layout | title | subtitle |
ts2-doc |
TotalSpaces2 Credits |
Credits |
- Anna from Annaway - created the TotalSpaces2 icon
- Harry Grover - contributed the initial code for the notification grid graphics
- atoxx - helped with debugging test builds of ReSpaceApp
- Daniel Unterberger - helped with overview grid transitions and debugging
- Steve Audette
- class-dump by Steve Nygard
- Google Toolbox for Mac by The GTM Authors (Google)
- Sparkle by Andy Matuschak
- by Stéphane Sudre (WhiteBox)
- CocoaFob by PixelEspresso
- CGSPrivate by Richard J Wareham
- Smartling.i18n.framework by Smartling, Inc.
- KBButton by Kyle Bock
- MASShortcut by Vadim Shpakovski
- Yabai by Åsmund Vikane
Anyone who contributed to these projects can grab a free copy.
Please send me an email if you think I forgot to mention someone. Thank you.