- Notebook resources
- Calculate and plot odds ratios
- Figure 4C: Odds ratio plot
- Supporting statistics
- Future work
This notebook presents code that generates Figure 4C and supporting statistics, which describe the enrichment of ClinVar Pathogenic variants within different regions of the conservation plane.
The notebook works with our pre-calculated MSA column statistics for population and clinical variants, and structural features, for relevant Pfams. If you want to go straight to the plot code then follow the link in the Table of Contents above.
# Read and process dataset
pfam_gnomAD_clinvar_pdb_colstats_c7c3e19_csv <-
comment = "#", show_col_types = FALSE)
avs <-
pfam_gnomAD_clinvar_pdb_colstats_c7c3e19_csv # avs: alignments variants structure
# Filter unnecessary variables
whitelist <- c(
blacklist <- !names(avs) %in% whitelist
avs[, blacklist] <- NULL
# FYI: There are several other ClinVar entries I could look at in future
# "CV_not_provided",
# "CV_drug_response",
# "CV_association",
# "CV_risk_factor",
# "CV_other",
# "CV_Affects",
# "CV_protective",
# Better variable name format
names(avs)[names(avs) == '_missense_all'] <- 'missense_all'
avs <- (
# Categorise MES and Shenkin
|> mutate(mes_class = factor(
ifelse(mes_p < 0.1, ifelse(mes_or < 1, 'md', 'me'), 'mn'), levels = c('md', 'mn', 'me')
|> mutate(cons_class = factor(
ifelse(shenkin_nrank > 0.5, 'u', 'c'), levels = c('u', 'c')
|> mutate(xclass = factor(
interaction(cons_class, mes_class, sep = ''),
levels = c('cmd', 'cmn', 'cme', 'umd', 'umn', 'ume')
# Other
|> replace_na(list(CV_Pathogenic = 0))
# Clean-up
'cmd' = '#CC79A7',
'ume' = '#56B4E9',
'umn' = '#999999',
'cmn' = '#999999',
'umd' = '#E69F00',
'cme' = '#009E73'
- Filter Pfams without any Pathogenic variants
- Filter low-powered Pfams
- Calculate summary statistics for each X-Class
- Calculate odds ratios for each X-class
- Repeat steps 3-4 for individual RSA classes
- Compose plot
First we apply the filters:
# Summarise counts
avs_test_set <- (
# Column filters
|> filter(occupancy > 0)
# Pfam filters
|> group_by(family) |> filter(any(CV_Pathogenic > 0)) |> ungroup()
# Heuristic to select well-powered Pfams
|> group_by(family) |> filter(any(mes_or < 1 & mes_p < 0.1)) |> ungroup() # at least one depleted site
|> group_by(family) |> filter(any(mes_or > 1 & mes_p < 0.1)) |> ungroup() # at least one enriched site
Then summarise the data over the X-Classes:
summarize_data <- function(data, group_vars) {
data |>
group_by(across(all_of(group_vars))) |>
n_pfams = n_distinct(family),
n_columns = n(),
n_residues = sum(occupancy),
n_missense = sum(missense_all),
across(c(CV_Pathogenic, CV_Benign), sum),
cons_class = first(cons_class),
mes_class = first(mes_class)
add_ratios <-
function(data, pathogenic_col, missense_col, residues_col) {
data %>%
missense_per_res = !!sym(missense_col) / !!sym(residues_col),
patho_per_missense = !!sym(pathogenic_col) / !!sym(missense_col),
patho_per_column = !!sym(pathogenic_col) / !!sym(residues_col)
