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Form Library
Category:Libraries::Data Presentation
The Form library is a complete replacement for the Form helper. It reads an XML document and converts it to an array (via the XML library).
- Built in validation using CI Validation
- 1 call data retrieval
- XHTML 1.0 output code
- written for PHP5
[b]Example Usage:[/b] [code]$this->load->library('form'); $this->form->load('login') // Path is relative to APPPATH/data/forms/, ".xml" automatically appended if ($data = $this->form->post_data()) { print_r($data); } else { print $this->form->build(); }[/code]
[b]Library:[/b] [code]<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
- Form library for CodeIgniter
- author: Woody Gilk
- copyright: (c) 2006
- license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/
file: libraries/Form.php
class Form {
public function Form () { /*** * @constructor / $obj =& get_instance(); $obj->load->library('xml'); $this->ci =& $obj; } /** END ***/
/*** Public variables ***/ public $error = ''; public $set_error = ''; public $output = '';
/*** Internal variables ***/ private $ci; private $data; private $set_data; private $elements;
public function load ($name) { /*** * @public * Load a form definition for parsing */ if (! $this->ci->xml->load ("data/forms/$name")) { $this->error = "Failed to load form: $name"; return false; }
$data = $this->ci->xml->parse ();
if (! is_array($data)) {
$this->error = "No form data found in /data/forms/$name.xml";
return false;
else {
$data = $data['form'];
$this->data = $data;
$this->elements = array_keys($data['elements']);
return true;
} /*** END load ***/
public function set ($element, $key, $value = false) { /*** * @public * Set an attribute of an element, or a new elemenet */ if (is_array ($key)) { foreach($key as $_key => $_value) { $this->set($element, $_key, $_value); }
return true;
$this->set_data[$element][$key] = $value;
return true;
} /*** END set ***/
public function post_data ($validate = true) { /*** * @public * Return all the post data from the loaded form */ if ($validate == true && !$this->validate ()) { return false; } if (! is_array($this->elements)) { return false; }
$data = array ();
foreach ($this->elements as $elem) {
$data[$elem] = $this->ci->input->post($elem);
return $data;
} /*** END post_data ***/
public function validate ($name = false) { /*** * @public * Validates a form based on the rules found in the definition */ if ($name != false && ! $this->load ($name)) { return false; } elseif (! is_array ($this->data)) { return false; } elseif (! is_array ($this->data['rules'])) { return false; }
$this->ci->load->library ('validation');
$this->ci->validation->set_rules ($this->data['rules']);
if ($this->ci->validation->run()) {
return true;
else {
$this->set_error = '';
foreach ($this->ci->validation->_error_array as $error) {
$this->set_error .= "<p class=\"error\">$error</p>";
return false;
} /*** END validate ***/
public function build ($name = false) { /*** * @public * Convert a form definition into an XHTML form */ if ($name != false && ! $this->load ($name)) { return false; } elseif (! is_array ($this->data)) { return false; }
// Set the valid attributes and type values
$valid_attr = array(
'type', 'maxlength', 'value',
'selected', 'rows', 'cols'
$valid_type = array(
'text', 'textarea', 'password',
'dropdown', 'radio', 'checkbox',
$out =& $this->output;
$out = '';
$out .= sprintf("".'<form action="%s" method="post">'."\n", site_url($this->data['action']));
$out .= sprintf("\t".'<fieldset><legend>%s</legend>'."\n", $this->data['name']);
$out .= $this->set_error;
$out .= "\t".'<ul class="form">'."\n";
foreach ($this->data['elements'] as $name => $def) {
if (isset ($this->set_data[$name]) && is_array ($this->set_data[$name])) {
// Externally set data is present, merge with stored efinition
$def = array_merge($def, $this->set_data[$name]);
// Choose a label
$label = isset($def['label'])
? ucwords($def['label'])
: ucwords($name);
$label = strip_tags($label);
if (! isset($def['type']) || ! in_array ($def['type'], $valid_type)) {
continue; // Skip this row
// Create the id and name attributes
$idname = sprintf('name="%s" id="%s"', $name, $name);
// Add "*" on required items
$label = isset ($def['required']) && $def['required'] == true
? "$label <em>*</em>"
: $label;
$row = "";
$row .= "\t<li>\n";
$row .= $def['type'] != 'submit'
? "\t\t<label>$label</label>\n"
: "";
// Handle non-input elements
switch ($def['type']) {
case 'textarea':
$input = "\t\t<textarea $idname %s>". $def['value'] ."</textarea>\n";
unset ($def['type'], $def['value']);
case 'dropdown':
$options = "";
foreach ($def['options'] as $_key => $_val) {
$options = "\t\t\t<option value=\"$_val\">$_key</option>\n";
$input = "\t\t<select $idname %s >\n$options</select>\n";
unset ($def['type'], $def['options']);
$input = "\t\t<input $idname %s />\n";
// Parse attributes
$attributes = '';
foreach ($def as $attr => $val) {
if (in_array ($attr, $valid_attr)) {
$attributes .= " $attr=\"$val\" ";
$row .= sprintf($input, $attributes);
$row .= "\t</li>\n";
$out .= "$row";
$out .= "\t".'</ul>'."\n";
$out .= "\t".'</fieldset>'."\n";
$out .= "</form>\n";
$this->output = $out;
return $out;
} /*** END build ***/
[b]Sample Form:[/b] [code]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <form> User Login /user/login text 32 true password 32 true submit Login trim|required|min_length[4]|max_length[32]|xss_clean required|min_length[4]|max_length[32]|xss_clean </form>[/code]