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Q-Gridworld Experiment

The purpose of this experiment is to show how a basic implementation of Gridworld could be solved with Q-Learning by storing and using all Q-values, Q(s,a), in a table.

With the available actions (up, down, right, left), the table of Q-value has the shape:

[[a_0,    a_1,    a_2,    a_3],      # s_0
 [a_0,    a_1,    a_2,    a_3],      # s_1
 [a_0,    a_1,    a_2,    a_3],      # s_2
             ...                      ...
 [a_0,    a_1,    a_2,    a_3]]      # s_n

Every time the agent performs an action and transitions from one state to another, the Q-value for the previous state and action taken will be updated using two different update functions depending on if it is a nonterminal (1) or a terminal (2) state.

  1. Q(s,a) ⟵ Q(s,a) + η(r + ɣmax(Q(s',a') - Q(s,a)).
  2. Q(s,a) ⟵ r

Reward Function

The agent can receive three different rewards.

  • +1 for reaching the goal.
  • -1 for reaching the pit.
  • -0.1 for walking against the edges of the field (thus performing an action that doesn't move the agent).

Terminal states

There are two different terminal states available.

  • Reaching the goal.
  • Reaching the pit.

Get Started

To get started, use the terminal to navigate to ml-in-tf/experiments/q-gridworld/and run python

To see the graph and plots using tensorboard, use the terminal to navigate to ml-in-tf/ and run tensorboard --logdir logs/. Wait for the following message:

Starting TensorBoard on port <port>

And then open up a browser and go to localhost:<port>.


The customizable parameters of this experiment - and their default values - are as follows:

Q Learning settings

  • episodes - 100 - Number of minibatches to run the training on.
  • gamma - 0.99- Discount (ɣ) to use when Q-value is updated.
  • initial_epsilon - 1.0 - Initial epsilon value that epsilon will be annealed from.
  • final_epsilon - 0.1 - Final epsilon value that epsilon will be annealed to.

Training settings

  • learning_rate - 0.5 - Learning rate of the optimizer.
  • train_step_limit - 300 - Limits the number of steps in training to avoid badly performing agents running forever.

General settings

  • field_size - 4 - Determines width and height of the Gridworld field.
  • status_update - 10 - How often to print an status update.
  • random_seed - 123 - Number of minibatches to run the training on.

Testing settings

  • run_test - True - If the final model should be tested.
  • test_runs - 100 - Number of times to run the test.
  • test_epsilon - 0.1 - Epsilon to use on test run.
  • test_step_limit - 1000 - Limits the number of steps in test to avoid badly performing agents running forever.

Experiment results

The plots above show the agents training progress running with all parameters set to their default values. As you can see in the plot, it only took the agent around 15-20 episodes before it had learned to play well. The result of running 100 test runs with the fully trained agent can be seen in the table below.

Average Max Min
Steps 2.84 10 1
Rewards 0.42 1 0.1

Next step

You'll notice when you play around with the parameters (more specifically the field size) that it will take longer and longer for the agent to perform be able to perform well. In these cases, it might be smart to move away from having to keep all the states and Q-values in the memory and approach this problem from a different angle.

How about using a Neural Network? Let's give it a try!