add_test_backgrounds <- function(data, group_vars) {
data |>
ungroup() |>
group_by(across(all_of(group_vars))) |>
c(n_missense, n_residues, CV_Pathogenic, CV_Benign),
.names = "test_background_{.col}"
# Calculate group statistics for different X-Classes
avs_xclass_summary <- avs_test_set |>
summarize_data(group_vars = "xclass") |>
pathogenic_col = "CV_Pathogenic",
missense_col = "n_missense",
residues_col = "n_residues"
) |>
add_test_backgrounds(group_vars = NULL)
## # A tibble: 6 × 16
## xclass n_pfams n_col…¹ n_res…² n_mis…³ CV_Pa…⁴ CV_Be…⁵ cons_…⁶ mes_c…⁷ misse…⁸
## <fct> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <fct> <dbl>
## 1 cmd 382 2482 198790 52109 819 24 c md 0.262
## 2 cmn 406 67269 776297 341192 2618 264 c mn 0.440
## 3 cme 354 1718 51479 40057 437 22 c me 0.778
## 4 umd 301 848 40514 11069 129 11 u md 0.273
## 5 umn 406 38376 889607 421071 2027 379 u mn 0.473
## 6 ume 372 1798 165464 100376 232 72 u me 0.607
## # … with 6 more variables: patho_per_missense <dbl>, patho_per_column <dbl>,
## # test_background_n_missense <dbl>, test_background_n_residues <dbl>,
## # test_background_CV_Pathogenic <dbl>, test_background_CV_Benign <dbl>, and
## # abbreviated variable names ¹n_columns, ²n_residues, ³n_missense,
## # ⁴CV_Pathogenic, ⁵CV_Benign, ⁶cons_class, ⁷mes_class, ⁸missense_per_res
# Totals
avs_xclass_summary |> ungroup() |> select(where(is.numeric)) |> summarise_all(sum)
## # A tibble: 1 × 13
## n_pfams n_columns n_residues n_misse…¹ CV_Pa…² CV_Be…³ misse…⁴ patho…⁵ patho…⁶
## <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2221 112491 2122151 965874 6262 772 2.83 0.0531 0.0228
## # … with 4 more variables: test_background_n_missense <dbl>,
## # test_background_n_residues <dbl>, test_background_CV_Pathogenic <dbl>,
## # test_background_CV_Benign <dbl>, and abbreviated variable names
## # ¹n_missense, ²CV_Pathogenic, ³CV_Benign, ⁴missense_per_res,
## # ⁵patho_per_missense, ⁶patho_per_column
Now apply Fishers exact test for each X-Class (CMD, UMD, etc…).
perform_fisher_test <- function(df, group_vars) {
df %>%
group_by(!!!syms(group_vars)) %>%
test = broom::tidy(
test_background_CV_Pathogenic - CV_Pathogenic,
test_background_n_missense - n_missense
nrow = 2
), alternative = 'two.sided')
cons_class = first(cons_class),
mes_class = first(mes_class)
) %>%
avs_xclass_fisher <- perform_fisher_test(avs_xclass_summary, "xclass")
## # A tibble: 6 × 9
## xclass estimate p.value conf.low conf.high method alter…¹ cons_…² mes_c…³
## <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <fct> <fct>
## 1 cmd 2.64 5.16e-116 2.45 2.84 Fisher's… two.si… c md
## 2 cmn 1.32 4.12e- 26 1.25 1.38 Fisher's… two.si… c mn
## 3 cme 1.73 1.17e- 24 1.57 1.91 Fisher's… two.si… c me
## 4 umd 1.81 9.80e- 10 1.51 2.16 Fisher's… two.si… u md
## 5 umn 0.619 2.82e- 73 0.587 0.653 Fisher's… two.si… u mn
## 6 ume 0.332 6.54e- 86 0.290 0.378 Fisher's… two.si… u me
## # … with abbreviated variable names ¹alternative, ²cons_class, ³mes_class
Now do the same while stratifying for RSA class as well.
