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Conference programme |
Programme of the 14th edition of the international congress ArcheoFOSS: open software, hardware, processes, data, and formats in archaeological research |
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{: .text-danger .text-center} Scheduled for 17th of October 2020, 10:00-13:00 CEST
Panel 3. Development and Customization of FLOS Software and Hardware Solutions for Cultural Heritage
10:00 [CEST] Joseph Lewis
Leastcostpath: Modelling Pathways and Movement Potential Within a Landscape. -
10:25 [CEST] Augusto Palombini
The virtual countryman. A GRASS-GIS tool for ancient cultivation identification -
10:50 [CEST] Simone Berto, Emanuel Demetrescu
3D Survey Collection, un software per la produzione di repliche digitali. Il caso studio del foro romano di Nora (Sardegna, CA) -
11:15 [CEST] Coffee break
11:40 [CEST] Irene Carpanese
Pubblicare i dati archeologici con A.R.C.A.: stato dei lavori e prospettive future. -
12:05 [CEST] Emanuel Demetrescu, Bruno Fanini
The use of 3D tools to improve the transformation of the archaeological record into a virtual reconstruction: EMtools and EMviq open source software. -
12:30 [CEST] Timo Homburg, Florian Thiery
Little Minions and SPARQL Unicorns as tools for archaeology.