Creates a standardised project structure for data science projects in R, following best practice.
Rgovcookiecutter creates a new R project repository with everything you need to build an R package. The repository helps users to follow quality assurance best practice and includes a tests directory, continuous integration through github actions, and .gitignore pre-configured to reduce the risk of sensitive data being committed.
You can install the development version of Rgovcookiecutter from GitHub with:
This is a basic example of how to set up a new repository using Rgovcookiecutter:
create_package("<filepath>", "<repo-name>")
The basic project structure looks like:
| --workflows/ <- GitHub actions workflows
|--R/ <- R code
| --testthat/ <- unit tests
| --testthat.R
|--DESCRIPTION <- package information
| <- project information
Rgovcookiecutter is currently in development and we welcome feedback, suggestions and contributions from users. If you have spotted a bug, or would like to see a new feature, please raise an issue.