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Shell programming

Shell programming

1 Shell scripts

Shell scripts are files containing shell commands (commonly with the extension .sh) To run a shell script called, you would type :

$ source ./

or :

$ . ./

Note that if you just typed, the operating system will generally have trouble finding the script (if is not in a directory included in the PATH environment variable) and recognizing that it is executable (if the -x flag is not set for

To be sure that the operating system knows what shell to use to interpret the script, the first line of the script should be #!/bin/bash (in the case that you're using the bash shell).

The best thing to do is to set to be executable (i.e., to have the 'x' flag set), and you can can execute it simply with:

$ ./

2 Functions

You can define your own utilities by creating a shell function. This allows you to automate things that are more complicated than you can do with an alias. One nice thing about shell functions is that the shell automatically takes care of function arguments for you. It places the arguments given by the user into local variables in the function called (in order): $1 $2 $3 etc. It also fills $# with the number of arguments given by the user. Here's an example of using arguments in a function that saves me some typing when I want to copy a file to the SCF filesystem:

function putscf() {
   scp $1 [email protected]:$2

To use this function, I just do the following to copy unit1.pdf from the current directory on whatever non-SCF machine I'm on to the directory ~/teaching/243 on SCF:

$ putscf unit1.pdf teaching/243/.

Often you'd want to put such functions in your .bashrc file.

3 If/then/else

We can use if-then-else type syntax to control the flow of a shell script. For an example, here is a shell function niceR() that can be used for nicing R jobs:

    # niceR shortcut for nicing R jobs 
    # usage: niceR inputRfile outputRfile 
    # Author: Brian Caffo 
    # Date: 10/01/03 

    function niceR(){
        # submits nice'd R jobs
        if [ $# != "2" ]; then
             echo "usage: niceR inputRfile outputfile" 
        elif [ -e "$2" ]; then
             echo "$2 exists, I won't overwrite" 
        elif [ ! -e "$1" ]; then
             echo "inputRfile $1 does not exist" 
             echo "running R on $1" 
             nice -n 19 R --no-save < $1 &> $2

If the then is on a separate line from the if, you won't need the semicolon.

4 For loops

for loops in shell scripting are primarily designed for iterating through a set of files or directories. Here's an example:

$ for FILE in $(ls *.txt); do
>    mv $file ${FILE/.txt/.R}
>   # this syntax replaces .txt with .R in $FILE``
> done

Note that the > prompt above occurs when the shell is expecting further input.

Another use of for loops is automating file downloads:

    # example of bash for loop and wget for downloading a collection of files on the web
    # usage: ./
    # Author: Chris Paciorek
    # Date: July 28, 2011

    types="tmin tmax"
    for ((yr=1950; yr<=2017; yr++))
        for type in ${types}
            wget ${url}/${yr}.${type}

If the do is on a separate line from the for, you don't need the semicolon seen in the previous example.

for loops are very useful for starting a series of jobs:

    # example of bash for loop for starting jobs
    # usage: ./
    # Author: Chris Paciorek
    # Date: July 28, 2011

    for(( it=1; it<=100; it++ ))
        echo "n=$n; it=$it; source('base.R')" > tmp-$n-$it.R   # create customized R file
        R CMD BATCH --no-save tmp-$n-$it.R sim-n$n-it$it.Rout
    # note that base.R should NOT set either 'n' or 'it'

That's just an illustration. In reality, in the case above you'd be better off passing arguments into the R code using commandArgs or by setting environment variables that are read in the R code.

Note by default the separator when you're looping through elements of a variable will be a space (as above), but you can set it differently, for example:

$ IFS=:
$ types=tmin:tmax:pmin:pmax
$ for type in $types
> do
>    echo $type
> done

5 How much shell scripting should I learn?

We've covered most of what you are likely to need to know about the shell. I tend to only use bash scripts for simple tasks that require only a few lines of bash commands and limited control flow (i.e., conditional statements, loops). For more complicated OS tasks, it is often preferable to use Python. (You can also do a fair amount of what you need from within R using the system() function.) This will enable you to avoid dealing with a lot of shell programming syntax. But you'll still need to know how to use standard UNIX commands/utilities, wildcards, and pipes to be effective.