From d4e668dd0a911ba238b78766067f62e9213030de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mason Malone <>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 21:03:37 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] docs: additional details on jsonb migration for 3.6 (#13816)

Signed-off-by: Mason Malone <>
 docs/ | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 6f79b25d9c3e..3c8c3c859053 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -32,12 +32,53 @@ For the Emissary executor to work properly, you must set up RBAC. See [workflow
 ### Archived Workflows on PostgreSQL
-This upgrade will transform an archived workflow column from type `json` to type `jsonb`.
-This will take some time if you have a lot of archived workflows.
+To improve performance, this upgrade will automatically transform the column used to store archived workflows from type `json` to type `jsonb` on controller start-up.
 This requires PostgreSQL version 9.4 or higher.
-You can perform this modification prior to upgrading with `alter table argo_archived_workflows alter column workflow set data type jsonb using workflow::jsonb`.
-This is considered safe to do whilst running version 3.5 as the column types are compatible.
+The migration involves obtaining an [ACCESS EXCLUSIVE]( lock on the `argo_archived_wokflows` table, which blocks all reads and writes until it has finished.
+For the vast majority of users, we anticipate this will take less than a minute, but it could take much longer if you have a large number of workflows (100,000+), or the average workflow size is high (100KB+).
+**If you don't fall into one of those two categories, or if minimizing downtime isn't important to you, then you don't need to read any further.**
+Otherwise, you have a few options to keep downtime to a minimum:
+1. If you don't actually need the archived workflows anymore, simply delete them with `delete from argo_archived_workflows` and the migration will complete almost instantly.
+2. Using a variation of [Altering a Postgres Column with Minimal Downtime](, it's possible to manually perform this migration with nearly no downtime. This is a two-step process;
+    1. Before the upgrade, run the following queries to create a temporary `workflowjsonb` column and populate it with the existing data. This is safe to do whilst running version 3.5 because the column types are compatible.
+         ```sql
+         -- Add temporary workflowjsonb column
+         ALTER TABLE argo_archived_workflows ADD COLUMN workflowjsonb JSONB NULL;
+         -- Add trigger to update workflowjsonb for each insert
+         CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_workflow_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $BODY$
+         BEGIN
+             NEW.workflowjsonb=NEW.workflow;
+             RETURN NEW;
+         END
+         CREATE TRIGGER argo_archived_workflows_update_workflow_jsonb
+         BEFORE INSERT ON argo_archived_workflows
+         FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_workflow_jsonb();
+         -- Backfill existing rows
+         UPDATE argo_archived_workflows SET workflowjsonb = workflow WHERE workflowjsonb IS NULL;
+         ```
+    2. Once the above has completed and you're ready to proceed with the upgrade, run the following queries before starting the controller:
+         ```sql
+         BEGIN;
+         LOCK TABLE argo_archived_workflows IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE;
+         DROP TRIGGER argo_archived_workflows_update_workflow_jsonb ON argo_archived_workflows;
+         ALTER TABLE argo_archived_workflows DROP COLUMN workflow;
+         ALTER TABLE argo_archived_workflows RENAME COLUMN workflowjsonb TO workflow;
+         ALTER TABLE argo_archived_workflows ADD CONSTRAINT workflow CHECK (workflow IS NOT NULL) NOT VALID;
+         COMMIT;
+         ```
+3. Version 3.6 retains compatibility with workflows stored as type `json`.
+  Therefore, it's currently safe to [skip the migration]( by setting `skipMigration: true`.
+  This should only be used as an emergency stop-gap, as future versions may drop support for `json` without notice.
 ### Metrics changes