In addition to HTTP API, we also offer a built-in GRPC Agent service server.
If you need to enable GRPC server, you can configure it in the config.toml file as follows:
activate = 'true'
max_workers = 10
server_port = 50051
- activate: The gRPC server will only start when this value is set to
. - max_workers: TThe maximum number of threads in the gRPC server thread pool, with a default of 10.
- server_port: The service port of the gRPC server, with a default of 50051.
And then,proceed to start the gRPC server:
from agentuniverse.agent_serve.web.web_booster import start_web_server
from agentuniverse.base.agentuniverse import AgentUniverse
The complete definition file for the gRPC service interface is as follows:
syntax = "proto3";
package agentuniverse;
service AgentUniverseService {
rpc service_run(AgentServiceRequest) returns (AgentServiceResponse);
rpc service_run_async(AgentServiceRequest) returns (AgentServiceResponse);
rpc service_run_result(AgentResultRequest) returns (AgentServiceResponse);
message AgentServiceRequest {
string service_id = 1;
string params = 2;
bool saved = 3;
message AgentServiceResponse {
string message = 1;
bool success = 2;
string request_id = 3;
string result = 4;
message AgentResultRequest {
string request_id = 1;
Similar to the Web API, the gRPC service includes three interfaces:
service AgentUniverseService {
rpc service_run(AgentServiceRequest) returns (AgentServiceResponse);
rpc service_run_async(AgentServiceRequest) returns (AgentServiceResponse);
rpc service_run_result(AgentResultRequest) returns (AgentServiceResponse);
- service_run: Synchronously invokes an Agent service, blocking until the Agent returns results.
- service_run_async: Asynchronously invokes an Agent service, initially returning a
. The result of the Agent service can be queried later using theservice_run_result
interface with this ID. - service_run_result: Queries the result of the Agent service.
The request body structure for invoking an Agent service is as follows::
message AgentServiceRequest {
string service_id = 1;
string params = 2;
bool saved = 3;
- service_id: The unique identifier for the model service registered in the application.
- params: The service input parameters in JSON String format, which will be parsed by
into the form of**kwargs
passed to the underlying Agent. - saved: Whether to save the result of this request. If set to
, the result of this request will not be available for querying via theservice_run_result
The request body structure for querying the result of an Agent service is as follows:
message AgentResultRequest {
string request_id = 1;
- request_id: The request ID to be queried.
The structure of the return result is as follows:
message AgentServiceResponse {
string message = 1;
bool success = 2;
string request_id = 3;
string result = 4;
- message: Detailed error information provided when the request fails.
- success: Indicates whether the request was successfully executed.
- request_id: The ID of this request.
- result: The outcome of executing the Agent service. In the asynchronous interface
, this field is initially empty as the result is not immediately available.
import grpc
from agentuniverse.agent_serve.web.rpc.grpc import agentuniverse_service_pb2, \
# Start you server_application first.
def test_run():
with grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:50051') as channel:
stub = agentuniverse_service_pb2_grpc.AgentUniverseServiceStub(channel)
response = stub.service_run(agentuniverse_service_pb2.AgentServiceRequest(
print("client received: " + response.request_id)
response = stub.service_run_result(agentuniverse_service_pb2.AgentResultRequest(
print("client received: " + response.result)