This directory contains several utilities for, e.g., data pre-processing.
Instructions of using BPE and WPM encoding are as follows. See examples/transformer for a real example of using these encodings.
Note that there are a few different (sub-)word encoding approaches and implementations which are used by several popular models. For example:
- BPE by Rico Sennrich: Used in Transformer for machine translation. This is the version in this folder, including both BPE training and encoding/decoding.
- BPE by OpenAI: Used in GPT-2 language model. Includes BPE encoding/decoding and provided BPE vocab (no training).
- BPE by WordPiece: Used in BERT for text embedding. Includes BPE encoding/decoding and provided BPE vocab (no training).
- SPM by sentencepiece: Used in Transformer for machine translation. This is the version in this folder, including both SPM training and encoding/decoding.
Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) pipeline
- Add
directory toPATH
env variable
export PATH=$PATH:$TEXAR/bin
- Learning BPE vocab on source and target combined
cat train.src train.trg | learn_bpe -s 32000 > bpe-codes.32000
- Applying BPE on source and target files
apply_bpe -c bpe-codes.32000 < train.src > train.src.bpe
apply_bpe -c bpe-codes.32000 < train.trg > train.trg.bpe
apply_bpe -c bpe-codes.32000 < dev.src > dev.src.bpe
apply_bpe -c bpe-codes.32000 < dev.trg > dev.trg.bpe
apply_bpe -c bpe-codes.32000 < test.src > test.src.bpe
- BPE decoding target to match with references
mv test.out test.out.bpe
cat test.out.bpe | sed -E 's/(@@ )|(@@ ?$)//g' > test.out
python [TEXAR]/examples/transformer/ --translation=test.out --reference=test.tgt
- This requires installation of the sentencepiece library
pip install sentencepiece
- Learning Word Piece on source and target combined
spm_train --input=train.src,train.tgt --vocab_size 32000 --model_prefix=wpm-codes
- Applying Word Piece on source and target
spm_encode --model wpm-codes.model --output_format=id < train.src > train.src.wpm
spm_encode --model wpm-codes.model --output_format=id < train.tgt > train.tgt.wpm
spm_encode --model wpm-codes.model --output_format=id < valid.src > valid.src.wpm
spm_encode --model wpm-codes.model --output_format=id < valid.tgt > valid.tgt.wpm
spm_encode --model wpm-codes.model --output_format=id < test.src > test.src.wpm
- WPM decoding/detokenising target to match with references
mv test.out test.wpm
spm_decode --model wpm-codes.model --input_format=id < test.out.wpm > test.out