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community.zabbix.zabbix_web role

Zabbix Web

Table of Contents



Operating Systems

This role will work on the following operating systems:

  • RedHat
  • Debian
  • Ubuntu

So, you'll need one of those operating systems.. :-) Please send Pull Requests or suggestions when you want to use this role for other Operating systems.

Ansible 2.10 and higher

With the release of Ansible 2.10, modules have been moved into collections. With the exception of ansible.builtin modules, this means additonal collections must be installed in order to use modules such as seboolean (now ansible.posix.seboolean). The following collections are now required: ansible.posix. Installing the collections:

ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general

Zabbix Versions

See the following list of supported Operating Systems with the Zabbix releases.

Zabbix 6.4 6.0
Red Hat Fam 9 V V
Red Hat Fam 8 V V
Ubuntu 24.04 noble V V
Ubuntu 22.04 jammy V V
Ubuntu 20.04 focal V V
Debian 12 bookworm V V
Debian 11 bullseye V V

You can bypass this matrix by setting enable_version_check: false


Installing this role is very simple: ansible-galaxy install community.zabbix.zabbix_web

When the Zabbix Web needs to be running on the same host as the Zabbix Server, please also install the Zabbix Server by executing the following command: ansible-galaxy install community.zabbix.zabbix_server

Default username/password for the Zabbix Web interface is the default.

Username: Admin Password: zabbix

Role Variables

Main variables

The following is an overview of all available configuration defaults for this role.

Overall Zabbix

  • zabbix_web_version: Optional. The latest available major.minor version of Zabbix will be installed on the host(s). If you want to use an older version, please specify this in the major.minor format. Example: zabbix_web_version: 6.0.
  • zabbix_web_version_minor: When you want to specify a minor version to be installed. RedHat only. Default set to: * (latest available)
  • zabbix_web_disable_repo: A list of repos to disable during install. Default epel.
  • zabbix_web_package_state: Default: present. Can be overridden to latest to update packages when needed.
  • zabbix_web_doubleprecision: Default: False. For upgraded installations, please read database upgrade notes (Paragraph "Enabling extended range of numeric (float) values") before enabling this option.
  • zabbix_web_conf_mode: Default: 0644. The "mode" for the Zabbix configuration file.
  • zabbix_manage_repo: Have the collection install and configure the Zabbix repo Default true.

Zabbix Web specific

  • zabbix_api_server_url: This is the url on which the zabbix web interface is available. Default is, you should override it. For example, see "Example Playbook"
  • zabbix_web_http_server: Which web server is in use. Valid values are 'apache' and 'nginx'. Default is apache
  • zabbix_url_aliases: A list with Aliases for the Apache Virtual Host configuration.
  • zabbix_timezone: Default: Europe/Amsterdam. This is the timezone. The Apache Virtual Host needs this parameter.
  • zabbix_web_create_vhost: Default: true. When you don't want to create an Apache Virtual Host configuration, you can set it to False.
  • zabbix_web_create_php_fpm: Configure php-fpm (Debian hosts only). Default is to use the same value as zabbix_web_create_vhost.
  • zabbix_web_env: (Optional) A Dictionary of PHP Environments settings.
  • zabbix_web_user: When provided, the user (which should already exist on the host) will be used for ownership for web/php related processes. (Default set to either apache (www-data for Debian) or nginx).
  • zabbix_web_group: When provided, the group (which should already exist on the host) will be used for ownership for web/php related processes. (Default set to either apache (www-data for Debian) or nginx).
  • zabbix_web_connect_ha_backend: (Optional) Default: false. When set to true values for Zabbix server will not be written and frontend gets values from database to connect to active cluster node. Set true when operating Zabbix servers in a cluste (only >=6.0).
  • zabbix_saml_idp_crt: (Optional) The path to the certificate of the Identity Provider used for SAML authentication
  • zabbix_saml_sp_crt: (Optional) The path to the public certificate of Zabbix as Service Provider
  • zabbix_saml_sp_key: (Optional) The path to the private certificate of Zabbix as Service Provider

