Horizontal jitter on display Waveshare ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-7 800 x 480, 8MB PSRAM, 8MB Flash, ST7262, GT911 #22553
PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONA clear and concise description of what the problem is. REQUESTED INFORMATIONMake sure your have performed every step and checked the applicable boxes before submitting your issue. Thank you!
Configuration output here:
16:27:58.868 MQT: Tester/stat/RESULT = {"NAME":"WaveShare7","GPIO":[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,640,608,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,6210,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],"FLAG":0,"BASE":1}
16:27:59.068 MQT: Tester/stat/RESULT = {"Module":{"0":"WaveShare7"}}
16:27:59.279 MQT: Tester/stat/RESULT = {"GPIO0":{"0":"None"},"GPIO1":{"0":"None"},"GPIO2":{"0":"None"},"GPIO3":{"0":"None"},"GPIO4":{"0":"None"},"GPIO5":{"0":"None"},"GPIO6":{"0":"None"},"GPIO7":{"0":"None"},"GPIO8":{"640":"I2C SDA1"},"GPIO9":{"608":"I2C SCL1"},"GPIO10":{"0":"None"},"GPIO11":{"0":"None"},"GPIO12":{"0":"None"},"GPIO13":{"0":"None"},"GPIO14":{"0":"None"},"GPIO15":{"0":"None"},"GPIO16":{"0":"None"},"GPIO17":{"0":"None"},"GPIO18":{"0":"None"},"GPIO19":{"0":"None"},"GPIO20":{"0":"None"},"GPIO21":{"0":"None"},"GPIO33":{"6210":"Option A3"},"GPIO34":{"0":"None"},"GPIO35":{"0":"None"},"GPIO36":{"0":"None"},"GPIO37":{"0":"None"},"GPIO38":{"0":"None"},"GPIO39":{"0":"None"},"GPIO40":{"0":"None"},"GPIO41":{"0":"None"},"GPIO42":{"0":"None"},"GPIO43":{"0":"None"},"GPIO44":{"0":"None"},"GPIO45":{"0":"None"},"GPIO46":{"0":"None"},"GPIO47":{"0":"None"},"GPIO48":{"0":"None"}}
Rules output here:
STATUS 0 output here:
16:30:17.314 MQT: Tester/stat/STATUS = {"Status":{"Module":0,"DeviceName":"ES117-Tester3","FriendlyName":["Tasmota"],"Topic":"Tester","ButtonTopic":"0","Power":"1","PowerLock":"0","PowerOnState":0,"LedState":1,"LedMask":"FFFF","SaveData":1,"SaveState":1,"SwitchTopic":"0","SwitchMode":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"ButtonRetain":0,"SwitchRetain":0,"SensorRetain":0,"PowerRetain":1,"InfoRetain":0,"StateRetain":0,"StatusRetain":0}}
16:30:17.322 MQT: Tester/stat/STATUS1 = {"StatusPRM":{"Baudrate":115200,"SerialConfig":"8N1","GroupTopic":"Test","OtaUrl":" ","RestartReason":"RTC Watch dog reset digital core and rtc module","Uptime":"0T00:19:25","StartupUTC":"2024-11-27T05:10:52","Sleep":50,"CfgHolder":4617,"BootCount":28,"BCResetTime":"2024-11-27T06:10:17","SaveCount":63}}
16:30:17.328 MQT: Tester/stat/STATUS2 = {"StatusFWR":{"Version":"","BuildDateTime":"2024-11-26T10:56:16","Core":"3_1_0","SDK":"","CpuFrequency":240,"Hardware":"ESP32-S3 v0.2","CR":"365/699"}}
16:30:17.334 MQT: Tester/stat/STATUS3 = {"StatusLOG":{"SerialLog":2,"WebLog":2,"MqttLog":0,"SysLog":0,"LogHost":"","LogPort":514,"SSId":["BlackNightOffice","BlackNight"],"TelePeriod":0,"Resolution":"558180C0","SetOption":["00008029","2805C80001000600003C5A0A192800000000","000000C8","00006000","00004000","00000000"]}}
16:30:17.347 MQT: Tester/stat/STATUS4 = {"StatusMEM":{"ProgramSize":2669,"Free":210,"Heap":145,"StackLowMark":18,"PsrMax":5568,"PsrFree":4693,"ProgramFlashSize":8192,"FlashSize":8192,"FlashChipId":"1740C8","FlashFrequency":80,"FlashMode":"QIO","Features":["0809","9FAAD7DF","0005A021","B7F7BFCF","05DA9BC4","60360DC7","C80840D2","20200000","D4BC483D","810A80F1","00000014"],"Drivers":"1,2,!3,!4,!5,!8,9,10,11,12,13,!14,!16,!17,!20,!24,26,!27,29,!34,38,50,52,54,55,!56,!59,!60,62,!63,!66,!67,!68,!73,!75,81,82,!86,!87,!88,!121","Sensors":"1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,26,31,34,37,39,40,42,43,45,51,52,55,56,58,59,64,66,67,74,85,92,95,98,103,105,109,127","I2CDriver":"7,8,9,10,!11,!12,13,14,15,17,18,20,24,29,31,!36,41,42,!44,46,48,58,59,62,65,69,76,77,82,89"}}
16:30:17.360 MQT: Tester/stat/STATUS5 = {"StatusNET":{"Hostname":"ES117","IPAddress":"","Gateway":"","Subnetmask":"","DNSServer1":"","DNSServer2":"","Mac":"24:EC:4A:03:0F:48","IP6Global":"","IP6Local":"fe80::26ec:4aff:fe03:f48%st2","Ethernet":{"Hostname":"","IPAddress":"","Gateway":"","Subnetmask":"","DNSServer1":"","DNSServer2":"","Mac":"00:00:00:00:00:00","IP6Global":"","IP6Local":""},"Webserver":2,"HTTP_API":1,"WifiConfig":4,"WifiPower":19.0}}
16:30:17.367 MQT: Tester/stat/STATUS6 = {"StatusMQT":{"MqttHost":"","MqttPort":1883,"MqttClientMask":"DVES_%06X","MqttClient":"DVES_030F48","MqttUser":"mymqtt","MqttCount":1,"MAX_PACKET_SIZE":1200,"KEEPALIVE":30,"SOCKET_TIMEOUT":4}}
