issues Search Results · repo:arrayfire/arrayfire-haskell language:Haskell
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inarrayfire/arrayfire-haskell (press backspace or delete to remove)Error: setup.exe: Missing dependency on a foreign library:
- Missing (or bad) C library: af This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that provides
this library (you may ...
- Opened on Jul 10, 2023
- #54
How to generate an array according to the rules defined by oneself? I have a function like func:: Int- Int- Float, which
represents calculating values based on index
- 1
- Opened on May 19, 2023
- #53
Thanks for your excellent work! I m very interesting in this library. But I want to know how to interacting with other
library. For example , When I read an image with JuicyPixels, how to transfer this ...
- Opened on May 12, 2023
- #52
I am not sure this is entirely helpful, feel free to close. I would like ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 24, 2022
- #49
Currently the installation instructions for arrayfire-haskell target users who install binaries into /lib / lib64 on
OSX/ Linux respectively. For power users (those who build from source), there should ...
- Opened on Nov 15, 2019
- #48
Since all examples are now printed in column-major (as opposed to row major) order, the documentation needs to reflect
this change.
good first issue
help wanted
- 1
- Opened on Nov 9, 2019
- #39
Would be very nice to have comparisons of ArrayFire vs. libraries like hmatrix, accelerate, etc. This might even warrant
its own package due to the difficulty in procuring all the dependencies.
good first issue
help wanted
- 10
- Opened on Nov 9, 2019
- #38
The functions which take a dimension to reduce along should return a full matrix, with only that dimension flattened,
rather than a single scalar. These are (at least) sum, sumNaN, product, productNaN, ...
- 2
- Opened on Nov 8, 2019
- #36
This was mentioned in #22, but I ll make an Issue for it here. The data provided to the smart constructors matrix, cube,
and tensor is validated (in terms of row and column sizes) in row-major order, but ...
- 5
- Opened on Nov 8, 2019
- #35
Theoretically, there s no reason this can t be supported.
instance Bits (ArrayFire CBool) where
(. .) = A.and
(.|.) = A.or
xor = A.bitXor
shiftL x n = A.shiftL x (scalar n)
shiftR x n = A.shiftR ...
good first issue
help wanted
- 1
- Opened on Nov 7, 2019
- #34

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