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MBBS Resources |
Not the resource website you deserve, but the one you need right now |
Are you a medical student looking for resources to enhance your MBBS studies? Look no further! Here is a collection of valuable resources, including textbooks, journals, online courses, and software, to help you excel in your studies. While some of the resources may be specific to students in Belarus (I try to mark them with a 🇧🇾 emoji), but the majority can be useful to any MBBS student anywhere in the world. Whether you're just starting your studies or preparing for your exams, these resources are here to help you succeed.
This is meant to be a collaborative endeavor, so if you have things to add, you're more than welcome to contribute by sending me an email.
Warning: Excessive studying of medicine may lead to a sudden onset of medical jargon and a tendency to diagnose everyone around you with rare diseases. Use caution and take breaks to socialize with non-medical students to avoid becoming a medical bore. Side effects may include a sense of superiority, insufferable confidence, and as my Friends use to say may acquire God Syndrome.