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随着深度学习的发展,使用深度学习解决相关通信领域问题的研究也越来越多。作为一名通信专业的研究生,如果实验室没有相关方向的代码积累,入门并深入一个新的方向会十分艰难。同时,大部分通信领域的论文不会提供开源代码,reproducible research比较困难。
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- Topics
- Machine/deep learning for physical layer optimization
- Resource, power and network optimization using machine learning techniques
- Distributed learning algorithms over communication networks
- Multiple access scheduling and routing using machine learning techniques
- Machine learning for network slicing, network virtualization, and software-defined networking
- Machine learning for emerging communication systems and applications (e.g., IoT, edge computing, caching, smart cities, vehicular networks, and localization)
- Secure machine learning over communication networks
说明:论文主要来源于arxiv中Signal Processing和Information Theory
- Robust Data Detection for MIMO Systems with One-Bit ADCs: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
- Distributed Power Control for Large Energy Harvesting Networks: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
- Machine Learning for Wireless Communication Channel Modeling: An Overview
- Sum Spectral Efficiency Maximization in Massive MIMO Systems: Benefits from Deep Learning
- The DeepMIMO Dataset and the corresponding paper DeepMIMO: A Generic Deep Learning Dataset for Millimeter Wave and Massive MIMO Applications
- RAYMOBTIME:Raymobtime is a methodology for collecting realistic datasets for simulating wireless communications. It uses ray-tracing and 3D scenarios with mobility and time evolution, for obtaining consistency over time, frequency and space.
- SM-CsiNet+ and PM-CsiNet+:来自论文Convolutional Neural Network based Multiple-Rate Compressive Sensing for Massive MIMO CSI Feedback: Design, Simulation, and Analysis
- An open online real modulated dataset:来自论文Deep Learning for Signal Demodulation in Physical Layer Wireless Communications: Prototype Platform, Open Dataset, and Analytics。
To the best of our knowledge,this is the first open dataset of real modulated signals for wireless communication systems.
- open datase:来自论文Signal Demodulation With Machine Learning Methods for Physical Layer Visible Light Communications: Prototype Platform, Open Dataset, and Algorithms
The dataset is collected in real physical environment, and the channel suffers from many factors such as limited LED bandwidth, multi-reflection,spurious or continuous jamming, etc.
- Dr. Zhen Gao ( 高 镇 ):
- Wireless Communications
- Channel Estimation of mmWave/THz Hybrid Massive MIMO
- Sparse Signal Processing
- Deep Learning based Solutions in Wireless Systems
- Ahmed Alkhateeb:Research Interests
- Millimeter Wave and Massive MIMO Communication
- Vehicular and Drone Communication Systems
- Applications of Machine Learning in Wireless Communication
- Building Mobile Communication Systems that Work in Reality!
- Emil Björnson: He performs research on multi-antenna communications, Massive MIMO, radio resource allocation, energy-efficient communications, and network design.
- Leo-Chu:His research interests are in the theoretical and algorithmic studies in random matrix theory, nonconvex optimization, deep learning, as well as their applications in wireless communications, bioengineering, and smart grid.
- 机器学习和通信结合论文列表/Research Library
- Best Readings in Machine Learning in Communications
- Communication Systems, Linköping University, LIU
- Codes for Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)
- awesome-ml4co:a list of papers that utilize machine learning technologies to solve combinatorial optimization problems.
- WxZhu:
- Github
- Email:[email protected]
- LinTian
- HongtaiChen
- yihanjiang
- wu huaming:
- Email:[email protected]
版本更新/Version Update:
- 第一版完成/First Version:2019-02-21
- 分类整理及链接补全/First Version: 2021-04-14 via Yokoxue