Name | Type | Description | Notes |
target | Option<uuid::Uuid> | [optional] | |
stage | Option<uuid::Uuid> | [optional] | |
evaluate_on_plan | Option<bool> | Evaluate policies during the Flow planning process. | [optional] |
re_evaluate_policies | Option<bool> | Evaluate policies when the Stage is present to the user. | [optional] |
order | Option<i32> | [optional] | |
policy_engine_mode | Option<models::PolicyEngineMode> | [optional] | |
invalid_response_action | Option<models::InvalidResponseActionEnum> | Configure how the flow executor should handle an invalid response to a challenge. RETRY returns the error message and a similar challenge to the executor. RESTART restarts the flow from the beginning, and RESTART_WITH_CONTEXT restarts the flow while keeping the current context. | [optional] |