All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See conventional commits for commit guidelines.
2.2.1 - 2025-01-15
- service name doesnt come up - (bd289ac) - Max batleforc
2.2.0 - 2025-01-15
- job name - (fd68da8) - Max batleforc
- huge upgrade of the tool tracing module in order to jump from the - (ff3d2be) - Max batleforc
- upgrade ci/cd - (4dfeeec) - Max batleforc
- add project key - (5798119) - Max batleforc
- update - (3f4fbbe) - Max batleforc
- workkk - (6bb4b14) - Max batleforc
- fix ? - (7e556dd) - Max batleforc
- try - (2f40fe2) - Max batleforc
- add step to push build - (fb432ef) - Max batleforc
- add two new job, one provide Sonar scan and the other one provide - (dfa92e0) - Max batleforc
- upgrade json patch and add catalog info about this project - (5bb2044) - Max batleforc
- WIP rewriting the restart from devfile logique - (d2ce6ff) - Max batleforc
- Add DevWorkSpaceTemplate CRD in order to handle the Editor - (9484314) - Max batleforc
- Remove devfile to struct usage and use the decorator, add more doc - (605a21e) - Max batleforc
- apply format - (502e816) - Max batleforc
- WIP create devfile format - (f9bb0ac) - Max batleforc
2.1.0 - 2025-01-05
- WIP on commit version - (f5d6905) - Max batleforc
2.0.0 - 2025-01-05
- Come back to a nominal state - (a6a6386) - Max batleforc
- working remote shell with it's package - (6f59f3a) - Max batleforc
- More doc on dev - (68beaac) - Max batleforc
1.0.0 - 2025-01-05
- change git add . - (c60d553) - Max batleforc
- WIP bump - (4bf28f0) - Max batleforc
- add . - (f5f8584) - Max batleforc
- workspaces version custom - (c975b8c) - Max batleforc
- update lock - (193c19b) - Max batleforc
- WIP bump - (592229d) - Max batleforc
- change cog toml - (a2bef74) - Max batleforc
- upgrade dep - (8574b2e) - Max batleforc
- add Start/Stop workspaces command - (59abe39) - Max batleforc
- mise en place liste des workspace - (6e4f74a) - Max batleforc
- factorisation de la récup des base info (ns/ws/ws id and name) ++ - (5f05f73) - Max batleforc
- include first get command - (dea210b) - Max batleforc
- Mise en place autocompletion - (9070ab4) - Max batleforc
- working open vscode ide and check install extension - (b070e6c) - Max batleforc
- WIP code cli - (bba973d) - Max batleforc
- remove fake extensions 🤣 - (1b35c56) - Max batleforc
- add propre handling of the extensions install process - (c778157) - Max batleforc
- too muchhhhhhh, more doc, add base module for the CLI, handle the - (3151344) - Max batleforc
- setup and fix attach process using result and not option - (fba28ec) - Max batleforc
- Hell Yeah I'm Back - (665e937) - Max batleforc
- remove old - (47e40ab) - Max batleforc
- setup vscode lib - (f68f09a) - Max batleforc
- setup vscode lib - (a90718a) - Max batleforc
- remove workspace - (90e578e) - Max batleforc
- add get var from env - (d8cc75f) - Max batleforc
- add lib crd, devfile,helper,workspace - (9f69564) - Max batleforc
Changelog generated by cocogitto.