Information about a routing form.
Visit official API Doc
Get a specified Routing Form.
Visit official API Doc
client.routing_forms.retrieve(uuid: form_uuid)
#=> #<Calendlyr::RoutingForm>
Get a list of Routing Forms for a specified Organization.
Visit official API Doc
For the example bellow we will use only required parameters, but you can use any other parameter as well.
client.routing_forms.list(organization: organization_uri)
#=> #<Calendlyr::Collection @data=[#<Calendlyr::RoutingForm>, ...], @count=nil, @next_page=nil, @next_page_token=nil, @client=#<Calendlyr::Client>>
#=> #<Calendlyr::Organization>
For the example bellow we will use not parameters, but you can use the allowed parameters in Calendly docs.
#=> #<Calendlyr::Collection @data=[#<Calendlyr::RoutingForms::Submission>, ...], @count=nil, @next_page=nil, @next_page_token=nil, @client=#<Calendlyr::Client>>