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Conference programme |
Programme of the 14th edition of the international congress ArcheoFOSS: open software, hardware, processes, data, and formats in archaeological research |
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{: .text-danger .text-center} Scheduled for 16th of October 2020, 09:30-12:30 CEST
09:30 [CEST] Gabriele Gattiglia, Francesca Anichini
The ArchAIDE Archive. -
09:55 [CEST] Benjamin Ducke
Developing long-term infrastructure for open archaeology research data: iDAI.world. -
10:20 [CEST] Mirella Serlorenzi, Riccardo Montalbano, Ascanio D’Andrea, Carlo Cifarelli
SITAR: a new OPEN DATA infrastructure for a public archaeology of Rome. -
10:45 [CEST] Coffee break
11:10 [CEST] Sophie C. Schmidt, Florian Thiery
SPARQLing ᚑᚌᚆᚐᚋ: Publication of Irish Ogham Stones as LOD -
11:35 [CEST] Katja Roesler, Frederic Auth, Wenke Domscheit, Kerstin P. Hofmann
Digital Editions of Objects and Classes: The Conspectus as an online system of relations and references. -
12:00 [CEST] Nicola Laneri, Rodolfo Brancato, Salvatore Cristofaro, Marianna Figuera, Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo, Daniele Francesco Santamaria, Daria Spampinato
Towards an ontology of the Museum of Archaeology of the University of Catania: from the legacy data digitization to the semantic web.