat. replicates: define data path with
. - For contols: define data path with
For fastqs:
- For treat. replicates:
- Define data path as -fastq[REPLICATE_ID], then it's SE (single ended).
- Define data path as -fastq[REPLICATE_ID]_[PAIRING_ID], then it's PE.
- For controls:
- Define data path as -ctl_fastq[REPLICATE_ID], it's SE.
- Define data path as -ctl_fastq[REPLICATE_ID]_[PAIRING_ID], it's PE.
## for pair-end fastq (with replicate)
"type" : "[CHIPSEQ_TYPE]",
"species" : [GENOME],
"nth" : [NUM_THREADS],
"pe" : true,
"fastq1_1" : "...",
"fastq1_2" : "...",
"fastq2_1" : "...",
"fastq2_2" : "...",
"ctl_fastq1_1" : "...",
"ctl_fastq1_2" : "...",
"out_dir" : "[path of output result directory]"
## for signal-end fastq (with replicate)
"type" : "[CHIPSEQ_TYPE]",
"species" : [GENOME],
"nth" : [NUM_THREADS],
"se" : true,
"fastq1" : "...",
"fastq2" : "...",
"ctl_fastq1" : "...",
"out_dir" : "[path of output result directory]"
NOTE: ChIP-Seq pipeline disabled gapped/broad peak generation because MACS2 has some flaws in its algorithm for them. (reference ENCODE-DCC/chip-seq-pipeline2#30)
If you want call broad peak, only need to modify chipseq.bds #line34 (true modify to false)
- idr thresh is 0.05 (idr peak is only for tf)
- P-value cutoff (macs2 callpeak) : 0.01
- spp for TF ChIP-seq and macs2 for Histone ChIP-seq
out # root dir. of outputs
├ *report.html # HTML report
├ *tracks.json # Tracks datahub (JSON) for WashU browser
├ ENCODE_summary.json # Metadata of all datafiles and QC results
├ align # mapped alignments
│ ├ rep1 # for true replicate 1
│ │ ├ *.bam # raw bam
│ │ ├ *.nodup.bam # filtered and deduped bam
│ │ ├ *.tagAlign.gz # tagAlign (bed6) generated from filtered bam
│ │ ├ *.*M.tagAlign.gz # subsampled tagAlign for cross-corr. analysis
│ ├ rep2 # for true repilicate 2
│ ...
│ ├ ctl1 # for control 1
│ ...
│ ├ pooled_rep # for pooled replicate
│ ├ pseudo_reps # for self pseudo replicates
│ │ ├ rep1 # for replicate 1
│ │ │ ├ pr1 # for self pseudo replicate 1 of replicate 1
│ │ │ └ pr2 # for self pseudo replicate 2 of replicate 1
│ │ ├ rep2 # for repilicate 2
│ │ ...
│ └ pooled_pseudo_reps # for pooled pseudo replicates
│ ├ ppr1 # for pooled pseudo replicate 1 (rep1-pr1 + rep2-pr1 + ...)
│ └ ppr2 # for pooled pseudo replicate 2 (rep1-pr2 + rep2-pr2 + ...)
├ peak # peaks called
│ ├ macs2 # peaks generated by MACS2
│ │ ├ rep1 # for replicate 1
│ │ │ ├ *.narrowPeak.gz # narrowPeak
│ │ │ ├ *.gappedPeak.gz # gappedPeak
│ │ │ ├ *.filt.narrowPeak.gz # blacklist filtered narrowPeak
│ │ │ ├ *.filt.gappedPeak.gz # blacklist filtered gappedPeak
│ │ ├ rep2 # for replicate 2
│ │ ...
│ │ ├ pseudo_reps # for self pseudo replicates
│ │ └ pooled_pseudo_reps # for pooled pseudo replicates
│ │
│ ├ spp # peaks generated by SPP
│ │ ├ rep1 # for replicate 1
│ │ │ ├ *.regionPeak.gz # regionPeak (narrowPeak format) generated from SPP
│ │ │ ├ *.filt.regionPeak.gz # blacklist filtered narrowPeak
│ │ ├ rep2 # for replicate 2
│ │ ...
