This is an endpoint context server action configuration to send messages to a Slack channel via a ClearPass Context Server Action (CSA).
2017.01 (2017-10-25)
- 2017.01 (2017-10-25) Initial Release. Tested with ClearPass 6.6.8.
In a browser, navigate to
Under Post to Channel, select the desired destination channel for the message and then click Add Incoming WebHooks integration
Take note of the Webhook URL. It will be required in ClearPass
Under Integration Settings, customize the look and feel as desired
Click Save Settings to finish
Download the Slack context server profile > clearpass-exchange_slack_ecs-csa.xml
Import this context server profile in ClearPass under Administration > External Servers > Endpoint Context Servers
Navigate to Administration > Dictionaries > Context Server Actions
In the Context Server Actions list, look for the action named Send Message to Slack, click the check box next to it and click Copy
Click the newly cloned action
Modify the name to best represent the message
Look for the URL field. Take the webhook URL from the Slack setup and copy everything after '' and overwrite 'replace-me-replace-me'
The content tab contains the JSON payload with the message content. Modify the default text to include the required information
Click Save to finish
Create an enforcement profile by navigating to Configuration > Enforcement > Profiles > Add
Select the HTTP Enforcement template and give it a name
On the Attributes tab, select as the Target Server and for Action, select the name of the customized CSA that was created. Click Save to finish.
NOTE: A message template builder is available here: Slack Message Builder
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Copyright (c) Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
Author: @timcappalli, Aruba Security Group Organization: Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company