This unit covers the complete search paradigm, with a focus on recursive backtracking (pruning and usage of bitmasks is included).
Complementary notes can be found in sections 3.2.2 and 8.2.1 of the book Competitive Programming 3.
- Unit 1: Complexity
- Unit 2: Linear data structures
- UVa 441 - Lotto
- UVa 471 - Magic Numbers
- UVa 188 - Perfect Hash
- UVa 161 - Traffic Lights
- UVa 750 - 8 Queens Chess Problem
- UVa 10276 - Hanoi Tower Troubles Again!
- UVa 677 - All Walks of length n from the first node
- UVa 208 - Firetruck
- UVa 861 - Little Bishops
- UVa 868 - Numerical maze
- UVa 193 - Graph coloring