React native assessment using typescript, redux persist.
- On launch, app will launch on a white screen at the HOME Tab.
- We should press on More tab and it should take us to a view that has a button.
- If we press on that button, it should open a modal (using wix modal) and it should fetch user data from api, then save them in redux, then show them in cards.
- If we press on “Add” button, it should go to a subview within the same modal where we can add some text and press DONE.
- When we add the text and press done, we should automatically go back to the modal and the text that we added should be in a card on top of the list.
- If we close the app and relaunch it, we should see the same list in the modal (with redux persist). (No need to fetch again, only first time)
- Please keep UI as close as possible.
- Make sure final codebase is super clean and organized.
Use for api calls
Wix navigation:
Redux store:
Redux persist:
Use React Native Flatlist for The cells in the modal.
Written in Typescript
npm install -g npm
cd typescript-react-native-demo-assesment
npm install
npm run android
cd typescript-react-native-demo-assesment
npm install
cd ios
pod install
npm run ios