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wp shell utils

This repository contains a collection of shell utilities I wrote for WordPress. They require a Bash-compatible shell and the presence of WP CLI.


  • bash.lib. This file contains variable definitions for programs and a few other settings. Most of the programs source this file. Review the variables at the bottom of the file to customize it for your environment.
  • wp-make-site. This script downloads and installs a new WordPress instance. Since I use Laravel Valet, the program creates a new secure link. 1Password CLI is also called to store temporary credentials. Note: change the email address variable $ADMIN_EMAIL.
  • wp-remote-copy. This script makes a backup of a WP instance on a remote server, copies the *.wpress file to the localhost, and restores it to a local WP instance. Note: the script has two additional requirements:
  • wp-sync-site. This script creates a backup of one site and restores it to a second site. It's basically a quick way to duplicate a site on the localhost. Note: WordPress must be installed on the destination site.
  • wp-rename-theme. Ever needed to rename the directory of a theme? This script will rename a folder and update the database accordingly.
  • wp-rename-plugin. Ever needed to rename the directory of a plugin? This script will rename a folder and update the database accordingly.
  • wp-reset-admin-user. This script resets the admin username (including the user_login), password, and email. Note: change the email address variable $NEW_EMAIL.
  • wp-delete-all-posts. This script deletes all posts of a given post type.
  • wp-update-core. This script backs up and updates the WordPress core files of several sites in a given directory. This script has three additional requirements:
  • wp-sync-uploads. This script uses rsync to sync the /wp-content/uploads folder between a remote WP instance and a local one. (New items on the server are copied to the localhost.) Note: this script requires WP CLI aliases on the localhost to have the "path" property set.


WordPress command-line utilities.