avs_xclass_summary_byRSA <- avs_test_set |>
filter(PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb %in% c('Core', 'Part. Exposed', 'Surface')) |>
summarize_data(group_vars = c("PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb", "xclass")) |>
pathogenic_col = "CV_Pathogenic",
missense_col = "n_missense",
residues_col = "n_columns"
) |>
add_test_backgrounds(group_vars = "PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb")
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb'. You can override
## using the `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 18 × 17
## # Groups: PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb [3]
## PDB_jury_col…¹ xclass n_pfams n_col…² n_res…³ n_mis…⁴ CV_Pa…⁵ CV_Be…⁶ cons_…⁷
## <chr> <fct> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>
## 1 Core cmd 285 1020 68827 17299 138 8 c
## 2 Core cmn 364 11823 225006 92775 888 55 c
## 3 Core cme 139 233 6240 5197 112 3 c
## 4 Core umd 97 153 4851 1184 17 2 u
## 5 Core umn 315 5268 91587 40879 320 33 u
## 6 Core ume 78 110 3342 2619 8 1 u
## 7 Part. Exposed cmd 245 633 48834 12508 219 4 c
## 8 Part. Exposed cmn 372 8905 157099 66683 617 52 c
## 9 Part. Exposed cme 159 296 8379 7141 115 3 c
## 10 Part. Exposed umd 122 195 11385 3194 42 3 u
## 11 Part. Exposed umn 362 6954 151762 69598 411 61 u
## 12 Part. Exposed ume 157 240 10912 7459 23 5 u
## 13 Surface cmd 201 516 49535 14716 322 7 c
## 14 Surface cmn 381 16535 267618 124569 849 101 c
## 15 Surface cme 245 663 27905 20543 172 15 c
## 16 Surface umd 211 402 20450 5811 66 5 u
## 17 Surface umn 380 21715 550035 264221 1109 243 u
## 18 Surface ume 324 1242 130771 78908 162 54 u
## # … with 8 more variables: mes_class <fct>, missense_per_res <dbl>,
## # patho_per_missense <dbl>, patho_per_column <dbl>,
## # test_background_n_missense <dbl>, test_background_n_residues <dbl>,
## # test_background_CV_Pathogenic <dbl>, test_background_CV_Benign <dbl>, and
## # abbreviated variable names ¹PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb, ²n_columns,
## # ³n_residues, ⁴n_missense, ⁵CV_Pathogenic, ⁶CV_Benign, ⁷cons_class
# Totals
avs_xclass_summary_byRSA |> ungroup() |> select(where(is.numeric)) |> summarise_all(sum)
## # A tibble: 1 × 13
## n_pfams n_columns n_residues n_misse…¹ CV_Pa…² CV_Be…³ misse…⁴ patho…⁵ patho…⁶
## <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 4437 76903 1834538 835304 5590 655 352. 0.184 3.39
## # … with 4 more variables: test_background_n_missense <dbl>,
## # test_background_n_residues <dbl>, test_background_CV_Pathogenic <dbl>,
## # test_background_CV_Benign <dbl>, and abbreviated variable names
## # ¹n_missense, ²CV_Pathogenic, ³CV_Benign, ⁴missense_per_res,
## # ⁵patho_per_missense, ⁶patho_per_column
avs_xclass_fisher_byRSA <- perform_fisher_test(avs_xclass_summary_byRSA, c("PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb", "xclass"))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb'. You can override
## using the `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 18 × 10
## # Groups: PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb [3]
## PDB_jury_col…¹ xclass estim…² p.value conf.…³ conf.…⁴ method alter…⁵ cons_…⁶
## <chr> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <fct>
## 1 Core cmd 0.846 6.43e- 2 0.704 1.01 Fishe… two.si… c
## 2 Core cmn 1.08 1.46e- 1 0.973 1.20 Fishe… two.si… c
## 3 Core cme 2.43 1.86e-15 1.98 2.96 Fishe… two.si… c
## 4 Core umd 1.55 9.13e- 2 0.900 2.51 Fishe… two.si… u
## 5 Core umn 0.801 4.11e- 4 0.706 0.908 Fishe… two.si… u
## 6 Core ume 0.326 2.64e- 4 0.140 0.645 Fishe… two.si… u
## 7 Part. Exposed cmd 2.23 3.46e-23 1.92 2.58 Fishe… two.si… c
## 8 Part. Exposed cmn 1.14 1.46e- 2 1.03 1.27 Fishe… two.si… c
## 9 Part. Exposed cme 1.96 3.26e-10 1.60 2.37 Fishe… two.si… c
## 10 Part. Exposed umd 1.55 8.58e- 3 1.11 2.11 Fishe… two.si… u
## 11 Part. Exposed umn 0.564 6.14e-24 0.501 0.633 Fishe… two.si… u
## 12 Part. Exposed ume 0.349 4.70e- 9 0.221 0.527 Fishe… two.si… u
## 13 Surface cmd 4.58 1.86e-99 4.06 5.16 Fishe… two.si… c
## 14 Surface cmn 1.43 4.66e-17 1.32 1.55 Fishe… two.si… c
## 15 Surface cme 1.63 7.52e- 9 1.39 1.90 Fishe… two.si… c
## 16 Surface umd 2.19 2.72e- 8 1.68 2.79 Fishe… two.si… u
## 17 Surface umn 0.653 1.02e-27 0.604 0.706 Fishe… two.si… u
## 18 Surface ume 0.350 2.51e-51 0.297 0.411 Fishe… two.si… u
## # … with 1 more variable: mes_class <fct>, and abbreviated variable names
## # ¹PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb, ²estimate, ³conf.low, ⁴conf.high, ⁵alternative,
## # ⁶cons_class
plot_odds_ratio <- function(df, facet_var = NULL) {
