Sample Android application that show how can we use Kotlin Coroutines StateFlow
is a new class introduced in version 1.3.6 of the Kotlin Coroutines library which works in the following way:
- It's a
with a single updatable data value that emits updates to the value to its collectors. - Updates to the value can be observed by collecting values from this flow.
- It's useful as a data-model class to represent any kind of state.
- It's designed to completely replace
in the future.
For example, the following class represents an integer state that increments its value by calling the method incrementCount
class CountModel {
private val _countState = MutableStateFlow(0) // Private mutable state flow
val countState: StateFlow<Int> get() = _countState // Public read-only state flow
fun incrementCount() {
Now in a possible activity we can observe countState
to keep track of its updates:
lifecycleScope.launch {
countModel.countState.collect { value ->
countTextView.text = "$value"
This collector will be executed whenever the value of countState
is updated. Also it's lifecycle-aware as we’ve used it under lifecycleScope