Apache/Nginx Configuration

  • zabbix_web_vhost_port: The port on which Zabbix HTTP vhost is running.
  • zabbix_web_vhost_tls_port: The port on which Zabbix HTTPS vhost is running.
  • zabbix_web_vhost_listen_ip: On which interface the Apache Virtual Host is available.
  • zabbix_web_max_execution_time: PHP max execution time
  • zabbix_web_memory_limit: PHP memory limit
  • zabbix_web_post_max_size: PHP maximum post size
  • zabbix_web_upload_max_filesize: PHP maximum file size
  • zabbix_web_max_input_time:
  • zabbix_web_tls: If the Apache vhost should be configured with TLS encryption or not.
  • zabbix_web_redirect: If a redirect should take place from HTTP to HTTPS
  • zabbix_web_tls_crt: The path to the TLS certificate file.
  • zabbix_web_tls_key: The path to the TLS key file.
  • zabbix_web_tls_chain: The path to the TLS certificate chain file.
  • zabbix_web_SSLPassPhraseDialog: Type of pass phrase dialog for encrypted private keys.
  • zabbix_web_SSLSessionCache: Type of the global/inter-process SSL Session Cache
  • zabbix_web_SSLSessionCacheTimeout: Number of seconds before an SSL session expires in the Session Cache
  • zabbix_web_SSLCryptoDevice: Enable use of a cryptographic hardware accelerator
  • zabbix_apache_custom_includes: Configure custom includes. Default: []

When zabbix_web_tls_crt, zabbix_web_tls_key and/or zabbix_web_tls_chain are used, make sure that these files exists before executing this role. The Zabbix-Web role will not install the mentioned files.

See for SSL* configuration options for Apache HTTPD.

Nginx configuration


The following properties are specific to Zabbix 5.0 and for the PHP(-FPM) configuration:

  • zabbix_php_fpm_session: The directory where sessions will be stored. If none are provided, defaults are used.

  • zabbix_php_fpm_listen: The path to a socket file or ipaddress:port combination on which PHP-FPM needs to listen. If none are provided, defaults are used.

  • zabbix_php_fpm_conf_listen: Default: true. If we want to configure the zabbix_php_fpm_listen in the PHP-FPM configuration file.

  • zabbix_php_fpm_conf_user: The owner of the socket file (When zabbix_php_fpm_listen contains a patch to a socket file).

  • zabbix_php_fpm_conf_group: The group of the owner of the socket file (When zabbix_php_fpm_listen contains a patch to a socket file).


Selinux changes will be installed based on the status of selinux running on the target system.

  • selinux_allow_httpd_can_connect_zabbix: Default: false. Set SELinux boolean to allow httpd to connect to zabbix.
  • selinux_allow_httpd_can_connect_ldap: Default: false. Set SELinux boolean to allow httpd to connect to LDAP.
  • selinux_allow_httpd_can_network_connect_db: Default: false Set SELinux boolean to allow httpd to connect databases over the network.

Zabbix Server

  • zabbix_server_name: The name of the Zabbix Server.
  • zabbix_server_database: The type of database used. Can be: mysql or pgsql
  • zabbix_server_hostname: The hostname on which the zabbix-server is running. Default set to: {{ inventory_hostname }}
  • zabbix_server_listenport: On which port the Zabbix Server is available. Default: 10051
  • zabbix_server_dbhost: The hostname on which the database is running.
  • zabbix_server_dbname: The database name which is used by the Zabbix Server.
  • zabbix_server_dbuser: The database username which is used by the Zabbix Server.
  • zabbix_server_dbpassword: The database user password which is used by the Zabbix Server.
  • zabbix_server_dbport: The database port which is used by the Zabbix Server.
  • zabbix_server_dbencryption: Use encryption with the database connection

The following properties are related when using Elasticsearch for history storage:

  • zabbix_server_history_url: String with url to the Elasticsearch server or a list if the types are stored on different Elasticsearch URLs.
  • zabbix_server_history_types: List of history types to store in Elasticsearch.

