In this lab we will familiarise ourselves with the popular sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) architecture for Neural Machine Translation and will implement the attention mechanism.
We will train our models on the Multi30k dataset (well just a small part of it, as we will be running things on your laptop; you are more than welcome to try out the full dataset on a GPU-enabled machine too!).
- Clone the dataset from here.
- Extract the first 1000 examples of the already tokenized version of the validation set:
. - Create a 75%/25% train/val split.
- We will focus only on the
We provide an implementation of a basic sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) architecture with beam search
adapted from the original AllenNLP toolkit that you will have to extend: athnlp/models/
There are placeholders in the code that are left empty for you to fill in. We are also giving you
a dataset reader for Multi30k: athnlp/readers/
Note: We recommend that
you train and predict with the built-in commands using allennlp train/predict
. If you
need to debug your code you can programmatically execute the training process from: athnlp/
We will be reporting performance using BLEU.
Have a good look at the provided code and make sure you understand how it works.
Things to try out:
- Overfit a (very) small portion of the training set. What hyperparameters do you need to use?
- Train a model on the bigger dataset for a few epochs and compute BLEU score for the baseline model. Note: You are most likely not going to get a state-of-the-art performance. Why?
- Switch the RNN cell from an LSTM to a GRU.
- Use pre-trained embeddings like GloVe vectors. Does it help? Is that always applicable in MT?
- Consider switching the metric (currently it's the validation loss) for early stopping criterion.
- Try using beam search instead of greedy decoding. Does it help?
Implement at least one attention mechanism (dot product,
bilinear, MLP)
in the methods _prepare_output_projections()
and _compute_attention()
Important: to keep things uniform assume that the attended encoder outputs (aka context vector) gets concatenated with the previous predicted word embedding before being fed as in input to the decoder RNN.
Things to try out:
Convince yourself that attention helps boost the performance of your model by computing BLEU on the dev set (if not most probably you have a bug!)
Predict the output for some examples using the default
predictor from AllenNLP. You can find a small set of examples here:data/multi30k/
. How does the output compare to without using attention? -
Visualise the attention scores using e.g.,
. We have created a custom predictor inathnlp/predictors/
for you that already prints out heatmaps; you will just need to extract the attention scores from your model inforward_loop()
. You can execute it viaathnlp/
. Then visualize attention scores between the input and predicted output for the examples found indata/multi30k/
. What do you observe? -
(Bonus) Instead of concatenating the context vector with the previous predicted word embedding before being feeding as in input to the decoder RNN, try concatenating it to the output hidden state of the decoder (i.e., after the RNN). Does that effect any change? (Note: you might need to train on the original corpus).
Implement a sampling algorithm for your decoder. As an alternative heuristic to beam search during decoding,
the idea is to sample from the vocobulary distribution instead of taking the arg_max
at each time step.
Things to try out:
- How does sampling affect the performance (BLEU score) of your model?
- Inspect the output of your model by drawing several samples for a few examples; what do you observe?