Releases: angular-ui/ui-grid
Releases · angular-ui/ui-grid
Bug Fixes
- pinning: blank space between pinnedRight column and the last unpinned column
- core: option to disable GridMenu close on scrolling
- exporter: add export type in format method
Bug Fixes
- clear selection function
- Find or Select by Row Entity's 'ID'
- exchanged filter() with every()
- i18n: complete ru locale
- resize-columns: width gets adjusted so that ellipses aren't shown
- added option to disable multi-column sorting
- added the ability to disable hide columns on a grid level
- fixed issue that allowed viewport height to be negative
- export filter with time part ('date:"MM-dd-YYYY HH:mm').
- addressed error when entering *+ combination in the column filter
- added missing german translation for selection and validate
- canvas now has a minimum height of 1px, which renders it even if it has no data
- adjustColumns now calculates the colIndex instead of guessing it scrollpercentage
- add missing translations for es, fr, it and pt
- improve accessibility in the grid menus and selection
- use allowFloatWidth property to allow float calculations for width
- ensure select all checkbox is announced correctly
- remove extra $applyAsync from header-cell
- clearSelectedRows should respect enableSelection