See the following links for more information regarding Zabbix and Elasticsearch


When the target host does not have access to the internet, but you do have a proxy available then the following properties needs to be set to download the packages via the proxy:

  • zabbix_http_proxy
  • zabbix_https_proxy


The majority of tasks within this role are tagged as follows:

  • install: Tasks associated with the installation of software.
  • dependencies: Installation tasks related to dependencies that aren't part of the core zabbix installation.
  • database: Tasks associated with the installation or configuration of the database.
  • api: Tasks associated with using the Zabbix API to connect and modify the Zabbix server.
  • config: Tasks associated with the configuration of Zabbix or a supporting service.
  • service: Tasks associated with managing a service.

Example Playbook

There are two ways of using the zabbix-web:

  • Single instance
  • Multi host setup

Single instance

When there is one host running both Zabbix Server and the Zabbix Web (Running MySQL as database):

- hosts: zabbix-server
  become: yes
    - role: geerlingguy.apache
    - role: geerlingguy.php
    - role: community.zabbix.zabbix_server
      zabbix_server_database: mysql
      zabbix_db_type_long: mysql
      zabbix_server_dbport: 3306
    - role: community.zabbix.zabbix_web
      zabbix_server_database: mysql
      zabbix_db_type_long: mysql
      zabbix_server_dbport: 3306

Multi host setup

This is a two host setup. On one host (Named: "zabbix-server") the Zabbix Server is running, and the other host (Named: zabbix-web) runs Zabbix Web (with MySQL as database):

- hosts: zabbix-server
  become: yes
    - role: community.zabbix.zabbix_server
      zabbix_server_database: mysql
      zabbix_db_type_long: mysql
      zabbix_server_dbport: 3306

- hosts: zabbix-web
  become: yes
    - role: geerlingguy.apache
    - role: geerlingguy.php
    - role: community.zabbix.zabbix_web
      zabbix_server_hostname: zabbix-server
      zabbix_server_database: mysql
      zabbix_db_type_long: mysql
      zabbix_server_dbport: 3306

Adding Environment Variables for zabbix_web

Sometimes you need to add environment variables to your zabbix.conf.php, for example to add LDAP CA certificates. To do this add a zabbix_web_env dictionary:

- hosts: zabbix-web
  become: yes
    - role: geerlingguy.apache
    - role: geerlingguy.php
      php_memory_limit: "128M"
      php_max_execution_time: "300"
      php_upload_max_filesize: "256M"
        - php
        - php-fpm
        - php-apcu
    - role: geerlingguy.apache-php-fpm
    - role: community.zabbix.zabbix_web
      zabbix_server_hostname: zabbix-server
      zabbix_server_database: mysql
      zabbix_db_type_long: mysql
      zabbix_server_dbport: 3306
        LDAPTLS_CACERT: /etc/ssl/certs/ourcert.pem

Using Elasticsearch for history storage

To use Elasticsearch for history storage you need to configure the zabbix_server_history_url and zabbix_server_history_types. You will also need to configure Elasticsearch in the zabbix_server role.

Zabbix can store the following history types in Elasticsearch:

  • Numeric (unsigned) - uint
  • Numeric (float) - dbl
  • Character - str
  • Log - log
  • Text - text

To store all history types in the same history URL the following variables should be set (make sure history url points to your Elasticsearch cluster):

zabbix_server_history_url: "http://localhost:9200"
  - 'str'
  - 'text'
  - 'log'
  - 'uint'
  - 'dbl'


This role is configured to be tested with Molecule. You can find on this page some more information regarding Molecule:

With each Pull Request, Molecule will be executed via Pull Requests will only be merged once these tests run successfully.


GNU General Public License v3.0 or later

See LICENCE to see the full text.

Author Information

Please send suggestion or pull requests to make this role better. Also let us know if you encounter any issues installing or using this role.