16:30:17.373 MQT: Tester/stat/STATUS7 = {"StatusTIM":{"UTC":"2024-11-27T05:30:17Z","Local":"2024-11-27T16:30:17","StartDST":"2024-10-06T02:00:00","EndDST":"2024-04-07T03:00:00","Timezone":99,"Sunrise":"05:54","Sunset":"20:22"}}
16:30:17.384 MQT: Tester/stat/STATUS10 = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2024-11-27T16:30:17"}}
16:30:17.406 MQT: Tester/stat/STATUS11 = {"StatusSTS":{"Time":"2024-11-27T16:30:17","Uptime":"0T00:19:25","UptimeSec":1165,"Heap":145,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":10,"LoadAvg":99,"MqttCount":1,"Berry":{"HeapUsed":29,"Objects":545},"POWER":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"BlackNightOffice","BSSId":"B0:BE:76:2E:95:12","Channel":9,"Mode":"HT40","RSSI":100,"Signal":-38,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:06"}}}
Console output here:
No errors seen, just these updates
16:33:03.150 TS : touched x=91 y=453 gest=0x00 (raw x=91 y=453)
16:33:03.252 TS : touched x=91 y=453 gest=0x00 (raw x=91 y=453)
16:33:03.348 TS : released x=91 y=453 (raw x=91 y=453)
16:33:03.400 LVG: Refreshed 12705 pixels in 4 ms (3176 pix/ms)
16:33:03.517 LVG: Refreshed 32000 pixels in 8 ms (4000 pix/ms)
16:33:03.559 LVG: Refreshed 32000 pixels in 8 ms (4000 pix/ms)
16:33:03.598 LVG: Refreshed 32000 pixels in 9 ms (3555 pix/ms)
16:33:03.634 LVG: Refreshed 32000 pixels in 8 ms (4000 pix/ms)
16:33:03.668 LVG: Refreshed 32000 pixels in 8 ms (4000 pix/ms)
16:33:03.689 LVG: Refreshed 32000 pixels in 8 ms (4000 pix/ms)
16:33:03.718 LVG: Refreshed 32000 pixels in 9 ms (3555 pix/ms)
16:33:03.751 LVG: Refreshed 32000 pixels in 9 ms (3555 pix/ms)
TO REPRODUCESteps to reproduce the behavior: autoexec.be:
EXPECTED BEHAVIOURA clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. SCREENSHOTSIf applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. In this pic, LEDs look correct but color wheel does not (page1) In this pic the gauges are rendered really poorly (page2) ADDITIONAL CONTEXTAdd any other context about the problem here. It took me a while to get the 16 data pins correct for color, but I believe this is verified correct by the 5 red, 6 green and 5 blue virtual LEDs. Each one changed by one significant bit. I have also tried flashing the device with lvgl-micropython. I've used the same display parameters here, as I did in the lcgl-micropython rgb_display driver. Under that framework there is no glitching, the display is rock solid even with fast data charting and all the widgets I've tried so far display properly. (Please, remember to close the issue when the problem has been addressed) |
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Replies: 15 comments 36 replies
Multiple problems here. Unfortunately I don't have such a large display, I have only 480x480. Is it possible to have a short video. There are at least 2 possible causes for glittering, and visible artifacts are very different in both cases |
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Also there seem to be a RGB mapping problem which makes the gradients look so bad |
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Can you try this:
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Do you have the parameters of ST7262 from Micropython for this display? This would help a lot because there are MANY parameters |
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Thank you so much @s-hadinger , I'll try tonight after work. I note the SPI initialization, but an SPI port doesn't appear to be used for display on this board at all. From the datasheet max DCLKP is about 25MHz, my/our clock frequency is about half that. Following on from this I believe that all the figures in this table which have the 'Unit measure' as DCLK should be doubled to reflect this. In micropython I tried both the min and max of these new values for all porch widths and pulse widths. Bottom line no effect, same as the idle_low settings, no impact at all. If I pushed past some of these limits there was failures. DCLKP is definitely active low (falling edge) The following appears to work perfectly under lvgl_micropython on the same board. If I used exactly the same data pin assignments on Tasmota the RGB (565) displays as BRG, (556) so I needed to swap the bytes around. Obviously not entirely correct.
