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122 lines (85 loc) · 6.29 KB

File metadata and controls

122 lines (85 loc) · 6.29 KB

How to contribute ?

For contributing you just have to fork the project and submit Pull Request or Issues

Coding Standard

Thelia follow PSR-I and PSR-2 therefore you must follow this rules. Don't worry, you can use some tools for doing this like the PHP Coding Standards Fixer

Pull Request

Creating a Pull request is the best way for submitting a patch but there are some rules to follow.
First of all, fork Thelia repo and create a new branch, never work on the main branch, use it only for syncing with Thelia repo

$ git checkout -b new-branch main

After finishing your modification you have to rebase your branch and push it to your repo

$ git remote add upstream
$ git checkout main
$ git pull --ff-only upstream main
$ git checkout new-branch
$ git rebase main
$ git push origin new-branch

Next and last step, submit a Pull Request as indicated in the GitHub documentation

If you want to do more, read this useful blog post

SQL scripts modification

If you submit modifications that adds new data or change the structure of the database, please read the following documentation.

Changes in Thelia model

If you have changed the schema.xml file which is the Propel schema of Thelia models, you should generate the new thelia.sql file and the base classes of Propel.

You should execute this command at the root directory of your Thelia website :

# generates classes
bin/propel build -v --input-dir=local/config/ --output-dir=core/lib/ --enable-identifier-quoting
# generates thelia.sql
bin/propel sql:build -v --input-dir=local/config/ --output-dir=setup/
rm setup/

Generate SQL for default data and update SQL scripts

These SQL files should not be modified directly as they are generated by a Thelia command. Instead, you should edit the smarty templates. The first one is the file setup/insert.sql.tpl that is used to generate the insert.sql file. Others are located in setup/update/tpl and are used to generate all SQL update files.

This templates only differ from sql for i18n tables. But we could imagine other uses with Smarty.
A typical application :


INSERT INTO  `module_i18n` (`id`, `locale`, `title`, `description`, `chapo`, `postscriptum`) VALUES
{foreach $locales as $locale}
  (@max_id+1, '{$locale}', {intl l='Navigation block' locale=$locale}, NULL,  NULL,  NULL),
  (@max_id+2, '{$locale}', {intl l='Currency block' locale=$locale}, NULL,  NULL,  NULL),
  (@max_id+12, '{$locale}', {intl l='New Products block' locale=$locale}, NULL,  NULL,  NULL),
  (@max_id+13, '{$locale}', {intl l='Products offer block' locale=$locale}, NULL,  NULL,  NULL){if ! $locale@last},{/if}


  • {foreach $locales as $locale} is used to iterate on the list of locales : en_US, fr_FR, ...
  • {intl l='Navigation block' locale=$locale} is used to display the translation corresponding to the l attribute. This intl function differs from the classic one used in Thelia. If the translation does not exist, no fallbacks will be used by default. The text will be escaped for SQL and quotes will be placed around the input string. If the string is empty then it will be replaced by a NULL value. The attribute in_string="1" is used to disable the placement of quotes around the string. The attribute use_default="1" allow you to use the l attribute as a fallback if the translation does not exist.
  • don't forget to use the {if ! $locale@last},{/if} before the {/foreach} otherwise your SQL will not be valid.

Keep attention on brackets { or } that is used by smarty. You can use {ldelim}, {rdelim} or {literal}...{/literal} to escape non smarty code.

To translate the new string, you can use the translation page in the back office.

If you modify templates, you will have to regenerate all sql files. You can use this Thelia command : php Thelia generate:sql

You can also limit to a specific list of locales if you use locales parameter.

Currently, as all languages are not fully translated, we use this command line to generate SQL files :

php Thelia generate:sql --locales='de_DE,en_US,es_ES,fr_FR'

How to contribute new or update Thelia translations

Translations are contributed by Thelia users worldwide. The translation work is coordinated at Crowdin.
The Thelia project is located at

Translations for non english languages should only be done on, not in a Thelia development website and submitted to us with a pull request on GitHub.
During the development stage, only english strings should be used inside Thelia and submitted with a pull request.
Prior to any release, Thelia maintainers will make an announcement and we'll have a couple of weeks of string freeze in order to give people time to complete the translations. Once translations are done, Thelia maintainers will integrate all translations in Thelia.

If you want to contribute to translation or want to discuss specific translations, go to the Thelia project page.

If you would like to help out with translating or adding a language that isn’t yet translated, here’s what to do:

  • Visit the Thelia page.
  • Sign up at Crowdin or log in if you already have an account.
  • On the Thelia project page, click the Join Translation Project button.
  • Choose the language you want to work on, or – in case the language doesn’t exist yet – request a new language by clicking on the Contact link of one of the managers of the project.
  • Then Select a file in the list and start translating. if you encounter any problems, please consult Crowdin Knowledge Base or open a new discussion on Thelia project page.