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Conference programme |
Programme of the 14th edition of the international congress ArcheoFOSS: open software, hardware, processes, data, and formats in archaeological research |
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{: .text-danger .text-center} Scheduled for 15th of October 2020, 14:15-16:00 CEST
14:15 [CEST] Filippo Diara, Fulvio Rinaudo
Towards FreeCAD experimentations and validation as a FOSS HBIM platform for building archaeology purposes. -
14:40 [CEST] Ben Price
Virtual Archaeology for the little guy? A case-study based assessment of the feasibility and sustainability of minimal resource VR modeling and its applicability to small-scale archaeological research. -
15:05 [CEST] Saverio Giulio Malatesta
Cultura libera per la valorizzazione territoriale: metodologie e strumenti aperti. -
15:30 [CEST] Paolo Rosati
FLOS per i Musei: soluzioni open per formare le comunità e gestire i luoghi culturali.