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PIP 77: Contribute Supernova to Apache Pulsar

Sijie Guo edited this page Jan 5, 2021 · 1 revision

PIP: Contribute Supernova to Apache Pulsar

At Chatroulette we have developed a Pulsar client library for Haskell - Supernova. The repository is here: and the library is here: We would like to contribute the project back to the Pulsar community.


Currently, there are no official client libraries for Haskell. Therefore we have written one entirely in Haskell (implementing the binary protocol).


Supernova only implements some basic functionality.

  • Service discovery (LOOKUP).
  • Producing message with/without metadata.
  • Consuming messages using all subscription types and seeking.


Supernova is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 and it has the following dependencies - listed on Hackage.

  • async, base, bifunctor, binary, bytestring, crc32c, exceptions, lens-family-core, lens-family-th, managed, mtl, network, proto-lens and proto-lens-runtime licensed under BSD-3-Clause.
  • logging licensed under MIT.
  • text licensed under BSD-2-Clause.

We are looking forward to any feedback.

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