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Small glitch example, always to the right. |
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Looking at schematic there doesn't appear to be any I2C or SPI connections between ESP and ST7262 which would allow for configuring registers. Only the RGB interface is exposed. I would have to assume that the default startup register configuration is suitable, as is, for the lvhl_micropython rgb_driver on this particular board. |
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Thanks. The glitch does look like an interrupt that breaks the flow of data from PSRAM. Let's address this later. From the pinout and the Micropython, your first line should be (pinout was mixed up):
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Hello there. Same im allready 3 days struggling to get this display work with TASMOTA. Here is my berry driver:
Adding :B parameter solves big/little ending problem, so the colors are now allright. The only problem is still glitching same as described by Mark. Did many tests, but the only option for this display to stop glitching with tasmota is to force it work somehow with lower DCLK, usually under 10 mhz, but i had no success with tons of configs to run it under 12 MHz. I have another 7ich display with EK9716 driver (Sunton), runing same resolution, but there i was able to run it on 8Mhz stable without glitching. But same for this display when set over 10Mhz. Anyone some idea to fix this mess with hi-res displays in Tasmota? |
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Have you measured the relevant clocks? |
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Hi Developer/s, Is it likely that this issue can be fixed at some point in the nearish future? Or is such a large displays (800 x 480) not really compatible with Tasmota, due to the size of the frame buffer? I have managed to get the display stable with lvgl_micropython, however I've now really embraced the Tasmota framework for many of my projects rather than MicroPython on ESP32 devices. I'm guessing that not many people are using such a large display (with RGB) , and as such might be at the bottom of your already busy lists. If possible I would just like an idea of where this sits so I can plan accordingly. Many thanks, for all your assistance so far. |
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I own one of these Displays, too. Bought it some time ago, didn't get the display running that time. I tried an older Tasmota build, I run My custom build doesn't include the color picker, not sure, but the scales also seem to look the same. BUT changing to another page runs without image disturbance! :) I just tested my custom firmware I use for the Sunton 7" touch displays. I spent three days (don't ask!) to get it running with touch, display AND I2S sound... It's not much more than the tasmota32s3-qio_opi build including USE_I2S_ALL in the end.... Oh, and I added
to the user_config_override.h! Anyway, since the Waveshare also runs smoother using Tasmota in comparison to 14.3 or 14.4 - just the same as the Sunton ESP32-S3 does - something new in Tasmota must interfere with the display.... Just give 14.1. a chance (I use because that exact version was the latest in dev branch the time I first time got the Sunton 7" running), it's worth a try! :) |
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@MarkMakies @TheHexaMaster @bertlpower @s-hadinger |
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For reference, here is the configuration for Waveshare ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-7
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This board uses the I/O Extension Chip CH422 Works the SD-Interface ? Is CH422 supported by Tasmota? |
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@MarkMakies @TheHexaMaster @bertlpower @s-hadinger
Thx for all your Infos and tests. We finally found the bug and fixed it. The bug was in the Tasmota Arduino framework. The compiled and used
was not correctly build for the S3 when using OPI PSRAM.Fixed in latest Platform (2025.02.30) which is already merged and used in branch development.
My tests with a RGB 800x480 Display driven by an esp32-S3 with OPI PSRAM are without Jitter now.
Before it was not possible to find working settings where no massive Jitter occured