│ │ ├ pseudo_reps # for self pseudo replicates
│ │ └ pooled_pseudo_reps # for pooled pseudo replicates
│ │
│ └ idr # IDR thresholded peaks (using peaks from SPP)
│ ├ true_reps # for replicate 1
│ │ ├ *.narrowPeak.gz # IDR thresholded narrowPeak
│ │ ├ *.filt.narrowPeak.gz # IDR thresholded narrowPeak (blacklist filtered)
│ │ └ *.12-col.bed.gz # IDR thresholded narrowPeak track for WashU browser
│ ├ pseudo_reps # for self pseudo replicates
│ │ ├ rep1 # for replicate 1
│ │ ...
│ ├ optimal_set # optimal IDR thresholded peaks
│ │ └ *.filt.narrowPeak.gz # IDR thresholded narrowPeak (blacklist filtered)
│ ├ conservative_set # optimal IDR thresholded peaks
│ │ └ *.filt.narrowPeak.gz # IDR thresholded narrowPeak (blacklist filtered)
│ ├ pseudo_reps # for self pseudo replicates
│ └ pooled_pseudo_reps # for pooled pseudo replicate
├ qc # QC logs
│ ├ *IDR_final.qc # Final IDR QC
│ ├ rep1 # for true replicate 1
│ │ ├ *.flagstat.qc # Flagstat QC for raw bam
│ │ ├ *.dup.qc # Picard (or sambamba) MarkDuplicate QC log
│ │ ├ *.pbc.qc # PBC QC
│ │ ├ *.nodup.flagstat.qc # Flagstat QC for filtered bam
│ │ ├ * # Cross-correlation analysis score for tagAlign
│ │ └ * # Cross-correlation analysis plot for tagAlign
│ ...
├ signal # signal tracks
│ ├ macs2 # signal tracks generated by MACS2
│ │ ├ rep1 # for true replicate 1
│ │ │ ├ *.pval.signal.bigwig (E) # signal track for p-val
│ │ │ └ *.fc.signal.bigwig (E) # signal track for fold change
│ ...
│ └ pooled_rep # for pooled replicate
└ report # files for HTML report
NRF=Distinct/Total (NRF (Non-Redundant Fraction) : Number of distinct uniquely mapping reads(i.e. after removing duplicates) /Total number of reads)
PBC1=OnePair/Distinct (One Read Pairs : number of genomic locations where exactly one read maps uniquely) PBC2=OnePair/TwoPair (Two Read Pairs : number of genomic locations where exactly two read maps uniquely )
PBC1 PBC2 Bottlenecking level NRF Complexity Flag colors <0.5 <1 Severe <0.5 Concerning Orange 0.5<=PBC1<0.8 1<=PBC2<3 Moderate 0.5<=NFR<0.8 Acceptable Yellow 0.8<=PBC1<0.9 3<=PBC2<10 Mild 0.8<=NFR<0.9 Compliant None >=0.9 >=10 None >0.9 Ideal None
- A very useful ChIP-seq quality metric that is independent of peak calling is strand cross-correlation.
- Strand cross-correlation is computed as the Pearson correlation between the positive and the negative strand profiles at different strand shift distances, k
- NSC (normalized strand coefficient) : <1 (no enrichment) , <1.1 (are relatively low NSC scores).
- RSC (relative strand correlation): 0 (无信号), >1 high enrichment
- fraction of all mapped reads that fall into the called peak region
- FPiR > 0.3, or > 0.2 (acceptable)
broad peak ENCODE-DCC/chip-seq-pipeline2#30
ImportError: Something is wrong with the numpy installation. While importing we detected an older version of numpy in ['/g/zhanye/anaconda3/envs/aquas_chipseq/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy']. One method of fixing this is to repeatedly uninstall numpy until none is found, then reinstall this version.
$ source activate aquas_chipseq $ conda uninstall numpy $ conda install numpy $ source deactivate aquas_chipseq
plotFingerprint not found
$ source activate aquas_chipseq $ pip install deeptools $ source deactivate aquas_chipseq
ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
$ pip install --upgrade numpy