Organization Invitation object.
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Returns an Organization Invitation that was sent to the organization's members.
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client.organizations.retrieve_invitation(org_uuid: organization_uuid, uuid: invitation_uuid)
#=> #<Calendlyr::Organizations::Invitation>
Invites a user to an organization.
Visit official API Doc
client.organizations.invite(organization_uuid: organization_uuid, email: "[email protected]")
#=> #<Calendlyr::Organizations::Invitation>
Returns a list of Organization Invitations that were sent to the organization's members.
Visit official API Doc
For the example bellow we will use not parameters, but you can use the allowed parameters in Calendly docs.
client.organizations.list_invitations(uuid: organization_uuid)
#=> #<Calendlyr::Collection @data=[#<Calendlyr::Organizations::Invitation>, ...], @count=nil, @next_page=nil, @next_page_token=nil, @client=#<Calendlyr::Client>>
#=> #<Calendlyr::Organization>
#=> #<Calendlyr::User>