dodge_width <- 0.6
plot <- df |>
ggplot() +
aes(x = xclass, y = estimate, colour = xclass) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 1, lty = 2) +
aes(ymin = sapply(conf.low, function(y) max(y, 0.2)), # clip
ymax = conf.high),
width = 0.5,
position = position_dodge(dodge_width)
) +
geom_point(position = position_dodge(dodge_width)) +
scale_y_log10() +
ylab('Odds Ratio') +
xlab('') +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "none", aspect.ratio = 1) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 0.5)) +
scale_color_manual(values = COLOUR_SCHEME)
if (!is.null(facet_var)) {
plot <- plot + facet_grid(paste0(" ~ ", facet_var))
feature_oddsratio_plot <- plot_odds_ratio(avs_xclass_fisher)
feature_oddsratio_byRSA_plot <- plot_odds_ratio(avs_xclass_fisher_byRSA, "PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb")
patchworked_plot <- (feature_oddsratio_plot + feature_oddsratio_byRSA_plot
+ plot_layout(guides = 'collect', widths = c(1, 3))
p_ranges_y <- 10^c(ggplot_build(patchworked_plot[[1]])$layout$panel_scales_y[[1]]$range$range,
combined_plot <- (
& scale_y_log10(limits = c(0.2, 6), # limit in conjunction with clip
breaks = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
labels = c('', '', 0.3, '', 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ''),
minor_breaks = c(seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), seq(1, 5, 1)),
& scale_x_discrete(limits = c('', 'cmd', 'cmn', 'cme', '', 'umd', 'umn', 'ume', ''))
& theme(
axis.line = element_line(color='black'),
panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.1),
panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.1),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank()
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.
ggsave('plot4c.svg', combined_plot)
## Saving 7 x 5 in image
We quoted the maximum discrimination observed with respect to X-Class and ClinVar Pathogenic variants. This is found by comparing Surface CMD to UME positions:
|> filter(PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb == 'Surface')
|> filter(xclass %in% c('cmd', 'ume'))
|> group_by(xclass)
|> summarise(
n_patho = sum(CV_Pathogenic),
n_missense = sum(missense_all)
-> cmd_vs_ume
## # A tibble: 2 × 3
## xclass n_patho n_missense
## <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 cmd 322 20644
## 2 ume 182 115498
|> pivot_wider(names_from = xclass, values_from = starts_with("n_"))
|> summarise(
test = broom::tidy(
fisher.test(matrix(c(n_patho_cmd, n_missense_cmd, n_patho_ume, n_missense_ume),
nrow = 2), alternative = 'two.sided'))
|> unnest(test)
## # A tibble: 1 × 6
## estimate p.value conf.low conf.high method alter…¹
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 9.90 5.52e-135 8.22 11.9 Fisher's Exact Test for Count D… two.si…
## # … with abbreviated variable name ¹alternative
It’s sensible to check that we observe the widely reported enrichment of Pathogenic variants in buried positions:
avs |>
group_by(PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb) |>
summarise(n_missense = sum(missense_all), CV_Pathogenic = sum(CV_Pathogenic)) |>
mutate(across(c(n_missense, CV_Pathogenic), sum, .names = "test_background_{.col}")) |>
group_by(PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb, .drop = TRUE) |>
# Biolip enrichment
test = broom::tidy(
fisher.test(matrix(c(CV_Pathogenic, n_missense,
test_background_CV_Pathogenic - CV_Pathogenic,
test_background_n_missense - n_missense),
nrow = 2), alternative = 'two.sided'))
) |>
## # A tibble: 5 × 7
## PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb estimate p.value conf.low conf.high method alter…¹
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 - 0 1 e+ 0 0 10.8 Fisher'… two.si…
## 2 Core 2.05 3.35e-183 1.95 2.14 Fisher'… two.si…
## 3 Part. Exposed 1.63 1.40e- 81 1.55 1.71 Fisher'… two.si…
## 4 Surface 0.796 3.50e- 29 0.764 0.828 Fisher'… two.si…
## 5 <NA> 0.530 2.04e-164 0.505 0.556 Fisher'… two.si…
## # … with abbreviated variable name ¹alternative
- ClinVar enrichments in different positions with various structural features