SLON (Semantically-Loose Object Network) is an experimental data structure implemented in PostgreSQL. It provides a flexible and dynamic way to model relationships between objects using custom PostgreSQL types, operators, and functions. SLON is designed to facilitate complex queries and pattern matching over a network of interconnected nodes, making it suitable for representing hierarchical or graph-based data within a relational database.
To use SLON, you need to execute the provided SQL script (slon.sql
) in your PostgreSQL database. This script defines the custom types, functions, operators, and the main slon
table that constitute the SLON data structure.
-- Execute the SLON SQL script
\i slon.sql
You can also install the package from npm:
npm install @ayatkevich/slon
It exports the definitionPath
and definition
is the path to the SLON SQL script, and definition
is the SQL script as a string.
A Symbol is the basic unit in SLON, identified by a text id
. Symbols can be constructed using the @
-- Create a symbol
SELECT @'A' AS symbol;
Special Symbol:
: A wildcard symbol that matches any symbol during equality checks.
Two symbols are considered equal if:
- Their
s are equal, or - Either symbol is the wildcard
-- Symbols equality
SELECT @'A' = @'A' AS result; -- true
SELECT @'A' = @'B' AS result; -- false
SELECT @'A' = @'*' AS result; -- true
An Object in SLON is a pair of symbols: a left
symbol and a right
symbol. Objects can represent relationships or properties.
-- Create an object from two symbols
SELECT @'A' | @'a' AS object;
-- Simplified syntax without '@' operator
SELECT 'A' | 'a' AS object;
Objects are equal if:
- Both their
symbols are equal, and - Both their
symbols are equal.
Pattern Matching with Wildcards:
-- Object equality with wildcard
SELECT ('A' | '*') = ('A' | 'a') AS result; -- true
SELECT ('*' | '*') = ('B' | 'b') AS result; -- true
SELECT ('A' | '*') = ('B' | 'b') AS result; -- false
A Node is an object that may optionally have a payload (another object). Nodes represent entities with potential additional data.
-- Create a node with an effect and a payload
SELECT ('A' | 'a') & ('B' | 'b') AS node;
-- Create a node with only an effect
SELECT &('A' | 'a') AS node;
Nodes are equal if:
- Their effects are equal, and
- Their payloads are equal, or
- One of the effects is
'* | *'
and the payload isNULL
-- Nodes equality
SELECT ('A' | 'a') & ('B' | 'b') = ('A' | 'a') & ('B' | 'b') AS result; -- true
SELECT ('A' | 'a') & ('B' | 'b') = ('A' | 'a') & ('*' | 'b') AS result; -- true
SELECT ('A' | 'a') & ('B' | 'b') = ('B' | 'b') & ('A' | 'a') AS result; -- false
The Network is represented by the slon
table, which stores nodes and their relationships.
Table Structure:
"node" "slon_node" NOT NULL,
"related_to" TEXT REFERENCES "slon" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE,
"index" SERIAL,
"id" TEXT PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS ("index" || '. ' || ("node")."id") STORED
Inserting Nodes:
Top-Level Node:
INSERT INTO "slon" ("node") VALUES (&('program' | 'A'));
Related Node:
INSERT INTO "slon" ("node", "related_to") VALUES (&('trace' | 'A'), '1. program | A');
-- Insert a program node
WITH program AS (
INSERT INTO "slon" ("node")
VALUES (&('program' | 'A'))
-- Insert a trace node related to the program
INSERT INTO "slon" ("node", "related_to")
VALUES (&('trace' | 'A'), (SELECT id FROM program));
SLON provides custom operators and functions to query nodes and their relationships.
Basic Queries:
-- Query top-level nodes
SELECT (? ('*' | '*')).id FROM "slon";
-- Query nodes matching a specific pattern
SELECT (? ('program' | '*')).id FROM "slon";
Chained Queries:
-- Query steps of all traces of any program
SELECT (? ('trace' | ? ('program' | '*')) ? ('*' | '*')).id FROM "slon";
Alternative Syntax:
SELECT AS programId, AS traceId, AS stepId
slon_query('program' | '*') AS program,
slon_query('trace' | program) AS trace,
slon_query(trace, '*' | '*') AS step
ORDER BY step.index;
Wildcards allow for flexible pattern matching within queries.
-- Query nodes where the left symbol is 'A' and any right symbol
SELECT (? ('A' | '*')).id FROM "slon";
SLON can simplify navigating and querying the PostgreSQL schema.
Inserting Tables and Columns into SLON:
tables AS (
INSERT INTO "slon" ("node")
SELECT ('table' | pg_class.relname) & ('oid' | pg_class.oid::text)
FROM pg_class
WHERE relkind = 'r' AND relnamespace = 'public'::regnamespace
columns AS (
INSERT INTO "slon" ("node", "related_to")
SELECT &('column' | pg_attribute.attname),
FROM tables
JOIN pg_attribute ON (tables.node) = pg_attribute.attrelid::text
WHERE pg_attribute.attnum > 0
SELECT * FROM tables, columns;
Querying Columns of a Specific Table:
-- Get all columns of the 'slon' table
SELECT ((? ('table' | 'slon') ? ('column' | '*')).node).id FROM "slon";
column | node
column | related_to
column | index
column | id
The provided test suite (spec.js
) demonstrates various use cases and validates the behavior of the SLON data structure.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.