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base repository: vsamtuc/tinyos3
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base: master
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head repository: arelli/tinyos3
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compare: master
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Showing with 1,708 additions and 217 deletions.
  1. +270 −2 kernel_pipe.c
  2. +37 −0 kernel_pipe.h
  3. +145 −54 kernel_proc.c
  4. +17 −6 kernel_proc.h
  5. +119 −15 kernel_sched.c
  6. +39 −2 kernel_sched.h
  7. +393 −8 kernel_socket.c
  8. +91 −0 kernel_socket.h
  9. +224 −8 kernel_threads.c
  10. +9 −0 kernel_threads.h
  11. +12 −1 tinyos.h
  12. +18 −6 tinyos_shell.c
  13. +77 −74 util.h
  14. +257 −41 validate_api.c
  15. BIN
272 changes: 270 additions & 2 deletions kernel_pipe.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,277 @@

#include "tinyos.h"
#include "kernel_pipe.h"
#include "kernel_cc.h"

static file_ops readOperations = {
.Open = NULL,
.Read = pipe_read,
.Write = NULL,
.Close = pipe_reader_close

static file_ops writeOperations = {
.Open = NULL,
.Read = NULL,
.Write = pipe_write,
.Close = pipe_writer_close

@brief Initialize the Pipe Control Block.
@returns The Initialized Pipe Control Block
Pipe_CB* pipe_init() {

Pipe_CB* new_Pipe_CB = xmalloc(sizeof(Pipe_CB)); // Space allocation of the new pipe control block

// Reader, Writer FCB's
new_Pipe_CB->reader = NULL;
new_Pipe_CB->writer = NULL;

// Reader and writer position of the buffer
new_Pipe_CB->w_position = 0;
new_Pipe_CB->r_position = 0;

// Condition variables initialized
new_Pipe_CB->has_space = COND_INIT;
new_Pipe_CB->has_data = COND_INIT;

// Current word length
new_Pipe_CB->word_length = 0;

return new_Pipe_CB;

@brief @brief Construct and returns two file id's by reference.
Firstly acquire a number of FCBs and corresponding fids by calling FCB_reserve().
Then the pipe is initialized, streams are connected to the pipe control block (@c streamobj)
@param pipe a pointer to a pipe_t structure for storing the file ids.
@returns 0 on success, or -1 on error. Possible reasons for error:
- the available file ids for the process are exhausted.
int sys_Pipe(pipe_t* pipe)
return -1;
// Arguments for FCB_reserve
Fid_t fid[2];
FCB* fcb[2];

// If reserve return 1 then connection successfully created
// In case of error return -1
if(!FCB_reserve(2, fid, fcb)){
return -1;

// Return read & write fid (by reference)
pipe->read = fid[0];
pipe->write = fid[1];

// Initialize new Pipe Control block
Pipe_CB* new_pipe_cb = pipe_init();

// Set streams to point to the pipe_cb objects
fcb[0]->streamobj = new_pipe_cb;
fcb[1]->streamobj = new_pipe_cb;

// Save the read and write FCBs
new_pipe_cb->reader = fcb[0];
new_pipe_cb->writer = fcb[1];

// Set the functions for read/write
fcb[0]->streamfunc = &readOperations;
fcb[1]->streamfunc = &writeOperations;
return 0;

@brief Function to write at a Pipe Control Block .
Firstly make the following checks in order to continue:\n
1) Pipe Control Block exists.\n
2) Source Buffer exists.\n
3) The given size is valid.\n
4) The reader is activated.\n
5) The writer is activated in order to proceed (sockets).\n
The "size" bytes of source buffer are stored into the PipeCB buffer one by one.
At every entry the word length counter and writer possition increments.
If word length == length of pipe buffer the pipe is waiting until space is available
The pipe buffer is bounded(ring).
At the end broadcast that data is available to read(wake up reader).
@param pipecb_t A pointer to a pipe_CB object.
@param *buf The buffer with the data to write.
@param size The max size to write at the pipe's buffer(bytes).
@returns The number of bytes we wrote.
int pipe_write(void* pipecb_t, const char *buf, unsigned int size){
Pipe_CB* pipe_CB = (Pipe_CB*)pipecb_t;

if(pipe_CB==NULL || buf==NULL || size < 1 || pipe_CB->writer == NULL || pipe_CB->reader == NULL)
return -1;

// Initialize buffer counter
int buffer_counter=0;

while(buffer_counter < size && pipe_CB->reader != NULL){
// Store byte from our given buffer to the pipe_CB buffer
pipe_CB->buffer[pipe_CB->w_position] = buf[buffer_counter];

// Increment w_position
// Increment word length(distance between w and r position)

