- Command Histograms can now be configured, and the buckets are now the default library buckets as provided by Hystrix (.005, .01, .025, .05, .075, .1, .25, .5, .75, 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10) (#9)
- The publisher can now be configured using a builder pattern using
HystrixPrometheusMetricsPublisher.builder()/* ... */.buildAndRegister()
Aiming to publish the command metrics Prometheus style (#4):
- histograms hystrix_command_event_total and hystrix_command_latency_total replace existing gauges hystrix_command_latency_execute_percentile_XXX and hystrix_command_latency_execute_XXX.
- counters hystrix_command_total and hystrix_command_error_total to replace the hystrix_command_error_percentage gauge.
- hystrix_command_event_total contains per event counters with the event type as a label to replace hystrix_command_count_XXX.
Co-exist with other Hystrix plugins like Spring Sleuth (#5)
- Migrating from Gradle to Maven to have it in line with Prometheus Simple Client.
- First release to Maven Central.