// If writer wrote all buffer and reader is sleeping
// until new data is read from the pipe, to free space
while(pipe_CB->word_length == (int)PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE)

// When writer pointer reaches end of buffer, cycle to the beginning
if(pipe_CB->w_position == ((int)PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)){
pipe_CB->w_position = 0;
// Signal the reader that there are data available to read
// Increment buffer counter


if(pipe_CB->reader == NULL && pipe_CB->word_length == size)
return -1;
return buffer_counter;

@brief Function to read from a Pipe Control Block .
Firstly make the following checks in order to continue:\n
1) Pipe Control Block exists.\n
2) Destination Buffer exists.\n
3) The given size is valid.\n
4) The reader is activated in order to proceed (sockets).\n
The "size" bytes of pipe's buffer are stored into the given buffer one by one. At every char
we read, the reader position increments, and word length decrements.
If word length = 0 in the pipe buffer the pipe reader is waiting until data are available
The pipe buffer is bounded.
At the end broadcast that new space is available to write. (wake up writer)
@param pipecb_t A pointer to a pipe_cb to read data from.
@param *buf The buffer to store the data
@param size The max size to read from the pipe's buffer(bytes)
@returns The number of stored bytes
int pipe_read(void* pipecb_t, char *buf, unsigned int size){
Pipe_CB* pipe_CB = (Pipe_CB*)pipecb_t;

if(pipe_CB==NULL || buf==NULL || size<1 || pipe_CB->reader == NULL )
return -1;

// Initialize buffer counter
int buffer_counter=0;

while(buffer_counter < size){
// No data to Read
if(pipe_CB->writer == NULL)
/* In case there is no more data stored and writer is closed,
return how much data has already been read.
If writer was already closed when pipe_read() was called
then it will return 0.
return buffer_counter;
/* if we expect someone to write, sleep till then*/
kernel_wait(&pipe_CB->has_data, SCHED_PIPE);

// Store the data that read
buf[buffer_counter] = pipe_CB->buffer[pipe_CB->r_position];
// Move to the next read position
// Word length decrements

// // When reader pointer reaches end of buffer, cycle to the beginning (Bounded Buffer)
if(pipe_CB->r_position == ((int)PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)){
pipe_CB->r_position = 0;
// If word_length < PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE then there is space to write new data.
// Increment buffer_counter

return buffer_counter;

@brief Close the write end of the given pipe.
If the given pipe exists and and the writer is activated
then the writer is set to NULL.
If the reader is also NULL then free Pipe Control Block
@param _pipecb: Pipe id(pointer to pipe_CB).
@returns 0 on success and -1 in case of error.
int pipe_writer_close(void* _pipecb){
Pipe_CB* pipe_CB = (Pipe_CB*)_pipecb;

// Cases of failure
if(pipe_CB == NULL || pipe_CB->writer == NULL)
return -1;

// Set writer FCB to NULL
pipe_CB->writer = NULL;

// Wake reader to read the remaining data

// If reader FCB is NULL too, free pipe control block
if (pipe_CB->reader == NULL)
return 0;

@brief Close the read end of the given pipe.
If the given pipe exists and and the reader is activated
then the reader sets to NULL.
If the writer is also NULL then free Pipe Control Block
@param _pipecb: Pipe id (pointer to pipe_CB).
@returns 0 on success and -1 in case of error.
int pipe_reader_close(void* _pipecb){
Pipe_CB* pipe_CB = (Pipe_CB*)_pipecb;

// Cases of failure
if(pipe_CB == NULL || pipe_CB->reader == NULL)
return -1;

// Set reader FCB to null
pipe_CB->reader = NULL;

// Deallocate the Pipe Control Bock if both reader-writer are closed
if(pipe_CB->writer == NULL)

return 0;
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions kernel_pipe.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#include "tinyos.h"
#include "kernel_streams.h"
/* Size of Buffer 16kB*/
#define PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE 16384

@brief Pipe Control Block.
This structure holds all information pertaining to a Pipe.
typedef struct pipe_control_block {
/* Pointers to read/write from buffer*/
FCB *reader, *writer;

/* For blocking writer if no space is available*/
CondVar has_space;
/* For blocking reader until data are available*/
CondVar has_data;
/* Write and Read position in buffer*/
int w_position, r_position;
/* Bounded (cyclic) byte buffer*/
char buffer[PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE];

int word_length;

} Pipe_CB;

Pipe_CB* pipe_init();
int sys_Pipe(pipe_t* pipe);

int pipe_write(void* pipecb_t, const char *buf, unsigned int n);

int pipe_read(void* pipecb_t, char *buf, unsigned int n);

int pipe_writer_close(void* _pipecb);

int pipe_reader_close(void* _pipecb);